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Colorado House Bill 1284



Some are saying in CO if the Gov does not sign in 30 days it becomes law automatic.
I hope not.
IDK, but want to find out. Been searching google for this answer.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Perhaps, the stalling of the bill signing and the recent raids coincide for a reason... Once this bill takes effect it legitimizes large ops in the eyes of the state. Until that time the police will use fear and intimidation to try to run folks off. it's much harder to do that when you have a "legitimate" license from the state. And he's gonna sign it.


Some are saying in CO if the Gov does not sign in 30 days it becomes law automatic.
I hope not.
IDK, but want to find out. Been searching google for this answer.

I found the info:

Every bill passed by the general assembly shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the governor. If he approve, he shall sign it, and thereupon it shall become a law; but if he do not approve, he shall return it, with his objections, to the house in which it originated, which house shall enter the objections at large upon its journal, and proceed to reconsider the bill. If then two-thirds of the members elected agree to pass the same, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of the members elected to that house, it shall become a law, notwithstanding the objections of the governor. In all such cases the vote of each house shall be determined by ayes and noes, to be entered upon the journal. If any bill shall not be returned by the governor within ten days after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the general assembly shall by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall be filed with his objections in the office of the secretary of state, within thirty days after such adjournment, or else become a law.

I'm not sure if this link will work unfortunately, but you can look in the Colorado Constitution. Just search for veto, and you'll find this on the first result page.


Edit: The link takes you to a site where this info is, but not a direct link to this section of the constitution.
if i cant walk into a disp to sell meds or sell them to people i know that are patients
what the fuck am i supposed to do when i pull 2+ zips on all my plants and go ABOVE my legal amount
last i checked the best and most legitimate thing to do is unload your extras to a dispensary

so if your trying to say that its not legal to do so i say bullshit
they have nothing in anywhere in Am 20 that speaks of what to do when you have excess meds pretty sure 99.999% of people would do what me and everyone i know does
fucking SELL IT

as if pfizer knows all the people that take their garbage hahahaha


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
if i cant walk into a disp to sell meds or sell them to people i know that are patients
what the fuck am i supposed to do when i pull 2+ zips on all my plants and go ABOVE my legal amount
last i checked the best and most legitimate thing to do is unload your extras to a dispensary

so if your trying to say that its not legal to do so i say bullshit
they have nothing in anywhere in Am 20 that speaks of what to do when you have excess meds pretty sure 99.999% of people would do what me and everyone i know does
fucking SELL IT

as if pfizer knows all the people that take their garbage hahahaha
Just cause people are doing it doesn't make it legal per A20. The only truly legitimate transactions are those between a patient and caregiver, which is the reason Dispensaries make you sign a form declaring that they are serving as your caregiver while in the shop. It is a loophole based on the vague language of the amendment. I suppose if everytime you vend to a disp you make them sign a similar form you would be squeezing through the same loophole, however you could only vend 2 oz at any one time.


Just cause people are doing it doesn't make it legal per A20. The only truly legitimate transactions are those between a patient and caregiver, which is the reason Dispensaries make you sign a form declaring that they are serving as your caregiver while in the shop. It is a loophole based on the vague language of the amendment. I suppose if everytime you vend to a disp you make them sign a similar form you would be squeezing through the same loophole, however you could only vend 2 oz at any one time.

Ah...now you may be on to something. Does anything in the law exclude a dispensary from becoming a temporary patient of a caregiver? I'm sure it's written in there. I'd be shocked if it wasn't. But if it isn't....


Denver is in the middle of a total zoning re-write as well. Will be interesting to see what comes of it.
Bill can become law by Governor ignoring it? Sleazy, scary, and just plain wrong.


I wish they would just say what is totally obvious..."we don't agree with the original amendment...and we want to stop all growing for everybody in the state of Colorado....except the 5% who give us large campaign contributions.".


Colorado House Bill 1284

They are talking about zoning right now, pretty limited looking at the map. They did include a 500 ft density regulation.
They are talking about zoning right now, pretty limited looking at the map. They did include a 500 ft density regulation.

Do you have a link for it? I've been property shopping in Boulder for a good couple weeks now, and with every day that passes it just seems like a bigger waste of my time to even try.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
there is going to be a major uproar of confusion, and anger when this happens. The thing I'm wondering is, Who's toes are being stepped on by these big cali despensaries invading colorado turf?

What I mean by this is that pot is still mostly black market. In the black market large suppliers pretty much only sell in there territory or there friends territory. When You stray into another person's hood selling, something bad happens to you. Logically, there has to be some big colorado players that are really pissed off right now. What are they gonna do to these cali folks passing these laws? What I predict happening is they off these ass holes and steal back the newly corned market, making a ton of cash in he process.


Yeah I have seen that reported on a few different sites over the past few days. I couldn't find all the stories today but here is the most current one I could find:


Hope that helps! :wave:

Again...they should just say they don't want Amendment 20. I mean, the stuff that keeps on passing by small bands of legislators who think they speak for all of us is annoying. Especially since they won't just say they're going a round-a-bout way to nullifying Amendmant 20.

Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.