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**Inside DrBud's Lab every 48 hours W/Pics**


Non Conformist
Good post Ureapwhatusow!

Good post Ureapwhatusow!

ureapwhatusow said:
Now can we all just grow some weed and get along w/each other....
KEEP and OPEN mind
People ....
I AM NOT the Enemy in this WAR.....
I'm ONLY showing People how to fight this WAR in a smaller space

Plus there is a far greater benefit and tha tis this technique can make medicine availlable to those who dont have the means to buy equipment thats is marketed for mj horitculture

That! ^^^^ is what it's all about right there folks! *Anyone* can grow bud using this method. Isn't that why we're all here, to help each other grow and overgrow the government? ONE LOVE YALL!... We should -never- lose sight of that! Glad ta see ya stick around and help us fight this war on weed Doc! Thanks fer sharing yer technique with us. It really is inspirational, esp to new growers. Take care... BC

one Q

DrBudGreengenes said:
And ya know what .....
I will even go so far as to take 1.475 grams from each cut for "Stem Weight".....
so I'am ONLY weighing "Smokable Flowers".
So we will use 7 grams as our "Finished Weight" per cut.

Must give credit to this. I was looking at the pics like- "look at all that stem, he's hosing us." Then I read that you took off some wight for stem... yes.

Well good job.

I have a question about strains that dont stretch much. Do they have a tendancey to stretch more when smaller? A strain that only gets 12" when flowered at 6" I couldnt imagine that it would be productive in a setup like yours. If flowered at 4" it may only get 8, 10 inches max.

Either way, Props to the DOC, ppl cant hate now.


well ...i dont know what to say really.

anyone that knows the dr knows he wasnt bullshitting,i honestly think he is gone under what he can do.The guy is a great bloke and only wishes people the best in life.

he shows his style and nothing more .....he never has calmed to be reinventing the wheel. the dude just grows with CFL.

shakes head at anyone that would ever doubt a word that he says ...he is a true champ.

really drgreen...you never had to show me a day by day grow to believe ya.

but yea just to show everyone that he is here to help he spends the next 70 odd days posting editing on here to trying and help.

great work m8. much love


This is epic... really. That is a lot of bud from CFL's. I think it is sticky worthy. A thread like this should not die.


Agreed, a thread like this should be posted on the main page and a must read for anyone who wants a membership here. It would be even better if the flaming was removed...nah, on second thought leave it exactly as it is ;)

Bloody good show Mate!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
man bro,one word....dialed.

awesome show DBG.i agree this is a classic/sticky whatever ya wanna call it.
:respect: ...peace-T-


Active member
one Q said:
Must give credit to this. I was looking at the pics like- "look at all that stem, he's hosing us." Then I read that you took off some wight for stem... yes.

Well good job.

I have a question about strains that dont stretch much. Do they have a tendancey to stretch more when smaller? A strain that only gets 12" when flowered at 6" I couldnt imagine that it would be productive in a setup like yours. If flowered at 4" it may only get 8, 10 inches max.

Either way, Props to the DOC, ppl cant hate now.

Indeed a smaller clone will have more relative stretch - as long as it's well rooted.


ICMag Donor
Nice grow DrBud!!!! :jump:

I noticed something interesting about DrBud's setup. He is under utilizing the square footage inside the cab because of the containers he uses to hold the 20oz bottles.

His cab is 40" x 19.25" = 770 sq inches, divide this by 144 sq inches (12"x12") to get square feet

770" / 144" = 5.3472 sq ft of space in his cab

The containers holding the 20oz bottles are 8.75" x 5.25" = 45.9375 sq inches, divide this by 144 sq inches (12"x12") to get square feet

45.9375" / 144" = .319 sq ft

He has 12 containers each at .319 sq ft, this is 3.828 sq ft of growing space

12 * .319 = 3.828

His cab space, 5.3472 sq ft, minus the actual growing space, the 3.828 sq ft the 12 containers take up, gives the sq ft of 'unused' or 'wasted' floor space.

5.3472 sq ft - 3.828 sq ft = 1.5192 sq ft of 'unused' or 'wasted' floor space

This is supported by the pic below where DrBud has thirteen 20oz bottles across the back when he doesn't put them all in holding containers.

Removing the containers would also allow him to put another row of 13 bottles in, thus raising his 20oz bottle count to 91 bottles (7 x 13) instead of 72 (6 x 12). This would give him an extra 19 bottles in the cab.

If we take the square footage of the cab and divide if by the square footage of the container size, we get the maximum number of containers the cab 'could' hold if every square inch were taken up by containers.

5.3472 sq ft / .319 sq ft (size of container) = 16.76 containers 'should' fit. Rounding down to 16 containers each holding 6 bottles, this gives 96 theoretical bottles that 'could' be in the cab. This would give 24 more bottles than the current 72. Of course this is the real world and the bottles are round so there is going to be wasted space no matter what.

These numbers plus DrBud's cab pic above, supports the fact that DrBud should be able to fit another 19 bottles into the cab if he were to get rid of the containers holding the 20oz bottles.

If he can get 7g in those 19 extra bottles, that would give him an additional 133g in the cab. Add that to the 504 he should be able to get with 72 bottles and you end up with a total of 637g.

If he ran 91 bottles in the 420 watts cab, and got 7g per plant, his gpw would be 1.52 gpw.

637g / 420w = 1.52 gpw

If he ran 91 bottles with 321 watts, and got 7g per plant, his gpw would be 1.98 gpw.

637g / 321w = 1.98 gpw

DrBud grew the 6 plants in his thread in a full cab. They were not all alone under hundreds of watts, they were in there with 66 other plants.

This shouldn't be too hard to believe. Besides the pics of a full cab he's posted before, the footprint of 6 plants, as can be seen in his photos, is no greater than the container holding the 6 bottles, ie 8.75" x 5.25".

IMO, a lot of people growing with cfl's need to better understand the relationship between watts and yield (grams), and also how growing style will influence the yield.

If you add too many plants or too few or let them grow too large (ie branchy with no training) then your yield, ie gpw, will go down.

If you add more watts and don't really increase your yield, then your gpw is going to go down.

The grower should try to find a balance between plant numbers, growing style and wattage that works for them and that will maximize their yield (gpw).

DrBud has shown that he has found that balance in a method that works for him.


Well-known member
High Guys/Gals....
blackone,Tonatiuh,dotblunt,Tanuvan,cdc,one Q,B.C.,error420.,White,ureapwhatusow,krushonkush,bagseed77,dontstepongrass,guineapig

Thank You for the Kind words.....

Blynx....Interesting that You would point that out, as I am currently testing a square container....to eliminate to unused space from the round bottles.
Also I intend to Epoxy the bottom of each box to form a Tray. so I can get rid of the containers....can't be wastin all that space.

Thanks for all the Math....the Nay-Sayers....just luv Math :jump:

I can just hear them now....Dooood I know MJ Plants and there aint no way He grew 42-50 grams of Pot on only .319 sq ft.
Well ya all saw it every 2 days.
When did I use my "Smoke or Mirrors"
I didn't need too that's my point

Lets all just grow some flowers and remember
"To Each His Own"

One Love

Well done. I don't use CFL's to flower, or micro grow for that matter, but I have taken some great ideas from this thread. I am definitely going to create a height chart to dial in the stretch of all my new genetics. Good thinking, and thanks for your time!


Just Call me Urkle!!
DrBudGreengenes said:
I can just hear them now....Dooood I know MJ Plants and there aint no way He grew 42-50 grams of Pot on only .319 sq ft.
Well ya all saw it every 2 days.
When did I use my "Smoke or Mirrors"
I didn't need too that's my point

Lets all just grow some flowers and remember
"To Each His Own"

Fuck yea bro!!!! Glad to see you here I was wondering why I hadn't seen you much over at fulmelt lately.. Smoke and mirrors hahaah I love it, I found that using a coco blend gave me a bigger yield so I no switched to Black Gold Coco Blend and using Fox Farm nutes Superthrive and Molasses on my SuperSilver Haze x Trainwreck and so far I can see this is perfect for a no veg SOG cuz I've put them into flower right out of the cloner and they are stretching just right!! Thanks again bro

Thats what the good Dr's methods did for me!!!


Awesome grow DrBud,How often do you change your bulbs?Do you use all warm white bulbs or is it a mixed spec?Thanks In advance.Stay Safe!!Again WOW!


Awesome grow DRBuds.

You are proving what I had been thinking to myself for a awhile. 400 watts is 400 watts. Doesn't really matter if its CID or HID, as long as you got the watts you'll get the buds. The cfl's don't have to be as close as cfl's normally do since you have so many watts of them. You are an inspiration.

I'm getting ready to do a micro grow based on your methods. In the process of acquiring materials needed now.
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whats up doc?

whats up doc?

Yo doc, you still around? Don't let the haters get you down. Lots of people like having you around here. Thanks for documenting the whole growing cycle. Nice to see the different strains growing side by side in the same tray. You have any designs for carbon filters?
yo double...check out the sticky DIY link-o-rama....you can find it by forum jumping to grow it-grow room designs and equipment...and welcome to the mag

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