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I'm Just Looking for a Place to Do My Thing

outame 2

Active member
Wassup hazy?

Wassup hazy?

Well,the plant was harvested a week or so ago.Not a lot of weight,but enough to get me some smoke and cash,and get my friend his money back he invested in us.The wife got the room all cleaned up.We now have perlite,vermiculite,buckets,new stanley blower finally venting the 400 and 2 150's,mylar covering the walls,and new RO filters.Carbon scrubber is capping the top of the vent line in the attic.Net profit for 80 plus days of four seedlings to have one female,30 bucks worth of nutes you can use again for the next two crops,and power to keep it alive?...enough to pay all the bills for a month,and to make all the improvements above,and fill the fridge with food.

With one plant...how green are you?hazy,I'll send you that Root 66 if you would like to try it,foliar feed when you take the clone.and bam.Roots.With seeds,a dribble of that in water makes some serious roots.In a bubble cloner,should be helpful.


Active member
Sup wt, yeah, I think they'll make it i put those two in cups of coco tonight so I'll see.

I can't remember the gph of the pump Sir. It's the smallest 20.00 pump they had at home depot. It sprays a lot more than it needs for the size of my tub. They're taking at least two weeks to root. That green crack clone up front that's yellowing has been in there almost a month. No sign. I really think as everything grows out of the salt poisoning that the clones will start doing better.

outame, what are you going to run in your new buckets? You got some clones or are you going to do a seed run?
Depends on what you mean by green. I'm a pretty green as in not a lot of grow experience, and I guess I could be called green because I compost. If you mean my thumb, it's moderately green. And I think the compost will help me green up my outside garden.
I filtered my finished compost pile into a bucket today. Tossed the stuff too big to go through a piece of 1/4" hardware cloth into another compost bin. Got a 5 gallon bucket of the most perfectly textured compost. I'd really like to do one outside in compost. I guess I'll plant tomatoes in it.
Yeah maybe I could use something like root 66. Send away.

Got the wheels turning today, started planning rearranging my compost bins and figuring where to put a gardening shed and where to plant cactus to create a barrier along the fence, and a shade overhead to expand my veggie garden and make a couple hidden spots to grow a couple big ass bushes out there! It'll be a months long evolving project.

Here's my two Sugar Shacks. I've got 3-4 of these in cups vegging, so no worries there.


Grower of fine herbs...
Looking really great HAZY! Nice to see you working with the SS.. I think I will wait a little while b4 I crack my last seeds of her.. Need to own a house rather than rent.. But you know how that goes... Anyway keep up the hard work, cause its def paying off.. Peace.


outame 2

Active member
Well I don't have any clones going,but I do have a couple of seeds of deep chunk trying to pop.The green question was not about your thumb,which is as green as the Sugar shacks,which is a great strain by the way.I grew it before,as well as a cousin,Sweet Dreams.But I was primarily interested about the per ver mix,do you flush and reuse?I know you do the coco,but was interested about the hempy mix primarily.

I went into the growroom today,and noticed a light leak in the floor vent,the vents in the foundation are open now for summer,and the early morning light found it's way in,so I'm glad I found it now.Been in there at several different times of the day,but it only did it around 8:30 in the am.

my old school..first true hydro with no ph control. http://www.icmag.com/ic/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=220140&size=big&cat=&ppuser=7289


Hey hazy! Those pics look sweet as always. What kinda temps you usually run in that growroom?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi hazy!, been working my way through your thread, it really conjures up the feel of the desert with all those amazing pics - plants look great too.

ill follow this one if ya dont mind

stay safe



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
you'll pull'm clones tru i'm shure ....lookng good Hazy !


Active member
The garden is improving daily. I've learned a big lesson in keeping the trays under the pots clean. Well, in my case i use shallow tubs to sit 6+ plants into. I'm considering installing a drain and using some sort of elastomeric trowelable product to make my veg and bloom areas where I can just water away and let the runoff go down the drain. i'd route it outside to a future flowerbed. Until then I'll just have to try to not water too much and not to get too much runoff, and to go through the pita of removing all the plants from their trays and washing them out once every couple of weeks. It's the only way to keep the salt buildups away.
Actually, when nutes dissolve the ions dissacociate and when later the pot dries out too much or when they accumulate and dry in the tray, they reassociate but not in the same way. A lot of what forms in sodium choride and calcium carbonate. So you get salt and cement. Not good for plants. So I must keep them trays clean.

I've flipped 3 of the Silverdog. They are such amazing looking plants. I know I'll regret not taking more time and getting clones, but the cloner's full and I really needed to flip something. My 2 months from now smoke depends on it. These 5 Sd (2 still vegging) are nice uniform looking plants with large leaves. I have 4 seeds left to run again someday. I know these are going to be good.

I chopped the rest of that PK I've shown a pic or two of already. That baby purped up sooo nice. Fat, rock hard buds. I have another pk ready to flip, as soon as i get a couple more cuts rooted. Bigger vegging is a good thing with this PK. I'll show you.

Dog~ thanks buddy, I'm impressing myself some these days too.

~ If I ever get some more SS beans I'll look for a male and make f2s. Oh yeah, but they are no doubt selfed so there's probably no males to be had, other than herms. It's nice to have a couple in 12/12, because it's been a while since I've had any.

O~ I have indeed been reusing the P/V mix. In fact, I've been mixing it into my coco lately. Good luck with those DCs.

Tex~ Temps? Hmmm. I've never checked. I know that back when I first started it got warm enough to do a lot of damage and slow down my growth. I added more venting. Now my fans pull out all the heat fairly quickly and pull AC from my office into it.
When I open the door, i'm not hit by heat anymore if you know what i mean.

Core~ those clones are planted and looking great! Got some pics for you.

Well, I'm feeling really good about the way the grow going after the great nute concentration disaster. But i still have plants and clones that were affected by it, and am still having a few issues. The worst thing so far is that even though it was only in the salty tray for a short time, the Green Crack has finally succumbed to the poisoning and died. It happened very quickly. I moved it and noticed the pot was heavy. 10 minutes later it was droopy. It had been having troubles and went through a time where it looked like it was revegging. Then it had some nice new growth, I thought it was all good. it wasn't. You don't know how much this pains me to admit killing such a prize plant. It's the best smelling pot ever. Dang, now i've got to hit up OS again and cry to him about how I need another one blah blah blah.

One of the other problems is clones taken from sick plants. Till they root or I toss them out and get cuts from healthy plants, I'll have lingering issues. These include 3 GC clones that have not rooted so far.

These are my new starts. Silver Lights are the youngest ones. These I'll take cuts from. There's a mom in there. Also sweet skush, there's a mom in there too, but i won't be taking clones. Same with the OB2.


These have all been transplanted. Some of them are in the pic with the dead GC above.

This PK is ready to flip. It's in a hempy, should produce real well.

This is the Double Purple Doja that OS hooked me up with. It's been a little slow getting going, but it's looking real good.

These are Silverdogs before I flipped the 3 biggest. NS's Silver Lights x JLPs SD/OG (Sdog) A beautiful canopy.

That's it for veg.
First up a so-so looking SSH.

Next a badass looking SSH.

This is a ??
It's a cool looking spear point. I have two girls from 4 seeds. There were 3 seeds from some White Widow that's been going around. Then a seed from some other weed rolls into the 3 seeds and you can't tell them apart. So at least one of the girls is WW. I have a clone of the other one. But not of this wicked looking one. Nice jagged leaves on this one too.


I think you need to start walking that bitch more often, she's gettin' a little chunky. :D


No Longer a Human Watering Can
nice hazy that pk is lookin like bigtime pk now >>>>>>>>>>>that single cola plant is bad ass too looks killer !!!!

how ya been man??


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
sr71 is some fire there and your ww? and ssh girls are looking splendid as well. you know sometime when i didnt have room in bubbler or coco to stuff a cut in i just fill up a cup with water and set cuts in there, usually they root b4 i can get them into something



those took roughly 2 weeks, but i have had nice soft cuts, that i used rooting hormone on root in like 7 days in a glass a few time now. i just make sure they get light and 80F+ temps. thats a good way to take a cut when there is no room, even if it doesnt root it will live long enough to see the cloner or a cup of coco.


Jeeez hazy that is a dense PK!!! I have one just finishing up but yours looks a lot chunkier for sure!! How long you let that one go?? How are things going man, its been a bit since I've stopped in....Hope all is sweet! PEACE MAN!


That sr71pk looks f'n awesome! I can't recall ever seeing anything that looked so fine. Is it as good as looks?


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor


Hey hazy, just giving you a heads-up. Prob in the next 4 days. NS


Grower of fine herbs...
Damn Hazy, That PK is looking DEEEElishhh if I do say so myself.. And looks to be an extremely dense set of nugz that she gave you, def some fatties in the bunch.. Keep up the hard work and have fun with that smoke.. Let me know how it is!
