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I'm Just Looking for a Place to Do My Thing


Active member

Hey friends, I threw my name in the hat to do a test/comparison run with one of LEDgirl's 205w lights side by side with my 400 hps.

I could use any support you guys can give me. It looks like I'm closing this thread down just in time to start another one.
The link above will take you to the thread, and if you think hazy's got what it takes to do it, please say so in a post there. I'll stop the perpetual under the 400 and do a good solid run with either c99 SD C4 or all three.
Hey igro~ that- rather those cindy's are smelling sweet now too.
Hey Sleepy! I won't be a stranger. I'll do an led thread if they pick me.

Jack~ If you think I can do it justice let em know!

cali~ You recovered from that chop yet? The dankness was in your cab my friend.

Hey hey Big K! Go tell ledgirl that you want to see me do an led grow!


Active member
Vote for Hazy!! Right on man I'd love to see any of those 3 in your test, popular vote is probably going to be C99 it's hot as hell right now..


No Longer a Human Watering Can
HA ,, there ya go hazy my friend !!! i gave ya a recommendation. over @ ledgirls thread ... i hope it helps man ...

peace buddy


Your odds are looking pretty good over there. You own that thread right now! You deserve it for sure! Good luck :wave:


Active member
I got a little embarrassed reading all those posts, you guys rock. I hope they pick me cause I want to know and I really think I can give it a fair and honest run. I think the led will do good. TBH there's a lot of better growers around here that would probably be better qualified to do it.
But hey.

outame 2

Active member
hey guy's

hey guy's

thought it was time for an update...about one month into flower,the tangerine haze side of this cross shows in the stretch,but the indica side really expresses in the plant structure,christmas tree all the way.

got two of the sativa dominant haze crosses in the hempy in the back right hand corner,not getting much light,but flowering nice for late night movies when they are done.think heavy citrus with a hint of skunks ass on the smell,fans are frosty.

got the big one in an 18 gallon rubbermaid,drinking about a gallon a day even with temps in the 60's in the room.barring any headaches,i will get something in a vacuum sealer from both phenos and some beans out to the desert soon.

wife approved 2 digital 600 watt hps lights for me when this is done,she is rubbing the stems every evening and smelling her fingers going mmm hmmm! :kissgrin:

my 10 year old 400 has the ballast in the hood,and it weighs a good 80 pounds,most of it on one end of the light.hazy,do you have any sheet metal snipping skills?i found a super size blower,just like my new stanley,but i think i would have hell finding a flange to fit it for exhausting the heat as it is about 6 inches wider than my stanley,with about 1000 cfm,i would probably have to have a 6" hose.i am using a floor heat vent on the stanley i have now,but with the new lights i would also have to have a Y fitting or a T also for the back of the lights for venting both.bah,ramblinggg..

anyway,i'll post pics as things come along..and good luck on the LED's...


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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey hazy i put a word in for you over at the giveaway thread :)
at the same time i entered the competition myself :D




Active member
Che~ I'm getting some c99 rooted for the demo, just in case.

Thanks Jack, I hope it helps too. I do apprecaite the support and

Tex~ I know i can do this led test better than most of the ones that I've seen lately.

Secret~ thank you

O~ :woohoo: can't wait! What a tree. That's a month in, looks like the haze side is going to make it go long.
Minimal tin snipping skills only.

Thanks a bunch VG. They should pick you. that mod/scrog you do would rock the test.

K guys, a little small update today. I'm going to chop a big Shack this weekend and a few days later going to chop two big C99s. By next weekend the SD and C4 will be down also.

When I chop the Shack, I'm taking everything out from under the 400. I have 2 big rangy White Russian Blueberry girls that will be coming down this weekend from under the 400. That'll leave 6 to move out with the big girls.

Then everything I have in veg is going under the 400 to veg for a week. After the big chop, the ones that are going to bloom under the 1k will be moved under it to veg for a weekend under flower wattage before flipping.

Oh yeah. I'm also going to rearrange and run my light vertically this next run.

And if I get that LED, I'm going to be making a few changes too. :smokey: So looks like I'll still be having a thread or two, maybe one in the vertical forum.

Heres' a little nug from the Chem4:



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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
Hey Hazy i put my vote up for you hopes you win would love to see you rock a led grow peace brotha:headbange

Old Soul

Active member
Wow, it's been too long since i stopped by. Looking killer in here, love what you done with the place. The chem4 looks so tastey, got one going myself only 2.5 weeks in and i am already dying for it to finish. lol I will try to be around more now that I have some free time.


Active member
4F2C~ howdy, come on in and look around.
Thanks for the support MrBig, I hope I don't let you guys down.
Thunderkul~ :joint:
Hot damn! Old Soul my friend. Ain't seen you around here in a coon's age. I'm sure glad you stopped by.
The Chem4 is tasty. A thousand thanks to you for that my. What sucks is that is the only one of the 4 that survived.
The DPD i finally had to flip cause it was too big, but I just couldn't get a clone to root.
When it came to the Green Crack, i didn't fuck around, I wasted no time killing it. And the CatPiss, same as the dpd.
Oh well. That's life, but I've got enough to keep me busy anyway.

I asked some of you guys to go put in a good word for me with LEDGirl in their promotion test grow thing, and you guys came through and then some. Made me feel pretty good to see all the love and kind words from you folks. Any one of you would have been a better choice than me, And I thank you again. :huggg:

Got the word thursday night that I'd been picked to do the 205 watt led comparison side by side against my 400.:dance013:

I promise you guys will not be disappointed in the thread I do on it. It'll be a straight up no frills, no experimenting test.
I'll be putting a divider down the middle of my 400 space, giving me 2 - 27" x 30" cells. 400 on the right and the 205 LED on the left. The space is 4' high.
I've got a couple Chem4 vegging in cups right now, that will be part of it. I will run something else, but i'll have to see what roots and what i have left after I flip my main batch. Could be 2 Sour Diesels or maybe c99. possibly a couple sugar shacks.

Speaking of shack:

and c99:


And a WhiteRussian x Blueberry. I have two of these plants this one and a twin with skinny buds, both smell like blueberries. The skinny one has a stronger blueberry smell.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
right on man,im glad you got the word thunderbird!!!! :friends:
make sure youdrop me a link in my thread when you get it started up cool yo?i dont wanna miss a thing on that one.that shack lookin fantabulous too bro.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looking forward to seeing you rock the LED bro

some sweet nugs above too bro