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International Clone Only cuts in the UK



yep i agree bro SG was very flimsy and PM loved it! the blue jack cut is a stinker for sure main staple round our end and livers of course!
ppl either reffer to it as jack or blue jack depending if ya from sheff or barnsley! its the biggest yielding uk cropper ive ever done! pisses on the rest, except maybe TC,s casey j but ive only done schmoes cut! but i keep searching........respect:biggrin

TC Casey is good but she's a bitch for me in the loft got the schmoe cut in veg now so al see how that compares

Kalishnapple yields more than all these but not as potent(above average when done right though) it's more about the flavour with the schnapps


get some atak hemp - smashes the fuck outta pm, i sorted a mates plants out last week, works near instantly

What's the systemic Ingredient mycobutinol? Got pm myself not had it for years multirose usually cures it but I think my bottle is out of date done two applications now and that usually gets rid of it for me

guy fawkes

Active member
i can attest that atak work a treat, i have put before and after pics up before in plant infirmary section. i had it bad to! copper biased non toxic.. top stuff! il always ahd it to hand from now on


Active member
get some atak hemp - smashes the fuck outta pm, i sorted a mates plants out last week, works near instantly

nice one i deffo need some thing? ive totally stripped 3 tents and rebuilt them throwing away ducting and other stuff that can be replaced! went round with a steamer and now its as sterile as a mofo but i was just hoping there,s not any pm on my new stock of mothers!
ive treated them with fungus fighter as a precautionary measure but im not sure how good it is? i will get some of this atak! is it on flea bay? any tips on using it? im gunna order in the morning! cheerz SB your a star:biggrin: lets hope ive done enough..


i can attest that atak work a treat, i have put before and after pics up before in plant infirmary section. i had it bad to! copper biased non toxic.. top stuff! il always ahd it to hand from now on

Copper based eh something to use in rotation with multirose me thinks al look it up and get some ordered

Have you ever burned em with it or owt like that before used other stuff in past for pests and nearly wiped my stock out Westland plant rescue and Dr schimmel shit


yts farmer

Well-known member
systane fungus fighter done a job for me few years ago and it comes in either a ready to use spray or a mix it yourself concentrate.

also check out waitrose where they have their plant section they had something in a blue bottle which was a multipurpose spray but claimed it was good for pm.


Active member
i almost forgot i also bought some plant magic essence last crop but never got round to using it! ive just potted up my cuts and i think ill make some up! you have to brew it up like
ewc tea failing that another mate told me about microbial! thats supposed to be the best on the market? but then again aint they all lol i will beat this mofo for sure...:biggrin:


Active member
Copper based eh something to use in rotation with multirose me thinks al look it up and get some ordered

Have you ever burned em with it or owt like that before used other stuff in past for pests and nearly wiped my stock out Westland plant rescue and Dr schimmel shit


nah it dont burn and its near instant in effect and in 72hrs there is no trace of atak on the product so it can be safely used up til harvest


Multirose is good but mines out of date it's more than two year old that's how long it's been since it come back

It kills the spores and stops it reattaching to leaf as it coats it in rapeseed oil only for veg though


nah it dont burn and its near instant in effect and in 72hrs there is no trace of atak on the product so it can be safely used up til harvest

Nobody in UK sells optic foliar atak online though

Point me in the right direction:biggrin:


Active member
hey just finished pottin up! im making up some essence and gunna spray and give them some kip! ill get a thread goin asap! cheerz for the PM advice boyz:biggrin:......


guy fawkes

Active member
Copper based eh something to use in rotation with multirose me thinks al look it up and get some ordered

Have you ever burned em with it or owt like that before used other stuff in past for pests and nearly wiped my stock out Westland plant rescue and Dr schimmel shit


I tried some high dose bicarb spray that was working but was battering my plants to, the atak worked much better and didnt harm the plants in any way either.