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anyone seen it yet?

you all know that this movie was made 4 me!

I just wanted sum reviews since I am a cpl hrs from the closest theatre.

I just saw the "behind the scenes" stuff on direc tv w/ sean penn (director) and john krakauer (author...and my fav author)
I loved the book. And "into thin air" was incredible too. Krakauer is a bad ass. I dont see how this movie could possibly be bad, Ill probably check it out in the next few days, and that says a lot... I havent been to a movie theater in years.


Active member
can't wait to see it. there was an article in outside magazine and it just sounds awesome. the article really showed how passionate sean penn was about this project. i may just have to see the movie before reading the book since it's opened nationwide now. i watched lords of dogtown just to see what emile hirsch was all about.

i've heard nothing but good reviews about the movie.



Active member
ill prolly go see it alone tomorrow.

i havnt seen a movie in a theatre since like terminator 2......and i walked out of that.

but this one will keep me there no doubt!

BTW...ive read the book more than 10 times
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Active member
dbuzz said:
can't wait to see it. there was an article in outside magazine and it just sounds awesome. the article really showed how passionate sean penn was about this project. i may just have to see the movie before reading the book since it's opened nationwide now. i watched lords of dogtown just to see what emile hirsch was all about.

i've heard nothing but good reviews about the movie.


yeah the behind scenes flik i saw today showed sean penn pretty emotional about it..

spikoli ...and his kid were there..and I gotta say ive never seen so much emotion from sum people...krakauer too.....

the story is no joke, and sorry if it's contoversy to Alaskans......i can find faults in his diary all day, but CM had the guts to do what most peeps are scared of :headbange


Active member
i'm going to try and see this movie sometime next week. i think it's one of those movies to see alone also, and reflect on mccandless's adventure. i've read 'on the road', which is pretty similar in terms of leaving everything behind, and the idea is just so intriguing.

that article in outside talks to his family alot and is pretty detailed on both sides. after dealing with countless movie executives, and turning down offers, they choose penn write and direct. after penn met with the family a few times, and what seemed to be a go, chris's mom had a dream. chris didn't want a movie to be made. that was 9 years ago. i guess after so many years, things changed. they called penn, and he told them he'd devote 2 years of his life to everything about the movie.

you can get on youtube and watch videos of people visiting the bus. it's very surreal. penn respected the death site and made sure not to film there. he also said when he visited the site, mccandless's boots were still there! seems like most the visitors have respected the bus too, cept for the name tagging. amazing scenery on the trails to that place.

edit: you probably saw all that in behind the scenes, interesting tho!
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I haven't seen it, and probably won't be able to (damn finances...)

I will admit, the first mention I heard of "Into The Wild" going to the big screen, I instantly though of you, Nokuy! In a "Oh yeah, this is right up his alley!" sense :D


Active member
dbuzz said:
after penn met with the family a few times, and what seemed to be a go, chris's mom had a dream. chris didn't want a movie to be made. that was 9 years ago. i guess after so many years, things changed. they called penn, and he told them he'd devote 2 years of his life to everything about the movie.

I like what Sean Penn had to say about chris mccandles' moms' dreams

Penn said "if I didnt respect dreams I woulden't make movies"

...he respected their wishes, and only made the film after they said it was OK

..same w/ krakauer who only wrote the book w/ permission.

"class acts" in a society that most peeps would have just said fuk-U 10 years ago and made a piece of garbage out of it.

I'm soooo glad they did it the right way.
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Well-known member
Amazing book - seriously some of the best writing i've read in a while.

Not sure how it's going to translate to film though. Eddie Vedder soundtrack is pretty good though. Just hope Penn can pull it off.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
i saw the movie.... a little disappointed it was well made and the cinematography was good but it just didnt live up to expectations. i would give it a 3.5 out of 5. i was hoping for something a little more inspiring but i found the characters personal philosophy flawed and obviously fueled by disdain for his folks. once again the visuals were some of the most beautiful nature shots ive ever seen but the story as a whole did not have the impact i thought that it would.


Haven't seen the movie yet, although I doubt it will live up to the book.


Active member
...still havent seen it

scared to look into the mirror syndrome on this one

the kid is tooooo much like me.

i wanna see it bad and ive read the book 10000 times.

i dunno. :confused:
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Active member
yeah, i've decided to read the book first. i just can't spoil it by seeing the movie first.


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NOKUY, I probably should've read your sig previous to asking you that :-O

Though I think that Thoreau writes like a dandy, I still find he was bold enough to do what he did in 1845 - most people couldn't last a few days doing what he did.
An article in the Anchorage Daily News.....and this is how most alaskans feel....myself included.

"Into the Wild'' is a misrepresentation, a sham, a fraud.

There, I've finally said what somebody has needed to say for a long time.

First the book and now the movie try to portray Alexander Supertramp as the Everyman example of youth gone off to the wilderness in search of the meaning of life. Unfortunately, Tramp wasn't Everyman. And he most certainly didn't go off to the wilderness searching for the meaning of life.

No rational individual can overlook the note he left explaining what he was seeking. He went into the wilderness, in his own words, to stage "the climatic battle to kill the false being within.''

Tramp obviously wasn't searching for anything. He was running from something, possibly almost everything.

"No longer to be poisoned by civilization,'' he wrote, "he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild.''

Note the third-person reference to himself there. It's a textbook signal for schizophrenia.

Lost is a good place to be if you suffer from this particular mental illness too. Lost is a place removed from all the outside stimuli that make life horribly, and sometimes dangerously, confusing for a schizophrenic.

Normal people lack the desire to become lost in the wild. Normal people use maps, compasses and GPS devices to avoid becoming lost in the wild.

Over the decades, I've met a lot of the young men who've gone off to the wilderness to search for meaning or, just as often, adventure. They didn't change their names, try to forge new identities or contemplate killing a "false being within.''

A few of them, myself included, did turn their backs on civilization for days, weeks, months or years -- but not because we were fleeing from it. No, we were seeking a world that existed long ago. Some of us still run to that place on a regular basis. It is good to stay in touch with the land. Just as it is good to remind oneself how comfortable and easy it has become to live in the 21st century.

People who change their names and run into the Alaska wilderness to escape have different reasons. Offhand, I can only even think of a few -- "Tramp," aka Chris McCandless, staved to death; Timothy Treadwell, aka Tim Dexter; got eaten by a bear; and Papa Pilgrim, aka Robert Hale, went to jail for incest. Among this trio, Hale at least had a legitimate reason for changing his name. He was fleeing a shady past.

McCandless was emerging from his teen years into early adulthood -- the time adult-onset schizophrenia is known to hit a number of young men -- when he changed his name, ran away from his family and friends and started acting strangely. When Jon Krakauer constructed the myth of Tramp in the book "Into the Wild,'' he tried to portray these behaviors as part of an edgy but normal search for self.

All of that literary claptrap can be summed up in one sentence:

When you abandon your car and burn your money, as McCandless did, you aren't searching for yourself; you've lost yourself.

I feel sorry for Tramp. I feel even more sorry for those who buy the myth of "Into the Wild.''

That Krakauer managed to maneuver his way around Tramp's obvious insanity to mold McCandless into something of a folk hero is a tribute to his skill as a writer. Krakauer took a poor misfortunate prone to paranoia, someone who left a note talking about his desire to kill the "false being within,'' someone who managed to starve to death in a deserted bus not far off the George Parks Highway, and made the guy into a celebrity.

Why the author did that should be obvious. He wanted to write a story that would sell.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Everything is economics, as Karl Marx long ago observed. It's hard to make a living as a writer in America. I admire Krakauer for doing so, and he is a fine writer.

And for all I know, he even managed to convince himself there was truth in the story he was telling. The way he clings to the idea that some poisonous seeds -- or a fungus growing on them -- killed Tramp would make it appear he truly wants to believe death was the fault of misguided food gathering instead of a descent into psychosis.

If only it were so.

Canadian Marc Paterson was among those who made a pilgrimage to Tramp's bus this year.

"Paterson had planned to spend three weeks at the bus, bringing in only a 10-pound bag of rice for food, just as McCandless did in 1992 for his four-month experience,'' wrote Robyn Doolittle of The Toronto Star. "Becoming bored of rice and scared of bears, Paterson lasted three days.''

He gave up on going into the wild and hiked back to the highway.

Why? Because as goofy as he might have been, he wasn't completely crazy.

Study up a bit on schizophrenia, then go read Krakauer's book (which is, by the way, really more about Krakauer than McCandless) and note the signs.

How Sean Penn could have overlooked them when he read the book makes one wonder. But he went a step beyond Krakauer. He dropped Krakauer's soul-searching from the story and made a goofy, sympathetic movie about poor 'Tramp killing himself on that journey to find the meaning of life.

Maybe Penn is as foolish and naive as some of his right-wing critics believe. Maybe he was greedy for money, though he would appear to have all any reasonable person would want.

If you haven't seen the movie, here's a quick plot summary:

The wilderness is wonderful. The city is evil. But don't go to the wilderness because it will kill you.

To which, any smart Alaska tourism promoter will add the caveat -- don't go unless you hire a guide.

My advice would be simpler: Don't go unless you know what you're doing. But that's wasted advice, too, because the people who need it not only won't listen, they are incapable of listening.

That's why, long before Tramp showed up here to die, Johnny Waterman walked off into the vast of Mount McKinley never to be seen again.

A crazed Alaska climber, Waterman walked 180 miles north into the wild from near Anchorage. He struggled through alders and up glaciers to reach the Sheldon Amphitheater. He left a note in the hut there that said only "3/13/81 My Last Kiss. 1:42 p.m." He was last seen wandering up a heavily crevassed route along the Ruth Glacier toward the summit.

His corpse is still out there somewhere waiting to be found.

When it is, maybe someone can write a book and make a movie eulogizing him. He was searching for something too. It's anyone's guess as to what. It's hard enough to figure out what's going on in the human brain when the wiring is working right, but a good writer can always make something up.


makes you want to go to alaska huh? I liked to movie, but you can't beat the book.