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I'm so tired of DRINKING


Active member
Growbox, weed and booze are 2 different things, you can't substitute one for another. i would grow a few more plants, and have more bud available. Alcohol is cheap on your wallet, but over time , can be costly to your health!!! I would recommend that you plan something for the times you have no bud.....maybe set up a scavenger hunt around the house, go do something outside the house, even if it is taking a walk, or going sledding, but occupy yourselves with something other than alcohol. Best of luck, and stay HIGH, it is better than being low!!!


There was a time when I binged hard on reefer and alky. Blaze up, get a little jittery, slam a couple beers, start feeling good, blaze, drink, repeat over and over.

I got to a point where I was feeling crappy, physically worn down and anxious, and quit both for quite a while. During that time, I lost my tolerance for alcohol. Since then, I've found if I drink any more than 1 or 2 beers or drinks, I feel like hell for a couple of days...emotionally and physically. So now I go weeks at a time without drinking, and when I do, it's only one or two.

I also found that without the alcohol fuel, a little smoke periodically is a nice departure from my every day routine, but toking daily is drudgery, and brings on paranoia and anxiety. So now I have a couple little puffs on the weekend or a special occasion, and I really enjoy it again. As a side benefit, I only have to run a little micro-grow to stay supplied. I still get the enjoyment of growing without fussing over having to produce a big stash.

I'm also more motivated to focus my energy on all of the other things in my life besides staying drunk and stoned all the time.

All things in moderation.


Active member
If I don't have my bud's I want to drink.... but buds are so expensive and booze is such cheap...

You've just stated the reasons why there are so many alcoholics in the U.S. today. My roomate did amazingly well on cannabis but had been an alcoholic their entire life, till that point. They died angry.

Alcohol and Rx are money makers that keep the populace distracted with social and health issues.

Make your own wine and drink in moderation... you'll have better results in your life with social and health issues than commercial beer and distilled.

Work toward moving or changing your situation to allow more meds in your life.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Im not a drinker , but being out of weed , I broke down , & drank a couple glasses of vodka.Not fun for me , but it did keep me , & my wife from fighting.
I used to drink a fair bit but have decided to give it up.
11 days so far without a drink, the most I have been without a drink in the last several years is 12 days so going for the record.
Got sick of feeling like shit all the time, and it was costing me a lot of money.
It can be fun having a cold beer or two occassionally but I wasn't able to control it very well, and used to get really pissed every time.
I think for some people like me it's easier to not drink at all than to try and moderate it.


I'm so tired of FAT CHICKS

I'm so tired of FAT CHICKS

They're heavy

A good tip to help you give up addictions is to take up running, I gave up cigarettes on christmas day and I don't think I could of done it without running.
A morning run takes away the desire for cigarettes until the afternoon or evening, and also relaxes you so you don't have to reach for a cigarette if you are feeling anxious or stressed.


Active member
i only drink ONCE a week now cuz i need som kind of buzz but i really hate it

i'll be glad once the thc is out of my system so i can smoke and vape again, i miss you mary jane, you are my main thing, you mak me feel alright....


Fucking seconded. I'd describe myself as a partial functioning alcoholic- I strictly adhere to a personal rule not to start till 9pm but honestly (and sadly) my fucking insane libido requires some level of intoxication to stay sated during my sleep. I doubt you'd like any more detail than that.

Cannabis absolutely and completely replaces alcohol when I can get it. Sadly, my desperation for a job makes liver abuse the more pragmatic option.

I will say this though- those of you doubting synthetic cannabinoids due to the fact that they're, well, synthetic shouldn't knock it till they tried it. Lace a hand-rolled tobacco cigarette with plenty of the white powder (JWH-210 was last used by me and quite strong) and it'll take you to west fucking Mars. And it's the ONLY drug that's suppressed my libido adequately during the daytime. I still follow the 9pm rule. Anywho, for the first time in perhaps far too long, I'd ingested a drug that removed my body's mandatory need for cumming to stay sane.