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Advanced Nutrients, Love it or Hate it, State your claim!


Advanced Nutrients are all marketing, nothing more. I'm not the most experienced grower on here, but I know a sucker product when I see one. You can achieve the same (or better) results using products that cost 1/10 the price. My 2 cents

I'm a noob myself but have had good results with advanced and house and garden. But comments like yours are what are making these boards turn to shit. You first come into a thread regarding peoples experiences with advanced. Its one thing to talk shit about their marketing but you go pass the line when you make comments about products you have never even used.

Can you please let us in on this secret nute regime that cost 1/10th of an advanced schedule and still gets the same results? Bro you are seriously full of shit with that statement.

Oh and I love you avatar, Its actually funny considering your the exact type of hater that is making these forum shitty.

Advanced it good shit and works well but you dont have to use their entire lineup to get good results.

I am currently running sensi ab, bud blood, overdrive, house and garden algen, multizen and roots excel and very happy with my results.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Love it...

Love it...

Last five years, been using Sensi A/B, Big Bud, Over Drive, Carboload, and Voodoo Juice with great results. Love them all. Stuff isn't carried locally anymore, and I'm not sure what I'll do when I run out. I have nothing to say about their marketing. The stuff works.

:plant grow:

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Yes but stoichiometry is extremely complex chemistry for the layman. @font-face { font-family: "Arial"; }@font-face { font-family: "Calibri"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-size: 11pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }

I knew it was semi involved but maybe not quite this confusing :bigeye:

I actually have a very strong chemistry background so I do understand what you are talking about. I just am not sure how to calculate how many moles of aminos are actually needed to fully chelate my particular collection of ions.

Maybe a simpler question is in order. What weigh of amino acid would I need to chelate a gal of 1.5EC (just a common mix) nutes? And does it matter if I just use a single amino or should I use a combination? And if I use a combo what would the preferred combo be?

Curious also if there are any other benefits to kelp other than the aminos they provide? I am guessing the wide assortment of minerals brought to the table may also have some benefit even if the "experts" do not consider them necessary. I personally find foliar feeding of kelp during veg makes my plants marginally happier...especially if I have fucked up somewhere along the way. Also my clones seem to enjoy a shot once they are rooted, seems to help them get over the trauma of almost dying as well as my mommas immediately following cuttings

I appreciate your take on things Mullray.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I'm a noob myself but have had good results with advanced and house and garden. But comments like yours are what are making these boards turn to shit. You first come into a thread regarding peoples experiences with advanced. Its one thing to talk shit about their marketing but you go pass the line when you make comments about products you have never even used.

Can you please let us in on this secret nute regime that cost 1/10th of an advanced schedule and still gets the same results? Bro you are seriously full of shit with that statement.

Oh and I love you avatar, Its actually funny considering your the exact type of hater that is making these forum shitty.

Advanced it good shit and works well but you dont have to use their entire lineup to get good results.

I am currently running sensi ab, bud blood, overdrive, house and garden algen, multizen and roots excel and very happy with my results.

Being a self-proclaimed noob, you don't have a lot of experience with different fertilizers.

The first nutrients I used were AN... they worked wonderfully. I also tried a bunch of different fertilizers, they worked just as well, but the cost was less.

The biggest yield I've ever had was off of PBP soil, thats it. No additives, no 'snake oil'. Does this mean PBP soil is the best nutrient out there? Nah, just means I was a good grower that run.

If you're looking for cheap and effective:

Lucas formula (any 3 part from any company will do)
GH Maxibloom dry powder (I've only heard, so I can't vouch)
PBP Soil
Hydrodynamic Ionic

I'm willing to bet you'll get close to if not the same yield with any of the above products that you do with AN or any other brand.

Notice a trend?


having never used AN as a primary nute i cannot comment but the vibe i get from the advertising gives me a negative opinion of them

I do use and love AN grandma engy's F-1 using heavy doses great stuff. probably something out there cheaper and just as effective but this works for me in my little setup.
Look up whats in grandma engys f1, go find another product thats exactly the same and costs less. I recommend full power, or diamond nectar. Advanced nutrients is for idiots. If you are a dumbass, go for it! If you like to be taken advantage of, if you like being anally raped at the grow shop with no lube, use advanced! I'll stick with my gh thank you very much.

Im sure this is already posted in here, but I love it, so here it is again.
I about died the first time I saw that, enjoy!


Well-known member
Peoples need to view the K.I.S.S thread in this subforum if your spending more than $.15/gal and not hitting benchmark GPW/KwH.


Active member
i went out and got some H&G drip clean cuzz krunchbubble, a grower i respect swears by it. and then i see him say he does not use AN at all, just the ph adjusters. and i too am waiting to hear and see of his fantastic results from Kushie kush.

makes me think a bit?

anyway im starting a new 12/12 cycle in a week, and i have a week to decide, which should i run theis time,, sensi ab and fulvic and humic with some old school bigbud with aminos and mag or kushi kush.


the rex dog/h3ad lucas with fulvic and humic and old school big bud or kushie kush,

or should i go out and get some dyna grow bloom as you recomned and use it with humic, fulvic, and bug bud or kushie kush

all choices will get hygrozyme regardless as i love it and it last long on the shelf, as a smaller grower i really have to be aware of shelf life.

and your views on drip clean, you can add this from the start of grow, @ .5ml/L and you can feed every single time you water, (1.5 ec) and you wont get a salt buildup, or lockout of any kind.

if this is true i wish i had it last grow with the conny screw up i had.
Yep Carbolaod is nothing but dextrose. Cheap as hell to make - save your bucks and go and buy straight dextrose. Not that it'll do anything but some of us do love our placebos (hell, that's a great name for a AN product. Placebo works at a subatomic level using unique nano technology that speed shifts your plants Florigen response into hyper drive increasing yields by 40,000 percent. We will give anyone who can disprove this claim 1 million dollars).

HAHA, I don't know how I missed that. You sure you don't work for AN's marketing department? Man that was good, sounded just like AN.

westside weasel

New member
so is this post starting to drift away from the point of the thread, like the sense of so many people on here ................. which brings me to my point

westside weasel

New member
Integral Hydroponics: the website brings up a lot of valid arguments regarding the exact chemicals in nutrients that are used by the majority of growers. Yet, the majority of the negative reaction that the information presented from the investigation by the state of Oregon is directed towards only AN, and in researching the facts you will discover that there are dozens of other companies - including GH, Bontanicare, et... - that have also committed the same violation of 'mislabeling' their nutrient products. In doing more research, the only company that has a current 'stop sale' in the state of Oregon is not AN, but GH products..... Also the site not only narrows its negative reaction towards AN, but to only a handful of AN products, and not the entire product line. ANY individual with a background in science knows that the scientific method is not being used in this point of view, thus the argument itself and the information presented is inconclusive.

Now, 2 things:

First, the point of this thread is to investigate why AN is loved and hated. AN is entirely based on the hypothesis of using an NPK ratio of 5-2-5 roughly throughout the entire feeding cycle of the plant.
- Is this ratio correct and based on what facts?
Second, if this is correct, then the elemental analysis of their products would reveal the NPK ratio that their product line is based on is actually 5-1-4, a 50% decrease in P-K ratio which is significant.

So, the conclusion would be that AN is similar in corporate behavior towards the customer in 'mislabeling' their products and not presenting the facts about their explanation of using their NPK ratio. Just like GH, Botanicare, and all the other nutrient companies, NONE of them will explain why they use the NPK raios that they do, and NONE of them will explain why cannabis needs their specific NPK ratio that they use, again. So, it brings everything to the most obvious..........

If everyone here was so smart, they would explain in detail the exact ppm nutrient levels of what cannabis uses in its entire life cycle.

To: TOOHIGHMF - really? Now, why wouldn't the cannabis plant consume a specific amount of chemicals during its entire life cycle? Thus, why isn't there any specific nutrient uptake data for cannabis, and why isn't there a company/person who would create a product using the facts concluded from the data? The cannabis plant consumes a specific, singular, ratio of NPK - NOT more than 1 - so what is it and why? You have not stated any relevant facts to the most important point in this argument, why is AN incorrect in their conclusions about cannabis nutrient consumption?

More to come....................

westside weasel

New member
I am also calling attention to Mullray, Dr. Celcius and Yosemite Sam, would like your input if you have any............??

Also, the above post directed towards TOOHIGH: I apologize as you should not have been singled out, it should include the above names as well.

Lets all work together on this, and try to use the scientific method in your arguments.........

Our goal here is to grow amazing pot.............

Also, Mullray, you are a troll

Guest 18340

westside weasel, kindly refrain from calling people trolls. Especially when you're the one with only 4 posts...

westside weasel

New member
Mullray, you are helping me out here thank you, and by the way, what kind of scientist are you? Molecular biologist, geologist, or just scientist? Cool, because if you just correlated me mentioning GH a couple times and my whole argument as being GH vs AN, wow buddy, some scientist you are.......

Also, your argument above is sequenced as:
1. I clearly havn't read integral hydroponics website and the information presented
2. You copy/paste information regarding the AN violations
3. AN has the most products listed under violations of Oregon law
4. I need to grow pubes and drop back in a few years

Here is what the pubic-less kid has to say: Remember when I said you helped me out, you did in presenting your ignorance - where did you answer any of the questions I asked above? Or do you not know the answers? Its simple to admit, but your ego seems to have pissed you off beyond logic currently............

Scientific Method - Basic Outline


Seriously man??? Why did you really ask me that question? What relevant information about my point were you expecting to hear from me that I already haven't stated in regards to using the scientific method?

Guest 18340

what is your definition of a troll? Elvme2

interesting how words can be construed to personal interpretation...........
You called mullray a troll, no way to misconstrue that. Yet mullray has been posting in this thread for a few pages now. You come along and disagree with him (and a few others) and then turn around and call him a troll.
I'll tell you what, this is MY thread and seems that you may be the one trolling. Seems odd that someone with 4 posts jumps into a thread like this. Unless you started a new nic just to troll a thread like this
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westside weasel

New member
ok, troll am I, whatever....... no not another user id..... a person is interested in the thread and you find this odd? that is as arbitrary as finding my interest in any topic odd


New member
Now on the topic of AN, Ive used GH from 99 until 2008 and it always worked great. I used the shit from greenplanet hydro last year and it also worked great. Ive been using the AN line all of 2010 and from my experience I do believe I yield a little more and the growth is amazing but nothing that much better than the other two. What I do notice the most is a bigger root system and more resin.

I use: a+b/
big bud
bud candy
rhino skin
voodoo juice
cal mag {botanicare}
diamond nectar[GH]
AN PH down

Now my input might not mean anything since I only have a few post on here. Fuck these people piss me off on here.
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westside weasel

New member
Mullray, dude that is weak, so maybe this will help you:

I like AN because they try to apply the scientific method in collecting data on the nutrient uptake of cannabis throughout its life cycle.......

You don't answer any of my questions, and continue to defend integral hydro. I have READ the article, anything you want to debate about the information they present I have already checked out myself and stated what I have found in my own 'investigative journalism.' I know chemistry as well. Also if you really look into that site, they fail to show you their source of information regarding the exact nutrient content of AN's products, except for 1 product they have discontinued production of, big bud. If AN was entirely BS, then this person would list all their products and the analysis of the nutrient levels in them, otherwise it is biased investigative journalism, with poor conclusions and use of the scientific method.......

What kind of scientist are you again?

How is a few paragraphs reduntant to you? You seem to be dodging a lot of important points that are brought up, and right now the only conclusion can be is that you do not know the answers..........Why is AN's hypothesis on the nutrient uptake of cannabis incorrect?