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I'm so tired of DRINKING


If I don't have my bud's I want to drink.... but buds are so expensive and booze is such cheap... my circumstances only allows me to grow one plant withing 2-3months. My wife and I get along such much better when we are medicated and other "prescription's" only make us fight at each other....

It's sorta of sad but this is the only place I would ask for advice.


Active member
Hey GB-420

I would do something for could grow more than one plant,thats 4 sure..
Plants good company


I could get beers or hard stuff anytime - I am FREQUENTLY without herb, but I really don't like what I become if I drink.

I don't enjoy a beer buzz anymore - and I've always hated the "hangovers", and because I don't drink very often, the hangovers seem to be worse...

Don't drink - you know you don't like it, so hang in there, and wait for the weed to come around again...

Good luck - you can do it...


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Growbox, you and your wife need to learn to love each other un-medicated. Take a deep look into your relationship and try to find the reason why you cant get along unless you have a buzz on. When you discover that underlying problem you will hopefully be able to work on it and eventually you will find you dont need medication to enjoy being together.
JMHO , for what it's worth.:tiphat:


I like both and neither can replace the other. All things in moderation.

I gotta say though I just started one of my yearly month or two long cannabis sabbaticals and the handle of wild turkey does get hit a little bit harder than usual. Especially the first week.

As far as medicating with alcohol, it's bad practice imo. Maybe a night or two deep in the bottle if something really shitty happens, but it's no good long term.

A glass or two per night. Don't pickle your organs.


honestly .. its a habit like anything else.. if you replace it with something else after a few months you will totally be "retrained" so to speak.. at least me.

switch to some other drink you like, iced tea, water, a protein shake, coffee, .. sounds too easy, but like i said its just a habit. after a few months you are craving your new "habit".

one thing that really hits the spot for me is a fresh fruit smoothie , make it in a blender, damn they are good.

good luck whatever you do!


Active member

Try "phenibut", with 2 beers, its the best feeling my cat ever had, cuts down on my cuts alcohol consumption as well. Also, my cat enjoys "Kratom" thoroughly.

Do a google search, and see for yourself.

lost in a sea

turbolaser why you giving your cat booze and living through him ? ;)

i just advise you grow more weed growbox mate,, also i second what capt.ahab said,, and remember you are how you live,,, if your miserable and leaning on crutches than you wont get much further than that,,
growbox420, i will not presume to know what it is that requires you to medicate. i do know that i am a total teenage bitch from hell without cannabis to mitigate my ptsd. there is no looking at my childhood and making any sense of it. the only thing that helps is cannabis. without it, i too went to alcohol. it made things worse.

meditation is helpful when there is no cannabis. poppy tea, other then california poppies are mood tempering. boil any part of the plant that is dead. sweeten with brown sugar and enjoy. eat green heads when the peddle connective tissue stands upright. this will not make you high, just pleasantly happy.

my best to you whatever your condition.

Han Grolo

Im pretty sure poppy tea can be habit forming. If you are looking to replace your habit with another you might want to look for something non opiate based.

Back in the day my cat drank some poppy tea, didn't really do much for her but she reckoned other kittys must have better poppies than her.

while im here, heres my 2 cents..

They offer therapy dogs now for depression.. nothing like beating a dog to make yourself feel better... oh wait I think your supposed to love them. ;)

And don't forget about good old fashion exercise.. perhaps you and the misses could find something you enjoy doing together.. like walking that new puppy :)

cheers and best of luck
ps grow more weed


Well-known member
If I don't have my bud's I want to drink.... but buds are so expensive and booze is such cheap... my circumstances only allows me to grow one plant withing 2-3months. My wife and I get along such much better when we are medicated and other "prescription's" only make us fight at each other....

wierd, i'm in the opposite situation... my buds are free (since I grow them) but my alcohol habit costs me at least $100 a month!


Active member
Just saw my sister in laws Medical bill from Pancreaitis, from drinking. It was an awesome number! I still cant find my medical bills from Dope though.

Also why be with someone if you cant get along sober. More drinking in your future lol.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Even when I didn't have herb I wouldn't drink much I smoke hookah or resin or go kill people in counter-strike source. lol


Active member

Try "phenibut", with 2 beers, its the best feeling my cat ever had, cuts down on my cuts alcohol consumption as well. Also, my cat enjoys "Kratom" thoroughly.

Do a google search, and see for yourself.

I'd also add Kava to that list but would say they should all be used as an alternative to alcohol rather than in conjunction with. Kratom and phenibut while being very effective are quite addictive though and tolerance build up with phenibut especially is pretty quick, kava doesn't have any of those problems and is readily available in US, kava by rex has best price and quality.

Check http://www.soberrecovery.com/forums/substance-abuse/11417-kava-kava-herbal-miracle.html

Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Most Alcoholics don't stop drinking until they hit their own personal bottom; for some this personal bottom ends in death.


TB Gardens

Active member
Even when I didn't have herb I wouldn't drink much I smoke hookah or resin or go kill people in counter-strike source. lol

ohh hoooo..... hash zeppelin.. didnt know you were a CSer ;-)

many a year a go, not really, but really, i did me quite a bit of Counter Strike. you played for any pro teams? nphyte (pre 2005) ring any bells?



ICMag Donor
Nowadays i ususally don't have more than 1-2 beers in a sitting.I like and enjoy that up buzz from a few..usually just 1 beer.Anytime i go over 4 beers .i absolutly feel like shit in a few hrs or the next day.For me its just not worth the trade off.Now fine cannabis and narcotics ,thats a different story.....


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
GrowBox it is so nice to see how our members jumped in promptly to give you some great advice. I hope you will consider some of it.

Quite a few years ago I was an alcoholic, I loved good red wine, miss the shit out of it still today. Martinis a favorite until the bottle was empty, if you get my drift.

But with my chronic pain, disabilities, and surgeries I had to start taking pain medication to better control them. It didn't take long for me to realize the combination of taking narcotics and alcohol were going to kill me, as it reminds you on the prescription, don’t take them both at once. My worry was not my liver, it was the effect of combining the two was sooo nice I loved it. If I continued, in a short amount of years, I was looking at even more health issues as well as ruining a marriage of 36 years.

So I decided alcohol had to go, I made up my mind one day and for Christmas that year I quit, as a present for my wife. It was tough..but weed helped me get thru it.

I recommend to anyone that is considering quitting get informed, there’s a lot of good stuff out here you can find by just Googling it. Good luck and be well my friend DD

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