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Announcement Introducing Veteran members


ICMag Donor
Thank you for your support @tobedetermined & @buteo! We already have set up the Vip Lounge, Trading Post and IcMag Archive here: https://www.icmag.com/categories/icmag-premium-subscriber-forums.17947577/
We are still working on sorting through the info in the Archives and setting up rules for the Trading Post, but wanted to have something ready for you to check asap.
Also, if anyone has ideas or suggestions on what benefits they would like as a premium subscriber, we are open to hearing them.
See you in the premium subforums soon! :wave:
I can see the cannabis getting really good around here with a proper trading post to swap seeds. Thanks everyone for contributing to this great community of growers.

Respect for not moving over to other more popular social media platforms. ICMAG is one of the best though, because its not used to collect data and profile its users, and ICMAG is moderated by members of the forum, not censored by big brother the government or other high ranking political bad actors like other platforms.

Power to the people and freedom of speech wins. This forum will continue to be a great contribution to society to help teach people to be self-reliant and be able to grow their own medicine.

Also whenever the lies come out this forum has been a source of truthful information, which helps keeps society on the right track.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to this community. Lots of valuable information in the scientific community is emerging, and it has been valuable to be able to have a place to share and discuss scientific literature and news.

We Must Hang Together Or Surely We Shall Hang Separately"

Benjamin Franklin — Famous Quotes​

Without Freedom of Thought, there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as publick Liberty, without Freedom of Speech.

— Benjamin Franklin, from “Silence Dogood” letters, printed in the New England Courant, July 9, 1722.

If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.

— Benjamin Franklin, from “Apology for Printers,” 1731.

We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.

— Benjamin Franklin, while signing the Declaration of Independence, on July 4, 1776.



ICMag Donor
Word of caution though against trading clones. We ALL need to be really careful NOT to spread the Hops Latent Virus or other diseases through clone trading.

Prevent spread by practicing good hygene. Sterilize cutting tools with rubbing alcohol, and there may be something to apply to clones to prevent disease.

4 Methods of Spread for Hop Latent Viroid: What Every Cultivator Should Know About This ‘Silent Killer’​

Dr. Zamir Punja, a professor of plant biotechnology at Simon Fraser University, explains what he’s uncovered in his recent research.

Seeds can also transmit the disease, but its much lower percentage around 5-15% I think it was.



pure dynamite
Thank you for your post and the support you offered us through patreon as well, @pipeline !
We are trying our best to still keep the forum safe and enjoyable for our members, in a world that most guys moved to platforms more catered to instant gratification and flashy pictures, hopefully we manage to retain our members and get new ones so we can continue to be here as close as the original format as possible, the real-deal international cannabis forums.

Trading post is still in the works as rules go, and ofc we will try to have all the needed info in there for both parties involved before launching it. Keep in mind we are just the platform that allows the pairing between the 2 people involved, the ultimate responsability to keep it safe both from a legal as well as phytosanitary standpoint falls on the users.


The Tri Guy
In this premium sub forum, is it something that only we can see, or something only we can post in?
I'm just wondering if standard grow threads could be run in there, where "the commoners" can't see. It's just that there may be one or two members, no names, who run more plants than they may be comfortable posting on open threads. Perhaps they keep what they post to numbers that wouldn't get them in too much trouble, but if they posted everything, might. Just asking for a friend 😁.

If it's just for trading genes though, that's cool too, just trying to get a grip on the scope of the sub forum.


ICMag Donor
On The Potcast Discord server we have something like that where its a chat lounge where only Patreon subscribers can post there. Its pretty cool, and has a lot of concentrated interesting content. Can also get questions answered quickly becuase its a think tank collection of knowledgeable enthusiasts.

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