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Incredible Results: Dyna Gro recipe


I wonder why my grow shop doesn't push more people towards Dyna Grow. They kinda muscled me into going with GH.


Active member
Dyna-gro is good stuff and I love the flower forumla, but its not MJ specific IMHO, just as Toohigh I use it for a good portion of flowering then part ways with it, and Add my phosphorus plus from Dutch masters :)


Dyna-gro is good stuff and I love the flower forumla, but its not MJ specific IMHO, just as Toohigh I use it for a good portion of flowering then part ways with it, and Add my phosphorus plus from Dutch masters :)

I love hearing more people sharing good experiences with this stuff because I absolutely love it but I really think you guys should give it a chance for all of flowering. I have never had a need to switch.

I just want to point out that dyna gro was originally developed for hydroponics (call the company if you dont believe me) and it was started in the 70's in northern california......... Most people can put two and two together and realize what it was made for but for the people who cant read between the lines I'll give you a hint:

It wasn't developed for orchids like everyone claims......

Like I said in a previous post, I heard they had trouble with law enforcement so they shifted their attention to the general gardening industry. There was even a high times article a few years back where they did a nutrient comparison and dyna gro came out on top. It was written and judged by ed rosenthal. As far as base nutes go I really think you are hard pressed to find a better product.

I have just recently added the products listed in this recipe to my dyna gro lineup and I can say im noticing an improvement already. Im growing in coco and I see much better root development, water retention, and overall plant health from the benies. The plants I have in flowering right now have definitely benefited from the Mag-Pro and the sweetener product. I also see more flowering sites from the sea kelp.

I believe you will have equal or better results using bloom the whole way through but whatever works for you is cool. I personally feel there is absolutely nothing in dutch master's stuff that you wont already find in the DG so there really seems to be no reason to switch.


Dyna-Gro rocks. I was actually introduced to it years ago for growing orchids. When I started growing other "crops" I went through the gambit of expensive ferts. and recipes thinking that there must be some secret formula, and that's what they lead you to believe at the hydro store, because ferts. are like vitamins, there's a huge markup and lots of $ to be made. I went back to Dyna-Gro a couple of cycles ago based on a thread I read somewhere and it was the best thing I could have done. Lol! I sound like a salesman for Dyna-Grow, if they offered me a job I'd probably take it.

Mitch Connor

I'm going to be finishing off my bottles of GH Flora then switching to Dyna-Gro for a few runs.

I'll be upgrading to:

4x8 SunHut
2 1000w HPS
24 bucket ebb n flow system using Dyna-Rok instead of regular Hydroton: http://www.dyna-gro.com/Website%20pdf%20Files/Dyna-Rok%20II%20Sheet%202002.pdf
All other standard equipment/accessories


Dyna-Gro Veg, Dyna-Gro Bloom, CalMag, Kelp, Sweetener, Beneficial Bacteria, Roots Excelerator

I'll be using GH Rare Earth (Diatomaceous Earth/Silica product) with 1/4-1/8th strength foliars every few days. Foliar is all products but BB and Roots Excel. The Silica in Rare.E gives me fast easy prevention to any pests. Foliar is too sweet to pass up. I don't know why it isn't used more.

I've read nothing but good things about that Dyna-Rok. Anyone here have any experience with it?


I'm going to be finishing off my bottles of GH Flora then switching to Dyna-Gro for a few runs.

I'll be upgrading to:

4x8 SunHut
2 1000w HPS
24 bucket ebb n flow system using Dyna-Rok instead of regular Hydroton: http://www.dyna-gro.com/Website pdf Files/Dyna-Rok II Sheet 2002.pdf
All other standard equipment/accessories


Dyna-Gro Veg, Dyna-Gro Bloom, CalMag, Kelp, Sweetener, Beneficial Bacteria, Roots Excelerator

I'll be using GH Rare Earth (Diatomaceous Earth/Silica product) in the res (when I get it stable enough). I like also doing 1/4-1/8th strength foliars every few days. Foliar is all products but BB and Roots Excel. The Silica in Rare.E gives me fast easy prevention to any pests in a foliar. Foliar is too sweet to pass up. I don't know why it isn't used more.

I've read nothing but good things about that Dyna-Rok. Anyone here have any experience with it?

Dyna rok is legit. I love the stuff. You can do anything you can with hydroton and anything you can do with soilless mediums. Its the best of both worlds. Maximum oxygen availability but it also holds 150% of its weight in water/nutrients. Can't overwater, but if used in ebb and flow you dont have to worry about your pumps going out and plants dying in 2 hours because they stuff holds enough water to last for a couple days. I highly recommend it.

Mitch Connor

Yea I'm pretty excited. Even though Dyna-Rok is twice the price as regular hydroton, I think it's going to be worth it.

Only gotta buy 5 1.4 cu.ft (10gal) bags to fill all 24 of my 2gal buckets, and I can reuse it until my bottles run out. 3-4 runs.

Went to a few hydro stores yesterday and looked around. I usually order online. Glad I do, because every shop I went into was either pushing AN or GH down my throat. I laugh every time I see someone buy AN. But, to each his own..


Well-known member
beneficials should be constantly replenished if you are worried about EDTA in salt ferts eating killing them. once beneficials are brewed and fed carbs, they don't really die off very easily. perhaps the organics growing forum can help you. they hate my inorganic ass over there, so make sure to tell em I sent ya!:wave:


I was originaly going to post this in another organic tread because this ones lookin kind of dead but i personally find this one here intesting and want to expand this information.

First a little background: ive got two grows under my belt after a year and a half of lurking different sites and fumbling around with different ideas. Both grows have been disapointing in yield but indespensable in knowledge. That said im looking for a good nutrient regimen as mine is scattered about and is deffinetly not in any type of order. And that brings me here.

Like others i have "heard" fantastic things about dyna gro (esp. pro tekt). Ive actually used Shults All Perpose (dont laugh it actually worked great in dwc for awhile with no deffciencies but eventually went N Deff because its mostly urea), GH lucas formula (allways get some? deficiency...brown spots?)...Tried organics Alaskan fish emulsion for veg then completly went blank when i started getting deficiencies bought all kinds of shit (litteraly) to fix these problems and went back to using GH on the organic stuff...which leaves me at just giving the fuckers water and letting them do their thing deficient or not. Thank you 101 different nutrient companies. Thank you organic tooters. Not that im hating on anyone but everything put together is just alot of BS to put together by ones self. And do that we must because half of the time people dont know what there talking about.

Ok now to the main point of my post. I love the idea of only using 8 ingredients plus it was super simply laid out for anyone to use. My dilema is dyna gro uses edta as a chleating agent and accourding to most if not all organic "experts" this will kill beneficials. So if your killing them off whats the point of putting them in in the first place. And if anyone is able to keep them alive can you please enlighten us on how its done and how you know its is being done. Or more on the point of putting them in there in the first place, we use beneficials to break down nutrients into plant avaliable forms. To my undersanding dyna gro already did that for us...right? Anyone?

Anyway i love the idea of organics, of a microbial enviroment where nature and plants work together to sustain and improve. I also love the fact that we can become a part of that cycle....Then on the flip side i love synthetics because they are readily avaliable and if i have a difficency i want it fixed now not later...or for that fact id like to avoid them all together. More studying and experience will deffinetly get me there but a lil help along the way never hurt.

Id like to hear anyones oppinions on the listed ingredients here and if people think synthetics and organics can be used together as proposed in this thread.

Nice contribution man. I wanted to throw in my two cents and say that you really don't need to be worried about the EDTA killing benies. That is propoganda put out by organic loving liberals to try and convince us that organics is better. Like the guy before said, get some populations started and give them some food and they will pretty much handle their business. Re-innoculate every now and then for good measure but you definitely don't have to worry about killing them off with the dyna-gro.

Organics and synthetics??

I want to try and get people to stop using the term synthetic. All of these elements come right out of the ground and the only thing that is synthesised are the chelating agents. Mineral based nutrients is much better terminology. But, to answer your question, I thinking merging mineral and organic is great and it is exactly what this recipe does. The dyna gro has the inorganic end covered.... completely. Adding the Kelp, sweetener, and benies is adding a natural side to the mix to make sure we are getting everything we can out of our plants. Im lovin this recipe.

As far as benies breaking stuff down, you are correct, dyna gro has already put everything into a completely available form. The benefit from the benies is found in their ability to break down dead roots and things like that into a useable form for plants. People using enzyme products to try and accomplish this but doesnt it make a lot more sense to get some bacteria to do it for you? Bacteria are enzyme factories, and rather than having to use a zyme product over and over you just innoculate with benies and let them do their thang.

There was a really great post on this organic subject somewhere in here that I am going to try and dig up and repost because it touches on some great points.


ICMag Donor
Didn't you learn anything after your last handle got banned for this same crap? This will be your only warning....


Well-known member
definitely mineral or salt. don't call it synthetic! it's not. it's minerals just broken down in raw forms, chelated, and usually buffered & dyed. The organophiles hate me because I'm hydro. even if I agreed, I would be hated on. I don't know shit! I know clean sterile methods that can grow you some of the biggest, finest buds around. simplicity of nutritional needs, tends to work the best. when you start complicating things with multiple additives, and BS snake oils that only play with the uptake of readily available foods and fuck w PH. when you use all these things, it's hard to distinguish what product might be giving you issues. I try to keep it short & sweet so it's easier for stoners to retain. besides that, I just don't have a lot of time to answer in detail. hope this helps


Well-known member
when your water is agitated enough molasses works just fine. the trick is to dilute the molasses in a gal of warm water until it is completely diluted in the water. I have too many nute regiments due to the nutritional needs of different strains, and what I use is what was either comped, show samples or was old stock from my now closed hydrostore.

right now I'm using a 5 year old bottle set of B'cuzz AB w PK-13/14, calmg+, and an ancient bottle of AN humic Acid (all of which I found in my back yard under a tree I left there 3+ years ago!!! I use an old bottle of barricade as PH up and I have some PH down. Why??? it's all I have here laying around. it's more than I need. I may not even use the PK 13/14... just all poupose salt ferts. when I run out, I'll get me some dynabloom or some maxibloom powder. I have a recipe that will bring out everything you can in weed but it makes AN's 2+ regiment look cheap AND simple! It's posted here somewhere, and you can search for it as I know it's here, but I don't recommend it unless your getting benchmark, top notch results using a ton of products from a lot of experience. simplicity rules. the difference of the dankest I can grow using my special recipe, vs some serious dank grown with lucas and some calmg+ and heavy humics, that only I can distinquish the differences, I'll save some serious cash not using all this stuff that can really enhance buds to their fullest.. K.I.S.S. it's cheaper, it's easier, and it's much more consistent. the more you add to your res, the more unstable the PH will be, and the harder it is to tell what product might be giving you problems.

for people who want great results and don't want to tinker (never gamble on a felony) I Say use the dynabloom with their mag supplement, and protekt. good water is the best start. if you run R/O it's a must to add calmg to replenish what essential minerals are stripped from the filtration process. if you have clean spring water, your probably good, but recources are running thin due to the natural gas company's hydrofracking our country's land, contaminating the water table. I personally use an RO because my water is over 500ppm and stinks of chlorine, and rust... I see charcoal particles out my tap. I HAVE to use an RO and 3-5ml of calmg+ no matter what. This way I have a pretty good idea of whats in my water. good water and a base nutrient with PH controls can do wonders. a great additive during bloom is Epsom salts. extra magnesium is good shit. I thow a Pinch in for every 20 gal every 3 days or so from say weeks 3-7.


Well-known member
I run a 1000GPH water pump per 70 gallon res with a pair of large aquarium filters keeping things moving & oxygenating it very well.


New member
I'm glad to see other people have seen the light ! I've been using Dyna-Gro with my indoor garden and all my other plants outside ;)

They make a high nitrogen grow product called 'Foliage-Pro'. I thought it was for foliar feeding until I got educated by one of their phone techs. It's pretty much the same as Dyna-Gro but High nitrogen; 9-3-6.

I'm growing in a peat moss mixture blended myself, water daily, and feed 1-2 week; will increase as I flip into flower..... All personal preference.

I really like this product because it's one of the few that's a complete 1part nutrient. Just add your favorite additives and I agree Pro-tek should be used up until 1first week of Flower

Peace on !


New member
Doing my own research I encountered the fact that Nickel is now considered a required micro-nutrient for all higher plant life, Cannabis included. This of course spurned me to read all my available product labels trying to find a nutrient line with the complete macro, micro's.

Dyna-Gro is the only one I've found with everything, the other way that was suggested was organic aerated compost tea, using guano, mushroom compost, kelp and mixing them, would also accomplish a full macro micro profile, however without the control of a synthetic, and of course the smell.

MaxiBloom seems like it has all the micros, because I clearly see their elements listed on the derived from list, whoever unlike Dyna-Gro they won't give a guaranteed analysys.

Oh a side note you'd be disgusted how many nutrient companies are missing required micro's, this might be fine in Soil where the Earth fixes these issues, but in Hydro where you're your plants God, this is completely unacceptable. Not only are those lines missing Nickel but a lot of them are also missing Zinc, Zinc and Nickel being tied to Iron absorption.


New member
Dyna-Gro makes a product called 'Foliage Pro' 9-3-6. GREAT STUFF! I will this through the first two weeks of flower :) then switch to Dyna-Gro Bloom.

I start with 1ml per Gal of Protek then add Foliage Pro and your favorite additive :)


I also use the Foliage- Pro in the first two weeks of flower. The lower P also helps to eliminate some of the stretch that occurs in the first three weeks, if that is an issue for folks.


New member
Sounds like the my custom mix, but without the additives.... I do use pelite, lava rock , and sometimes sand. I've been recycling my mix with 50% recycled with 50% new peat. I find there's enough nutrients for the young plants to survive plus I don't want anything to interfere with my nutrient schedule ;)

Laughing Jim

Active member


Dyna Gro is the simplest, easiest to use, least expensive, and most effective line I have ever used now that I have gotten everything tuned in with the addition of those few select products. I spend hundreds less on my nutes, spend way less time mixing solutions, and I am getting better results than ever before.

I strongly encourage people to try this recipe as well as using the base nutes and protekt in your own regimens and see the difference it makes. Dyna Gro is the standard for research at universities for a reason.

I agree with you 100%...NO, 110%!

Dyna-Gro has been around a long time; long before the plethora of nutes that surround today's growers. It's an excellent product line and it does exactly what it's advertised to do; nothing more, nothing less. I been using it for a year now and i plan on staying with it.

Like the starter of the thread said: with Dyna-gro, you get the biggest bang for your buck. Hey, unless you're independantly wealthy, why throw money away?

Now, if somebody would just come up with the "Final Solution" to Spider Mites.


New member
There's many ways to feed your girls ;) i.e. Additives to your mixture or a feeding schedule.

If you don't know what your doing PICK ONE ! and start LIGHT !!!

Mistake number#1 is over feeding and continuing to feed when your plants don't look good, because you think they need more.... Chances are there's too much in the medium and causing a nutrient lockup....

Benefits of growing within a 0-0-0 mixture is you know it's not going to interfere with your feeding schedule :)

Only the PROS know how to really tweak the nutrient schedule and add a little of this while feed that..... I'm still learning. It's a find balance.