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internet losers


Active member
first try at quoting something and lol

u wont get far dissin respected members here.

again do u know where the fuck u are?...we grow fukin weed, and we dont deal w/ snot nosed shitheads...grow up and come back w/ a new attitude.


spreadin da love
im pretty sure i have nothing to offer you, other than a piece of shit secuirty light grow. remember im a shit head teenager. i saw your other post yukon on the USMC and im joining before i turn 20. im really looking forward to boot camp because i thrive in those situations only problem is the more i learn about this war in afghanistan, the more i realize its not going to end anytime soon. and for some reason i have a hard on to be in infantry.

well enjoy smoking while it lasts cause once your usmc your brain WILL BE BRAINWASHED.


being 18 years old im thinking "fucking kids now-a days", i know there are some older folk around here that feel the same way.

oh how i love this! little 18 year old take comfort in the fact that ignorance is bliss.


Active member
yukon you seem pretty tense. and dude this has zero to do with how successful or unsuccessful i will be at boot camp. this is the internet. a place where everyone has an annonomyous say. ease up mang

ok shmookums..ill be sweet on ya kid.

son im not tense..im pretty laid back...ask anyone here i do have my days, but dang...if your spoutin that u wanna be a marine im gonna fukin give it to ya.

ive stood on the yellow fukin footsteps, ive lived and showered in a fukin squadbay w/ 80 nasty ass mutherfuckers.

i can go on and on....go fukin have fun be a marine....if you end up a hard chargin marine u wont have any business here.


Active member
man yukon, you are great a being condescending. i mean you are really good. i really enjoyed your threads and you were up there with some of my favorite posters mtnjohn, freezerboy, and a couple others that i cant remember. and this thread is not going where i wanted it to and i wouldnt want the samething that happened to mtnjohn to happen to you. this thread was suppose to be about when you first started to use this forum and all those little things that come with getting acclimated to something new. regardless i know where your coming from when new people speak and they dont have much to say. i dont hold a grudge and ill still be checking out your grows. good getting know man.

u know what then fukn say that man...dont read my fukin threads and hide.

y dont u fuckin make 1 line and say cool or sum shit then ill maybe hold u to a higher level....

...i dont fukin know u ...u never said shit to me and as far as i know u just jacked all i worked for.

do u get it?


The Hopeful Protagonist

Th@t sh!t is L337 right there.... :joint:


Freedom Fighter
u wont get far dissin respected members here.

again do u know where the fuck u are?...we grow fukin weed, and we dont deal w/ snot nosed shitheads...grow up and come back w/ a new attitude.

I don't get it nokuy...He said that was his first try at quoting something, so he quoted S4L...and gave him a "lol"-- I am confused about the dissing?? Or missing something-- lol


Registered Med User
howard, your right. Not all the stuff u said but that loser part, yeah your a loser. If you feel like a loser than your a loser. I play videogames, also play sports as much as I can with my medical condition. I post on a forum, and I get pussy. Maybe define what a loser is cuz I got folks who dont do nuthin BUT work on the internet. You may think they losers but them losers are buyin houses and takin trips on cruises and shit. To me a loser is somebody who has no ambition or is happy with living off other people while causing them grief and wont do anything to better them self or handle there business.


The Hopeful Protagonist
^^^ Pay him no mind....He gets riled and the wild hair starts creeping.....
