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**Inside DrBud's Lab every 48 hours W/Pics**


New member
Hey man I am setting up my 8.8 sq foot micro sog cab now, got a couple questions for you. I plan to use my 600watt hps cool tube over 36 1 gallon pots how does this sound to you? How many plants do you think I could cram in there?

You are an inspiration sir you really are, can't wait to talk with you further.

Ps I am using white widow have you any thoughts on this strain in this application?
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New member
Does anyone know if you would achieve the same results(yieldwise) if you flowered a full box like this at once compared to at intervals???

basically what i want to know is if flowering all these plants at once would significantly impact the overall yield?


Does anyone know if you would achieve the same results(yieldwise) if you flowered a full box like this at once compared to at intervals???

basically what i want to know is if flowering all these plants at once would significantly impact the overall yield?

it would take more intence light, it would have to penatrate a dencer canopy, but i cant see how it would impact it too much.


**AWD** Aficianado
Mr GJ is there any better feeling in the online world then handing a bunch of nay sayers and trolls their ass on a silver platter.
I know a good thing when I see it, I had you marked for success from the get go.
Keep on teaching and sharing, you give apartment dwellers and peep with limited space a light at the end of the tunnel.



ICMag Donor
DrBud has had some health issues to deal with....as soon as hes able to he'll be back to answer all your guys questions :) dont go anywhere, he'll be back soon! :D


Active member
whats the point? who said people couldn't grow with cfls? or do a SOG?

the drbud method,imo,has been used for years by alot growers....i'm failing to see whats so revolutnary about this?

people are doing EXACTLY what is being showed here,and i think it will be detrimental to the futhering of they'er grow skills,just my opinon......


Dr. Bud may not be an innovator, and I don't ever remember him say that....what he did do was show everyone, in detail, a way to get alot of bud for very little investment. Too many people have a hard on for for the hydro store. I am certain that the doc took all this time, taking all these pics, making all these posts in order to help....why all the negativity? Honestly, what does he have to gain, except the good feeling one gets from helping others and teaching?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hey my friend :wave: get better,we miss ya bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whats the point? who said people couldn't grow with cfls? or do a SOG?

only a few have said it couldn't be done, a LOT of people have said his GPW and/or yields are impossible... read the thread.

the drbud method,imo,has been used for years by alot growers....i'm failing to see whats so revolutnary about this?

you are correct, it has been used for many years by a lot of growers and there's nothing revolutionary about it, he never claimed it to be... again read the threads... THIS PARTICULAR JOURNAL was to show that the MicroSOG can be applied to ANY strain through dialing in the right time to induce flowering, thereby maximizing the yield for the particular plant. read the thread.

people are doing EXACTLY what is being showed here,and i think it will be detrimental to the futhering of they'er grow skills,just my opinon......

I'm not even sure I understand what you were trying to say there... I DO recommend that you read the good Dr's previous thread found here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=69713 you will see that there has been a constant barrage of naysayers as well as people calling him an outright liar in so many words... This is a man who has spent his LIFE dealing with plants.. He is not one to question or doubt. The fact that people are doing EXACTLY what is being showed is a testament in itself... Look at their threads, show me ONE THREAD where the plants aren't absolutely THRIVING and PRODUCING using this method... Why in the hell wouldn't ANYONE WANT THAT?!? There are quite a few of us that follow the Dr. religiously... everyone is entitled to their opinion, just make sure you do your homework before you "spout off at the mouth" so to say.:dueling:

You are in my thoughts and Prayers Dr... get well soon!!


Sorry to hear about your troubles Doc. Hope you are well and on your way to a full recovery.


phineas fogg

New member
Hope you get well soon doc. Thanks for the inspiration and the great advice and knowledge you have shared. Having followed you advice I haven't been near a grow shop or needed to ask for any help on here. Thanks mate .


I'm going to have to add a comment by another inspired member of this site.WoW is all i can say.That has to be one of the most productive ways of growing mj! and all the haters???Well whats all the hate for??I think this man is a genius who has been around mj alot longer than most people have but he is also a nice person for putting up with the crap and still proving (to some people) that his method works and works very well.I mean he even took out the stalk weight!!Mad respect to you DR.bud and get well soon.I also think this should be a sticky


Active member
oh,get well drbud.....forgot to add that

p.s,i disagree,but whatever,this isn't the place for that......i don't wanna clutter the thread with the same old shit


Just Call me Urkle!!

The fact that people are doing EXACTLY what is being showed is a testament in itself... Look at their threads, show me ONE THREAD where the plants aren't absolutely THRIVING and PRODUCING using this method... Why in the hell wouldn't ANYONE WANT THAT?!? There are quite a few of us that follow the Dr. religiously... everyone is entitled to their opinion, just make sure you do your homework before you "spout off at the mouth" so to say.:dueling:

I would say I am one of the prime examples that it can be done and was glad to make the naysayers look stupid!! 16 plants per sq ft baby!! still pullin no less than 7g a cut!!! All you have to do is find that sweet spot and keep your temps right and thats with cheap nutes! I'm doing it all organic really soon and I'm going to see if I can get better results that way...

DrBud I hope you are doing well! You have made me free of stupid dealers with fake strains they make up to put more value on the shit they sell....
you are a perfect example Thundurkel, but his influence has stretched to MULTIPLE sites, I know of at least 2 others outside of this one where he has been the inspiration for the grow. I'm not on your nuts Dr. I just appreciate a good thing when I see it, what you're doin here is a good thing, you've shown that anyone who's willing to listen and put in the effort can produce beautiful plants with minimal investment or resources. Glad to know you're on the road to recovery, hope to see you back in action soon,

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