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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Member yeahyeah!


I have about 30grams of that new moon left myself! it certainly isnt cheap! lol

Heres a pic of some moroccan 00 hash...



  • DSCF0279.jpg
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Looks very nice

oh it is!! i find it too buzzy tho! i prefer a heavy indica kick hence i have smoked much but i am gettin a bong this week so maybe i eill enjoy it more thro that!! how much does a100g slab of new moon go for out of interest??
Ahh very nice. There should be some nice december hashish this year. I'll take a few shots when I get some. Bin a long time since I had some that was worth taking pictures of. Uhmm just cannot wait hehe!! Great hashes


Green Mujaheed
Hey Kuk :wave:

Sorry for the late reply, haven't connected since several weeks.

anyway mr iko i was just saying thanks for the lesson on himalayan hash history, as it is something i am interested in, and thought most afghan was charas (hand rubbed, not gardah) also can you call gardah charas or is gardah only called gardah? that garda thats been twisted (I love doing that on grade A himalayan) but it looks alot like "cream" i had in parvati in 06, which i think was hand rubbed, but it looked alot like your gardah, was some of the strongest stuff, not looks either it packed punch too. reminds me by looking at your gardah, that its made by completely different process.

gardah is gardah, sieved loosely pressed resin. When the gardah is hand-pressed, or mortar-pelted, then it turns to charas.
The Kashmiri gardah is nothing like cream. It is a very tightly pressed resin, rather powdery.

By the way, when you say they cook the weed to make gardah, what part of the plant are they cooking (buds/hand rubbed resin/sieved materlal) (and at what temp would you estimate? and for how long, before finished product?)

no no no, it is the sieved gardah that is cooked and turned to charas. Actually it is more heated than really cooked. Can't say about the temps, but the required duration is that one needed to reach the form of dark, sticky, gooey charas. Would depend on the quantity that is processed I suppose.

im going to have a look on wiki on this now actually because ive seen you rave alot about gardah on these threads and i dont think ive ever tried it but would love to, would you have to go to some "hot" areas for lone westerner in pakistan to find some, or can you get it in india or nepal. or even not hot parts of pakistan (what is the pak side of kashmir like these days compared to pre 9/11, is it more dangerous now?)

No, no need to go to some hot places. PEshawar has plenty of gardah, but you can find also in Chitral or Gilgit, which are even quiter places.
It might be possible to find Pak material in India, punjab or Rajasthan, but probably heavily adulterated, so nothing like the real deal.
Azad Kashmir is usually quiet (I haven't visited yet the Pakistan side of Kashmir, only Indian side), although most of it if alas off-limits to foreigners. You can only travel along a small bunch or roads.

Personnaly I think that main difference between pre-9/11 and post 9/11 Pakistan is that there are less tourist visiting the country. Not becase it became dangerous, but rather because people got scared by media bs.

Sorry again for late reply,

Irie !



New member
Hash from Amsterdam last week

Hash from Amsterdam last week

We bought some different hash last week during the Cannabis Cup.
I've made an album with the photos that were taken.

Find the album here: https://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?u=44332

Here is a sample
Grey Cristal, from Grey Area

And Tbisla, from Bluebird

Btw I love this thread :greenstars:



Active member
Nepal, making shift hash (moroccan style)


thank you all for the info. Much apreciatted mates.
Mriko, always is a pleasure to read you.

Big ups all!
Amazing delicious hashish I managed to get. Crazy ass high, best taste ever. It maybe doesn't look as much but if you play with the hashish in fingers you'll have a sticky and very nice smell on your fingers for the rest of your day. Allmost fullmelt, but potense wise it's crazy hashish! I was told it's Kashmiri genetics grown and made in Marocco. Comes in 250gr bars with a very wierd stamp(If you even can call it a stamp) Happy xmas





Raffles great little hash stash. Enjoy that shit. I love being able to chat with fellow stoners who are enthusiastic and knowledgeable about their hobby!:tiphat:

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