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Ikea CFL Wardrobe Grow - Apollo 11

Hi TB4Y! :wave:

Saw you were an Apollo grower in your sig, and I must agree w/ nuggetshiner, that's a spot-on review! :yes:

Been a long time fan of A11. When I read Bros. Grimm's description, I knew it was for me. I've grown a lot of different strains since, but high-wise, it's my all-around fav.
Cool to see it in a cab, always thought it the perfect strain for small grows, the way the branches are so pliable and takes so well to SCROGing.
I look forward to seeing how your #1 Smartpots & Airpots do for you.
I bought the #2 Smart pots and the 3.8 Air pots.
Anyway, expect to see me around! :smoke:

Thanks for stopping by Highlighter! I checked out your 09 Thread, veeeeery nice! That C99xNYCD looked killer, great job! Glad you will be sticking around, I'm looking forward to seeing how your air pots work out as well :)

Thanks for stopping by #1Cheesebuds!

Where do you get a Co2 canister like that.

Scroll up the page, this question was asked on this very same page and an answer was given...Pet Solutions' website. Check in the CO2 section of the site. I see this is your first post here. Welcome to ICMAG.

Damn! This is good effin stuff TB4U! You're the Cab King!

Thanks Kidkannabis, those are very kind words! Although I hope it's more like the Cab Queen cause, you know, I'm a chick and all...hee hee!

Thanks so much for checking in and saying hello everyone, I appreciate it greatly.

Not sure if anyone here has been checking out my Stealth Dresser thread, I supercropped everything about 10-12 days ago. Turns out everything recovered from the supercropping and started to overgrow the cab again :bashhead: DOH! So I went in and tied EVERYTHING down today. I also added 5 more clones. Lookin' pretty good in there, I will post pics soon. I'm going to start posting my grow from that dresser in this thread as well. I'd like that thread to stay more of a DIY build. Stay safe and remember to keep it green :joint:


Oh I'm sorry about that TB4U.:asskick:.. I stand corrected.. Cab Queen! Good effin stuff nonetheless! Much :respect:
Oh I'm sorry about that TB4U.:asskick:.. I stand corrected.. Cab Queen! Good effin stuff nonetheless! Much :respect:

Thanks so much Kidkannabis :)

Here are some new shots of the IKEA cfl cab day 31 of 12/12:





Thanks #1cheesebuds :)

Here are a few pics from my CFL dresser. I'm at Day 25 in 12/12. Some are showing some N deficiencies. I gave them some FloraNova Grow, hopefully that will get things back on track. I tried to show how I've LSTed the girls and trained them so that I have a pretty even canopy. Not enough room to SCROG these, so LST it is. There are a total of 11 plants in here, 3 (little clones) are at Day 6 of 12/12. Check it out...

Dresser - Flower & Veg

Flowering Tray - Day 25 of 12/12

Another shot of the tray

One of the girls LSTed

Top view of LSTed girl

That's it for now. I'll post updates of all the cabs in a week :joint:



OK... now you're just showing off!!! HAHA. Just kiddin'! But really though, good job. Your thumbs are definitely way more greener than mine! But couple questions for ya!.... Are those 32oz Gatorade bottles Hempy style too? (I copied your beer cup Hempy idea but with perlite and soil mix). I understand you use coco now...right? How long do you veg your plants to get em to that size?! And I'm sure your feeding regime has alot to do with it aswell, maybe a detail of your schedule...? This grow is truly inspiring!
But couple questions for ya!.... Are those 32oz Gatorade bottles Hempy style too?

Gatorade containers are filled with coco, there are holes drilled in the bottom of the bottles.

I understand you use coco now...right?

Yep, I run 100% coco and *sometimes* put a top dressing of perlite on the coco, helps to keep fungus gnats at bay.

How long do you veg your plants to get em to that size?!

I vegged the clones in my dresser for 5 days. I also vegged the clones on the bottom shelf of my growdrobe for 5 days, vegged the top shelf for 13 days.

And I'm sure your feeding regime has alot to do with it aswell, maybe a detail of your schedule...

My feed schedule is pretty detailed, I've dialed it in over the years. I've attached a .pdf file of my schedule.

This grow is truly inspiring!
Thanks :)

Hope this info helps! Keep it green guys :joint:


  • fs-web.pdf
    728.1 KB · Views: 17


Active member
What's up TB4U! Everything is looking pretty damn stellar in there. Looks like you've got them dialed alright. Can't wait to see them finish up. :canabis:
What's up TB4U! Everything is looking pretty damn stellar in there. Looks like you've got them dialed alright. Can't wait to see them finish up. :canabis:

Thanks for stopping by ICough! How's everything going your way? What you got going on? Curious minds wanna know!

I'm getting ready to change my setup DRASTICALLY, no mo CFLs...no mo cabs...keep your sunglasses on :smoker:



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
I'm getting ready to change my setup DRASTICALLY, no mo CFLs...no mo cabs...keep your sunglasses on

You go girl, step into the light! :D

Thx for takin' a gander @ my highlights, heh heh heh.
I can't believe I smoked all that A-11/Trip this summer!
Have some vegging now, and just transplanted some F13 cuts.
I kept 2 F13 phenos, have 3 cuts from ea. and repotted them into 2 1/2 gal pots, 2 #2 smart pots, and 2 in Classic 600 nursery pots. (1 1/2- 2 gal).

Be fun to see how they all respond. I'll let you know. ;)

Have a good one! :santa1:
I kept 2 F13 phenos, have 3 cuts from ea. and repotted them into 2 1/2 gal pots, 2 #2 smart pots, and 2 in Classic 600 nursery pots. (1 1/2- 2 gal).

Be fun to see how they all respond. I'll let you know. ;)

Hell yeah, I would love to see pics! Have you been documenting it anywhere? Feel free to post pics here if you like. I ordered #2 air pots, I'm very stoked about trying them out. You'll love the smart pot; the A11 clone I have in there is twice as big as the others, it's truly amazing. I'll get pics up here soon...

Sorry about the updates guys, I lost my camera cord :( I have been taking photos and dating them however so expect to see some pics soon! The buds are looking great, I love growing! I've been taking some lower nugs as samples. The high is a little edgy right now (day 42, quick dry) and there's been no flush but it sure is awesome to have Apollo 11 back in my vape, I sure did miss it :) Hope everyone is having a Happy Holiday and I'll post pics as soon as I find this cord.



Looking really good TB4Y - Nice grow!!

I've heard a lot of good things about A11, but I've never been able to find it.
Where should I look for A11 seeds these days?



Thanks for the help TB4U! I'm considering doing a coco grow after seeing your great results. I went down to the pet store to get my dog food, and I noticed they had loose and compressed coco fiber substrate for pets and such. Do you think this type of coco will work to grow? Anyways, hope you're also having happy holidays! And goodluck finding the cord for your cam.. WE WANT PICS!!


New member
TB4U, how often do you water your plants in the Gatorade bottles? I'm looking to start using coco in beer cups or Gatorade bottles but not sure how often I'm should to water/feed. Thanks!
TB4U, how often do you water your plants in the Gatorade bottles? I'm looking to start using coco in beer cups or Gatorade bottles but not sure how often I'm should to water/feed. Thanks!

Hi Bukstud4u!
I water my Gatorade bottles every day and flush every 10. Been pretty easy, haven't run into any problems yet...

Super Pedro, HELLO!!!
I loved your grow, you are a genius. I sent you a PM :)

Glad you are sticking around for the show buddy. I don't have any experience with coco from the pet store so i cannot say if it's good or bad. You may want to make a post in the coco forum and ask. I'm sure if you decide to use it you will need to rinse the shit out of it, coco can be salty.

#1 Cheesebuds! Sorry I missed you last time, hi there and hope you had a great holiday :)

So, guess what guys? I found the fucking cord! Time for pics...lets start with day 37, 6 days after the last pics I posted. Then I will post pics from day 39, 45 and 47.
Enjoy :smoker:

DAY 37








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