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Illegal Meetups Not Allowed on ICMag!

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We must stop thinking Forums are secure!

We must stop thinking Forums are secure!

Reading PMs is just a vBulletin mod. I have been on vBulletin forums where the mods could read the PMs.

Alright alright, just asking, and not the first time I've been called paranoid, lol.

But remember, just because your paranoid doesn't mean they're not really out to get you.;)

Just stop, SC this is not your average VB. The feature for mods to see anything, pm`s IP`s etc IS NOT ENABLED AND NEVER HAS BEEN. To insinuate it is is spreading fear and false info. Just because something is possible elsewhere does not mean that`s how IC operates. Please do not insinuate and spread very false info. That upsets us because people in this hobby are paranoid enough and some will believe you.

It is possible and probable that someone can read your email starting with LEO.
I doubt seriously that any site will refuse to honor a court order. More than likely they will pull copies of your files rather than access your account or the Owners account to view email.

We need to "wake up" is true and Vote and protest and march and and ... But, I digress.

So Skip seems to be saying "DON"T BE SO STUPID!"

Just that it's hard to express that across a wide section of our Culture and YES! it has evolved beyond Web Sites and Forums into a Global Culture.

So forget all about conducting any activities that you thinks could be questionable and confine the communications to a secure channel.

Anyway If you all can be clear on your California Medical to Medical I would be happy to read it.

I should feel good about cannabis freedom since I have it.

"Get up Stand Up."


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
lmao There's paranoia for ya.....no, we cannot see pm's. No, we cannot see IP's. Look up the term moderator. We moderate. Close threads, move em, edit stuff, bin stuff. Pretty basic. We would only know what is in a pm if the other party forwarded it to a mod because of a violation within.

Youve got a bubbly personality. Your one of my favorite Mods.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
lol! I've had a nick name ever since HS that has to be with being bubbly ;) Fer real! I ain't scary or mean if ya give me a chance....but I will stand up for myself :tongue:


so i cant meet up with random girls to have unprotected sex and then leave when the babby comes to another city or country and change my name?:bandit:


Freedom Fighter
I hosted a party from another Cannabis Site...had it at my house, about 30 ppl showed up, we blazed, BBQ'd, and even had a Dispensary put up clones for a raffle--
It went so well, I did it again a couple months later!!
That was last year, and all is well--
But it was also all a legal gathering...besides...here in Cali, even if someone didn't have a rec, under an oz is not an arrestable offense--
Skip is right tho...use caution!! I would never have done it if I wasn't 100% compliant--


Overkill is under-rated.
It is possible and probable that someone can read your email starting with LEO.
I doubt seriously that any site will refuse to honor a court order. More than likely they will pull copies of your files rather than access your account or the Owners account to view email.

We need to "wake up" is true and Vote and protest and march and and ... But, I digress.

So Skip seems to be saying "DON"T BE SO STUPID!"

Just that it's hard to express that across a wide section of our Culture and YES! it has evolved beyond Web Sites and Forums into a Global Culture.

So forget all about conducting any activities that you thinks could be questionable and confine the communications to a secure channel.

Anyway If you all can be clear on your California Medical to Medical I would be happy to read it.

I should feel good about cannabis freedom since I have it.

"Get up Stand Up."


This site is hosted in Amsterdam. Pretty damn hard for a foreign government to get a search warrant in another country, I'm pretty sure the Dutch consider themselves sovereign. ;)


durn, what bad timing Skip.

Just when I had gotten courage to PM you to meet me at the Holiday Inn, then I read this.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
We have seen in the past, and maybe it is still going on today on this forum that certain members seem to 'FISH' for information from others thru invites to 'MEET UP' e.t.c. and exchange 'erb, seeds, clones e.t.c....all in the name of 'FRIENDSHIP'.....'MEDICAL COMPASSION' or just pure trade.....

Some of these members that have engaged in meeting others that have been 'FISHING' have come unstuck in one way, shape or form.....either by being ripped off, blackmailed or turned in to the powers that be.....and ICM does not want to encourage this to happen here....because we care about the welfare and freedom of our members ....

We cannot completely control this since we do not have the time nor inclination to monitor the P.M. system (which ONLY a Super-Admin can see if he/she wanted to, Moderators and Super Moderators can only see their own P.M.'s).....The Mods and Admins have the ability to control what is written in open forum ....and will bin, edit, ban and/or delete any member or members posts making offers of this nature to others who may innocently take them up on such an offer and so may suffer the possibly negative consequences of it.....

In the case of planned, properly organized and secure legal gatherings we welcome those that wish to advertise them here on ICM.....



I am getting a psychic message from the other side for you!!!

Ellie May says she wants to hook up with you.


This site is hosted in Amsterdam. Pretty damn hard for a foreign government to get a search warrant in another country, I'm pretty sure the Dutch consider themselves sovereign. ;)

Is that a cure all? The USA has ways I am sure.. Muhahahaha!

Still my Encode/Encrypt advice is the best.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I have recently gotten offers from new members to "meet up" here & asked for specifics of where I live and such and that they had their rec's & were legal too, etc. Some of them were offended when I told them that for my personal safety & peace of mind I do not meet up with strangers off the Internet as I have enough friends that I know in real life if I want to smoke with other med-users. (who I know & trust) It really is a crazy world, you never can tell who has bad intentions or is working some angle. Be safe! Don't risk it.

Trading some beans with other med patients in a legal state using your safe addresses is one thing but meeting up to smoke with random strangers is just plain stupid.

Plus, I don't want to have to hurt anyone because it totally is a buzzkill. ;)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I had a wonderful time in the tent at the Hemp expo in SF. All of the Strangers I meet in there where very nice.


Us legal medical cannabis users in California are practicing a form of civil disobedience. We believe that the federal government does NOT have the right to prosecute medical cannabis users who are in compliance with the state law.

Let us review some things:

1. Cannabis is fraudulently a Schedule 1 drug. It is recognized by the AMA as useful medicine, thus should be rescheduled but the DEA HAS ILLEGALLY refused to reclassify.

2. Cases are being fought and won all over California in court on the side of legal cannabis users. Medicines have been returned and cities ordered to pay for destruction of meds/grow equipment.

3. Any 2 patients at any time in CA can agree to collectively help each other with medicine(garden,cuttings,beans, medicine). This doesnt have to be a formal contract or even written on paper. If this website has a problem with anyone meeting up, then those patients can feel free to use any of the MILLION other websites that will help patients meet up to collectively help each other procure medicine(budtracker.com,vendormaps.com,weedmaps.com). Let us remember that another email address and sign up can be had w/i 20 seconds.

Patients should not feel like they need to go back underground to get the medicine they need. I suggest all patients review who they do business with and support only the businesses that treat you like you are a 100% law abiding citizen. Reward websites, brick and mortar businesses with your business and take your business away from those who dont. Business owners who dont provide customer service properly(including owners of websites) will feel the pain of loss of business, even if they pretend they dont.
**Gypsy THANK you for your support!**

We can not act as if the federal government is right about this issue.

Just because THEY say the emperor's clothes are fabulous doesnt hide the fact that the emperor wears no clothes.

let me say that again in honor of JH:

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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
It looks like a lot of you are understanding in this thread.

Please realize we speak of what we have already seen happen to members in the past. We are not going to scream fire in a dark movie theater that is why any and all postings pertaining to a members bust is usually binned.

I started a thread last week asking members to help mod themselves in an effort to teach those that have no business being here or anywhere else on the net for their sheer stupidity would inevitability would have landed them in jail :)

WE CANNOT READ PM'S and kinda of insulted that you think I might. The P stands for private and imo that's the way it better damn well be FOREVER.

Now let's not bullshit each other,we know and you know your going to pm each other regarding what were trying to stop. This is a simple reminder that IT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED in open forum NEVER HAS and NEVER WILL.

The idea of talking to people on the net and believing that it's all true is laughable to say the least. So if you wanna roll the dice and go against what has been PROVEN to be an end result GO FOR IT all were saying is your not going to ask for it HERE and when it finally does happen we sure as hell don't wanna hear about it. It's for the better good because a large percentage of us here have a hard time chewing gum and walking let alone deciding if it's leo or not and I for one have seen to many of these poor dumb asses get popped over simple stupidity.

My Penny
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