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International Man Of Leisure



I remember reading you posting about this once and always wondered how you grew so much in remodels without shit like that happening all the time.
I bought shit houses in well established neighborhoods for 30-50 cents on the dollar , and........

IMMEDIATELY went to improving said property to keep the neighborhood median home values "appreciating" instead of de-preciating that would cause more folks movin out , cuz as more homes get foreclosed on the more the crime element sets in with tweakers and crackheads on point to steal at will......and.....

The first thing I did when obtaining another property was to meet ALL the adjacent neighbors and assure em I was there to help keep the neighborhood intact and even participated in MANY neighborhood watch meetings while growin my ass off in the basements of EVERY home I bought for a 1 yr period.....till.....

I made enoughta pay said property off and move on to the next one......again and again........I improved the home and had pitbulls behind freshly installed chain link fence ALL around the home , but when they hit my house and got my seedstock they backed a van up the driveway , busted the basement door that IMMEDIATELY dialed my cellphone and let me know I was compromised......

Took an hr to get there and the neighbor next door said she even talked to the fucks and they said they were there to work on the house with the owners permission.....

Found out later from the po-po after I`d had time to clean shit up and file a report for the insurance company that they`d been hittin houses all over that section of town with what they called "smash and grab" tactics to get all they could to load in the vehicle quick and get the fuck outta Dodge......and.....

That`s the only time I had probs in 20 yrs of croppin cuz I was disciplined and lived by an OCD code of always bein 1 step ahead....anyways....

Hope that explains more Bro....and......What Sea said bout water quality stands cuz X can be anything ,and bond with your nutes and cause imbalances and lockouts with the quickness....but......ppm`s and elevated tapwater levels are usually comprised of cal/mag derived from the limestone deposits municipal water conglomerates supply along with the chlorines/chloramines used for sterilization process for the most part.....but again......it`s still unknown without a water study printout , but coco works with tapwater once juice needs get dialed with each variety yas`re runnin.....and finally......yeah....R/O filter is your friend......believe that....

Tapwater needs mixed with R/O IME to help buffer if used at all......anyways....

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Fuck Entropy.
I wouldn't worry about the nutes or the media.

If the media has a high cation exchange, pre-dose it with whatever mixed strong so the media is inherently charged... (i.e. 2000ppm of whatever nutes your going to run). My favorite (when I found it) was a mid coarse coco... long fibers, spongy consistency, but no "crutons"... but even when I bought the same brand and 'grade' of coco, it was always hit or miss... sometimes there were chunks coconut shells, sometimes the coco had the consistency of coffee grounds. My point: I always saw a lot of inconsistency in grades.

If it was too fine, I'd add some porous agent (vermiculite, or whatever). If it was too coarse (rare) I'd add in some recycled media until it 'felt' right... spongy and reboundy.

With regard to nutes, you can get away with almost anything. As a guild line, I'd recommend running just base nutes in your system, and see what happens. Run it light out of the bulk tank as EC tends to climb over time in the individual buckets (depending on specific flow characteristics of your particular system). Jacks NPK runs 3-1-4... if you are running a two or three part system you might want to adjust your ratios to get it around there.

(There are internet claims that the 'P' boosters are based off of old outdoor studies where P leaches really fast. In a PPK system, it just gets recollected... so 3-1-4 seems like a good starting point and Jacks has run clean and easy for everyone I've seen using it.)

RO vs. whatever?

Well, with RO, whatever happens, you know it is something that you put into the solution (more or less). Without cleaning the water supply, or knowing that your supply is super stable, there will always be an uncertainty.

For example: Oh shit... is this a magnesium deficiency or lock out? Do I have too much in my solution or not enough? Or is it root aphids?

Jack + RO with mag deficiency equals root munchers... so start treating for 'em. If you don't start with RO, you've got that many more uncertainties.
Off to a bumpy start VG, but it might just be a blessing in disguise. Hoping for good things in your future. I'll be watching, however she unfolds for ya :biggrin:

Thanks Mister_D...Sour 13 and CBD Shark on the way. Lotta supply runs and construction to do the next two weeks.

Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
Not cool. That was five years of purchases and cross breeding on river banks to get seed plants.
My wife did that to me 6 years ago.
Alll my Best six of my life, gone in a day while I was at work and she was home!

I said, " honey...where's my Vitamins?" ( one friday when I came home after work.)

She said , "oh, your Vitamin bottle, you ask, .....I threw it out cause I saw a tv show and they said there're dangerous, and you dont need to be taking them."

I was too jaded to get mad,


Active member
Bummer Alkaline... that's why my wife knows what's up. She can't testify against me here and I know if shit goes down I will take it all.

VG may you rebuild your genetics collection even better than before... Good luck and God speed, or some shit.
My wife did that to me 6 years ago.
Alll my Best six of my life, gone in a day while I was at work and she was home!

I said, " honey...where's my Vitamins?" ( one friday when I came home after work.)

She said , "oh, your Vitamin bottle, you ask, .....I threw it out cause I saw a tv show and they said there're dangerous, and you dont need to be taking them."

I was too jaded to get mad,

Do you not know the joys of going through the trash for a couple of days,all the way to the local dump?:biggrin:Hell,tell me where the dump is.
Looks like I will use the Floor-Dry which is heavy. I need totes big enough to give me five to ten gallons of medium with no higher than 6" of medium. This is so I don't have to drill holes in the upper tote. Will the bottom tote support all that weight if I use a sheet of plywood between totes or do I need a PVC frame as a brace inside the lower tote?

Should have a digi camera soon to document the construction of the containers and build out of my space.


No Jive Productions
Looks like I will use the Floor-Dry which is heavy. I need totes big enough to give me five to ten gallons of medium with no higher than 6" of medium. This is so I don't have to drill holes in the upper tote. Will the bottom tote support all that weight if I use a sheet of plywood between totes or do I need a PVC frame as a brace inside the lower tote?

Should have a digi camera soon to document the construction of the containers and build out of my space.

how large of a plant are you planning to grow?
how large of a plant are you planning to grow?

They will veg for 8 to 10 weeks depending on how long it takes the Sour 13 to finish in flower. I'm set up for a flowering room of 4 plants covered by 2 1kw lights. I'm combining a light mover for coverage of 2 vert scrogged plants and 2 horizontally scrogged plants. I don't have a good idea for total area (height x width) of the vertical plants. For the flat scrogs I'm shooting for 5x5 feet per plant.


No Jive Productions
They will veg for 8 to 10 weeks depending on how long it takes the Sour 13 to finish in flower. I'm set up for a flowering room of 4 plants covered by 2 1kw lights. I'm combining a light mover for coverage of 2 vert scrogged plants and 2 horizontally scrogged plants. I don't have a good idea for total area (height x width) of the vertical plants. For the flat scrogs I'm shooting for 5x5 feet per plant.

well, i don't know about your other choice but the sour 13 will be much bigger than a 5x5 footprint at 8-10 weeks veg no matter if it is horizontal or vertical.

it is a massive, spreading plant that grows at high speed in a ppk device.

i'm currently using the 6 gal tuff stuff food dish from tractor supply for a top container. it holds 5.2 gals at 5" depth.

i put some pics of it on hl's thread. it's working great.

i'll be flipping my plants this time on friday which will be exactly 5 weeks. i didn't grow the sour 13 this time but the four dope plants are huge.

if you are intent on the ten gal containers the rubbermaid 10's work fine.

but i'm going to start building a collection of these 3.5 black 90 mil buckets that never break and the tuff stuff food dishes, which are so strong that you can turn them upside down and stand on them. thick, heavy plastic. built to withstand barnyard use.


No Jive Productions
hey, i forgot to mention that the sour 13 takes at least 10 to finish. i have grown it out at my old location and it took 10-10.5 to truly finish.
hey, i forgot to mention that the sour 13 takes at least 10 to finish. i have grown it out at my old location and it took 10-10.5 to truly finish.

So if I want to keep plant count under 10 it sounds like I'll need to configure my setup with two-thirds in flower and one-third in veg. I can go up to 4 kw or so.
With the feeder dishes on top of a bucket, does the plant need a top support for stability? It sounds like three of the 13s would be too big to fit around a vertical bulb unless I trained them narrow and tall from veg onward. I could do a 600 over a 400 in veg. Then I could do 2 1kw on pulleys. I think this would hit the plants with sufficient light if I alternated high and low positions every hour or two. I'm looking at six,maybe seven feet.


No Jive Productions
"top support for stability". if by this you mean just holding the plant upright you can use guy wires but you will eventually need something to tie the branch ends to. growing plants this large requires that you support the weight somehow.

in a few days i'll have some pics of how i'm set up now.

i think 3 plants vertically around a light would be right with a 5 week veg.

i don't understand what you have in mind for a schedule. in the veg area the plants should not get much taller than you can light with a single 1k in 5 weeks so there is no point in stacking smaller lights there. if you can burn a 1k there it will give you a sufficient radius for 5 plants vegged large simultaneously or more if perpetual a week apart.
"top support for stability". if by this you mean just holding the plant upright you can use guy wires but you will eventually need something to tie the branch ends to. growing plants this large requires that you support the weight somehow.

in a few days i'll have some pics of how i'm set up now.

i think 3 plants vertically around a light would be right with a 5 week veg.

i don't understand what you have in mind for a schedule. in the veg area the plants should not get much taller than you can light with a single 1k in 5 weeks so there is no point in stacking smaller lights there. if you can burn a 1k there it will give you a sufficient radius for 5 plants vegged large simultaneously or more if perpetual a week apart.

I saw the plants you pointed out in your new thread....truly monsters. I was trying to visualize three of those around a 1k and just have trouble seeing how they will fit. On the other hand, you've grown them and I haven't.
You veg vertical don't you?
On the plants you have in the Deluge, did you top or otherwise manipulate them for spreading horizontally? I'm thinking with the growth on the 13s I might get the most efficiency if I had three plants with eight foot height trained around a cylinder screen. I can't get off the idea of the vertical light mover on a one to two hour interval.
I'm excited to see how your grow develops with fewer plants and more pulse.
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope it's all you want....sparkling Sativa socializing.....endless repeats of A Christmas Story with a warm Indica....or just getting high on your own supply as you smell the frankinsence at Midnight Mass.
Looking for some advice from anyone who has run donuts. I have a 22' by 13' foot area which is a garage. I framed off one end for better insulation and odor control. It has concrete floors and cinder block walls. Temperature stays under 85 even in summer and 3kilowatt lights.
My question is can I fit two 1k donuts and a veg area in that space? I will be running under 10 trees. I have an adjoining room with duct work already set up that I used for veg before. My reason for wanting to house everything in the one larger space is heat exchange and better odor control. Last time I ran plants I had two 450cfm fans exhausting and a smaller intake fan. The front porch smelled like a pack of skunks had died in a perfume factory until I tacked up plastic to cover the ceiling beams as a vapor lock.


No Jive Productions
I saw the plants you pointed out in your new thread....truly monsters. I was trying to visualize three of those around a 1k and just have trouble seeing how they will fit. On the other hand, you've grown them and I haven't.
You veg vertical don't you?
On the plants you have in the Deluge, did you top or otherwise manipulate them for spreading horizontally? I'm thinking with the growth on the 13s I might get the most efficiency if I had three plants with eight foot height trained around a cylinder screen. I can't get off the idea of the vertical light mover on a one to two hour interval.
I'm excited to see how your grow develops with fewer plants and more pulse.

i flatten the plants in veg so that all lateral branches are perpendicular to the light forcing the shoots to grow out to the front.

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