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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Member yeahyeah!


that hash is very unlikely to be from afghanistan. almost all hash from afghanistan and india is hand rubbed charas, nepal has more sieved hash, which that is.
thats not charas

Your information is incorrect.

Afghanistan has NEVER produced much hand rubbed hash (not for export anyway).

They practically invented dry sifting. Traditionally it was sieved then HAND PRESSED, and that is a completely different thing.

With the rise of western demand in the 70's most of the HAND PRESSING stopped as its impracticable to hand press large amounts and mechanical presses became the norm.

Hardly any export hash leaves the country now. Most of it (like the stuff in OP) is poor quality "border hash"

Nepal on the other hand "traditionally" produced hand rubbed and hand pressed hash of high quality till the early 70's. Before the 40's it was imported into India and seen as a superior product.

It was the huge western demand that started the whole dry sifting process there, mainly because to make/collect "high quality" hand rubbed hash takes a long time and much skill.

India is one of the few places where hand-rubbed can still be found. Not sure if much is exported though, maybe for the Connoisseur market, but not commercial export.

Its a misconception that "hand rubbed" hash is stronger/purer, better than sifted hash. ok if hash is BULK sifted just as a commercial product, then it could be argued. But selective, careful dry sifting can produce hash thats at least 50% THC (depending on the starting material), try hand collecting that.

Its such a shame what prohibition/greed/dea has done to the great hash producing nations of the past. it really depresses me.

I was lucky enough to be in my late teens at the end of the 70's so was able to sample & buy lots of the lovely red & blond/gold Lebanese, Indian/afghan/Kashmir/Packi/Nepalese blacks, the lovely imported thai weeds, oh and of course the 00 Moroccan.

It makes me mad, back then Moroccan was always a last resort, it the weakest type of hash. Now a decent piece of Moroccan is often the best available (here in the uk anyways).

just love this thread, great pics guys

incidently hom, I got a bar jus the same afghan and stamp and i have to say it was very good quality. First night of smokin was akin to tripping.pliable at room temp and all the right colour and consistancy.
a quality smoke. ;)
ps. do people get the hump round here when u have better hash than them?
great thread, love it.


Nice one Ryan. Gets you well whacked...no doubt. Really sweet but sometimes a weird taste busts through. Alot nicer than most of the nonsense thats pawned off as quality over here..


All in the taste my friend. I think you might be happily surprised...Fresh and floral and highhhh..


Life is one big grow........
All in the taste my friend. I think you might be happily surprised...Fresh and floral and highhhh..

yeeh blonds are hard to juge....by the look...if its a real blond ist def nice....it looks a bit like a commercial low grade...but its realy hard to tell!!
i will come over to ya and have a testsmoke:dance013:


Green Mujaheed
that hash is very unlikely to be from afghanistan. almost all hash from afghanistan and india is hand rubbed charas, nepal has more sieved hash, which that is.
thats not charas

No, Afghanistan has no commercial production of hand-rubbed charas. This is all gardah and cooked charas overthere. By the way, the word charas is not used only for hand-rubbed resin, but also for sieved resin after it's been cooked, in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

They practically invented dry sifting. Traditionally it was sieved then HAND PRESSED, and that is a completely different thing.

Practically indeed as it rather seems to be a Turkestani practice, the industry moving Southward to Afghanistan after the Russian Revolution. Although the shrine of baba Kuh (the one holy man who is said to have "invented" charas) is near Balkh.

With the rise of western demand in the 70's most of the HAND PRESSING stopped as its impracticable to hand press large amounts and mechanical presses became the norm.

Hand-pressin is actually just one of several traditionnal ways, the one for private use, easy & quick to do. For larger quantities there are larger presses, the traditionnal ones consisting into a large stone mortar underwhich a fire is lit, when the mortar is hot enough, the gardah is poured in the bowl and a heavy stone is manned by one, two, or more people so as to pound the gardah while it is cooked and turn it into charas.

Hardly any export hash leaves the country now. Most of it (like the stuff in OP) is poor quality "border hash"

More than you think actually, but the good one mostly goes to neighbouring countries, such as Pakistan and Turkestan nations, Iran & Middle-East countries (Saudi & Emirates) plus Russia, and also Czech Rep for some reason...

It was the huge western demand that started the whole dry sifting process there, mainly because to make/collect "high quality" hand rubbed hash takes a long time and much skill.

I'd rather say it made it to expand as dry sifting is also a traditionnal techniques in the Himalaya. What made it to reach such an extent would rather be the Western influence, through the travellers who've brought with them sieving bags & cloths.

India is one of the few places where hand-rubbed can still be found. Not sure if much is exported though, maybe for the Connoisseur market, but not commercial export.

There is commercial export, definitely, but the quantities are nowhere near that of the Moroccan production, making charas a treat indeed, an expensive treat... A pretty large chunk of the Himachali production ends up in Italy (actually, if you know where to look, on Google Earth, you can even spot the house some mafia guy got built in the middle of Parvati valley ganja fields, so as to control the work being done by Nepalese seasonnal migrant workers. Big money to be made up there !

Its such a shame what prohibition/greed/dea has done to the great hash producing nations of the past. it really depresses me.

I was lucky enough to be in my late teens at the end of the 70's so was able to sample & buy lots of the lovely red & blond/gold Lebanese, Indian/afghan/Kashmir/Packi/Nepalese blacks, the lovely imported thai weeds, oh and of course the 00 Moroccan.

Indeed, depressing it is. So much have been lost, but there still is a lot to preserve ! For how long... ?

Some Kashmiri Twisted Gardah here from 2007, my I love this stuff ! Sorry for pic quality...

Irie !


Some goodies from the rif.:dance013:

Cristal Polm, thicker Polm and some Caramello.

The Caramello and thicker Polm is lovely.


  • Kopie von Marock1.jpg
    Kopie von Marock1.jpg
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  • Kopie von Caramello.jpg
    Kopie von Caramello.jpg
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New member
AAAARRRGGHHH !!!!!!! god this thread sends my mind racing!!! loved the hash in india but since gettin to london its been shitty maroc n nothin better. still dream of the joints tht smelled like incense n packed with flavorful lungfuls :)