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internet losers


Active member
does anybody feel like there a loser on the internet but not in person. the funny thing is im 18 and its taking me a while to get used to this computer thing. when i was 14 i started to get in trouble and thats pretty much when i stopped socializing on the internet, as far as myspace and forums.

one example is have you ever thought to yourself, "what am i doing?" when you find yourself wanting to take pictures of things like your edibles, glass, and buds. just so you can "share" or get recogniton on the internet. another thing are these damn accronyms for the longest time when somebody would be like "i got some love potion vegging atm with mantaska thunderfuck flowering", i would read in my head "i got some love potion vegging ass to mouth with mantaska thunderfuck flowering." and one day i realized it actually meant at the moment. wtf is a troll [i know after a search on google]. pwned, wait a minute "powned"? ohhhh, poooooooned. wow that shit is stupid. and then their are words that i know but are just a bit stupid like OWNED, EPIC, NO HOMO.

being 18 years old im thinking "fucking kids now-a days", i know there are some older folk around here that feel the same way.

posting your above question is a bit more loserish than posting veg pics of MTF or blockead plants.....are you sure u know what website u just poisted that question?


Active member
well the picture thing was more directed towards the food threads and everyday shit. not plants. but you guys are internet people like "gamers" and stuff?

lol no were not...were regular people...ive never played an internet game.


Click "Search", go to the advanced search, type "Yummybud" in the user search box, read a couple of his threads, then tell us you feel like a loser.


Active member
thats another fucking thing. i cant use the search button for shit.



Active member
how long does it take to not to be a "noob", and thats what i guess this thread was more about then poking fun at the people who take lots of pictures.

can take 1 day or 1 year...offer something .

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