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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....

Owl Mirror

Active member
the Swastika stamp


I have one question regarding the purchase of any product which contains an image or mark that can be attributable to an organization which is making money in an effort to destroy your way of life?
If your money is going towards funding a group determined to perpetuate warfare or terrorism, would you continue to purchase it?

I'm not saying this particular symbol is such yet, we all know that much of the illegal drugs marketed around the world are funding groups such as the Taliban.
I'm curious how far people are willing to ignore such relationships in their pursuit for a buzz ?


the Swastika stamp


I have one question regarding the purchase of any product which contains an image or mark that can be attributable to an organization which is making money in an effort to destroy your way of life?
If your money is going towards funding a group determined to perpetuate warfare or terrorism, would you continue to purchase it?

I'm not saying this particular symbol is such yet, we all know that much of the illegal drugs marketed around the world are funding groups such as the Taliban.
I'm curious how far people are willing to ignore such relationships in their pursuit for a buzz ?

Hello Owl!

As you should know, drugs is mostley about making money. So now people see that, they start growing/making for their own. Since we don't exactly know why people sell it (war, money, hobby etc.) we can't just stop buying it! though if I knew it was a product to raise funds for war-like activities I would not buy it ( I guess....) But since we dont know...(for sure) let's enjoy the goodies, shall we ? :joint:

To clear things up: I'm not purchasing 'the swastika hasj' because of that stamp, it's because I saw BERED's pic's and it looks nice quality.
I do not care about any stamps, it is just an indication for me (and others).
Unfortunatly, like Bob said, nowadays people copy the stamps so you get confused and get the wrong shit. Still they get their money. That's why I asked him for a Pic of the slab, so I can compare it to what Im going to get. (and not get ripped off with some fake Sherezade)

Still, it's just an indication for us to show what strain/region/press etc it is.

Stamps mostley are the "brands" of hasj besides the names. But as you know now, you can't tell everything just by the stamp anymore. Smoking it will tell you if you have good stuff!

In my opinion hasjisch goes a lot further than only a buzz... It's a beautiful product!


Green Mujaheed
About the swastika, actually the nazis reversed nothing as both click-wise and anti-clockwise swastika are used in buddhism and other religions in Asia. But yeah, it's kinda odd to find such sign on a moroccan slab.

I have one question regarding the purchase of any product which contains an image or mark that can be attributable to an organization which is making money in an effort to destroy your way of life?
If your money is going towards funding a group determined to perpetuate warfare or terrorism, would you continue to purchase it?

I'm not saying this particular symbol is such yet, we all know that much of the illegal drugs marketed around the world are funding groups such as the Taliban.
I'm curious how far people are willing to ignore such relationships in their pursuit for a buzz ?

I buy coke everyday (I mean the soft drink !) and keep buying eventhough I know that part of the money I spend on it goes to the US gov as taxes and that part of that money might be used to wreak havoc in countries who asked for nothing. In whatever I buy there are taxes that go feeding my country's goverment and I'm fully aware that part of this money will be used to fund harsh police methods, forced repatriation of political refugees or some funny trip abroad for president & his ass-licking crew so they can sell a whole bunch of nuclear technololy & high-tech weapons.

Taleban (which ones??? ) sure get their share from the afghan dope (although they actually get most of their funding from private benefactors living in the Gulf states), but one of the biggest dope smuggling, war monging entity remains CIA. How do you think they are funding their drone assassination program in Pakistan (along with Blackwater/Xe which sure gets is share). I'm far more worried about what my gov. makes out of the money it gets from me, because it is a far greater ennemy of my way of life than are any taleban or whatever.

Irie !


About the swastika, actually the nazis reversed nothing as both click-wise and anti-clockwise swastika are used in buddhism and other religions in Asia. But yeah, it's kinda odd to find such sign on a moroccan slab.

I buy coke everyday (I mean the soft drink !) and keep buying eventhough I know that part of the money I spend on it goes to the US gov as taxes and that part of that money might be used to wreak havoc in countries who asked for nothing. In whatever I buy there are taxes that go feeding my country's goverment and I'm fully aware that part of this money will be used to fund harsh police methods, forced repatriation of political refugees or some funny trip abroad for president & his ass-licking crew so they can sell a whole bunch of nuclear technololy & high-tech weapons.

Taleban (which ones??? ) sure get their share from the afghan dope, but one of the biggest dope smuggling, war monging entity remains CIA. How do you think they are funding their drone assassination program in Pakistan (along with Blackwater/Xe which sure gets is share). I'm far more worried about what my gov. makes out of the money it gets from me, because it is a far greater ennemy of my way of life than are any taleban or whatever.

Irie !

Hi Mrkio!

Very nicely said! I mean, money does not come falling out of the sky. Behind our 'kind' goverments rests a dark world :) People are being fooled way to easy these days. And all muslims are bad.. Yeah right.

I don't like to say it but America is by far most the 'filtiehst' country if it comes to this kind of things. They know how to cover up ugly shit pretty good... Not the citizen, very nice people as far as I know :D!!
Indeed it threatens our way of life more then the Taliban. But the future will tell us :joint:


New member
I bought lots of Sheherazade from Bushdoctor when i was in A-town 5-6 years ago. I loved it!! I liked the spicy taste and the texture. It was lightly pressed, but crumbled nice when packing my Sibsi. My absolute favorite hash, last time i was in the dam. It Bushdoctor still around?


Active member
yep man,this is the same shit you had smoked at the bushdocter,the nicest and smoothest hash I have ever try.


New member
I remember the bag looked like gold nuggets. Incredible! Thanks for Sharing and taking me back to a sweet vacation in my mind.. lol That year I also liked the Christmas Hash from Green House and Dutch Moonshine from Dampkring which is considerd a Nederhash. Cant wait to get back.




Originally Posted by BERED
this Sheherazade is a little bit spicy and hard than usual but with this characteristic smell and taste.
the slab have the Swastika stamp,but revers.

the reversed Swastika was originally and still is a Buddhist symbol that is over 2500 years old....in the late 1930's, Hitler and his nasty Nazis ripped off the design then reversed it. '

I have no idea why any Muslim made hash would have this symbol on it.......maybe they they applied the brand back the front by mistake? maybe they don't know what it is and just thought it was a cool design?? Maybe they are dyslexic Neo-Nazis?...or closet Buddhists??
its actually used in more cultures than just in the buddhist culture. i think the oldest known instance of it is from the area now known as iran, but i might be wrong. anyway, it was used in hindu culture, too, before buddhism ever came about. and actually, it shows up in some jewish cultures, as well (before the late 30's, of course).


Some Nepali and Maroc:nanana:


  • nema 008.JPG
    nema 008.JPG
    27.5 KB · Views: 24


Green Mujaheed
its actually used in more cultures than just in the buddhist culture. i think the oldest known instance of it is from the area now known as iran, but i might be wrong. anyway, it was used in hindu culture, too, before buddhism ever came about. and actually, it shows up in some jewish cultures, as well (before the late 30's, of course).

Indeed, was used as well by the Ol'Greeks

Irie !


Nice looking hash...I think Marocco is in northern africa and not in europe :nanana:



Well-known member
Hi :)

As some of you know i moved to spain for a few months... today i wanted to get a lot of stuff done, but somehow i spent the whole afternoon reading this thread and smoking hash :D

yesterday i was lucky enough (thanks to the nice folks over at cc.net ;) ) to meet a nice italian guy who had just returned from chefchaouen and brought some top grade hash... very nice melty dark marok, the type that i have bought many times in holland as caramello. very sticky, colour and consistence are simialar to the nepali xxx from mr.haze i tried last time in the dam.

I really enjoy the taste, it has the typical marok smell in the background with some nice sweet, floral and spicy notes, suprisingly smooth for this purity... turn is very nice, pretty heady - still haven't found a ceiling lol but i'll keep trying, after 4 or 5 joints of it i'm getting still higher with every minute, actually i think i have red eyes - and that doesn't happen very often to me (like 4-5 times a year, and than mostly on forum-reunions ;) )

bought a slap of 100g for 4 e/g, pretty much the best hash-deal i ever made, quality of this kind costs 10+ in the shops in amsterdam and 8+ in the rest of holland...

don't have my camera with me, but i hope i get at least my compact one sent over from germany next week, i'll for sure going to make some pics of this one - i have already smoked nearly all of the weed i had sent over in the hostal where i was staying the first days, so that i'll have to stick with this hash until my first crop here ;)


Finally made some pics... bare with me they are not the usual quality, i only have my 6 year old compact digicam at hand...

hmm I can't upload photos bigger than 150kb anymore... strange... i'll upload them on imageshack...



YEAH :D now that is sticky icky hash !!

AND officially - u had a VERY good price on it :D hehe

Finally made some pics... bare with me they are not the usual quality, i only have my 6 year old compact digicam at hand...

hmm I can't upload photos bigger than 150kb anymore... strange... i'll upload them on imageshack...



Active member
"marok smell in the background with some nice sweet, floral and spicy notes, suprisingly smooth for this purity... turn is very nice, pretty heady "

best description of good high-grade morocan hash hehe :)
It´s really a good idea come down to "al Moro" with some toys like a bubble bag kit...
definitely you did a good deal. Although there is so much hash in spain, it´s sometimes difficult to find a good-quality piece.

good vibes all!!


Although there is so much hash in spain, it´s sometimes difficult to find a good-quality piece.

good vibes all!!

yeah man! its almost like if the masses like to smoke bad hash, i dont know why?? also many dealers do buy separate smoke for them self, and sell an other quality. makes no sence to me at all. but i guess that happens all over :D


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