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Ikea CFL Wardrobe Grow - Apollo 11


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
high buds! Thats a nice lookin plant. cool pic too! How did that Purp#1 smoke. I been considering getting some. Also, how did you like the Straw cough? thats another im considering.
Thanks, bugout

Let me first start out by saying you, my friend, are the SHIT! :bow: I just checked out your grow (and new strain) and I am super impressed! Fuckin bad ass dude! Ok, now to get back to your question about those Dutch Passion strains; I didn't really care for either one of them. And judging from what you grow and the type of stone you like (couchlock-dreamy) you won't like them either. I thought Strawberry Cough would be badass because the description says "medicinal", no. I mean, it was OK, but it wasn't all that. I wouldn't pay for the genetics if I were you. If you know of a friend that has a clone, try it out and see how you like it. It was easy to grow, yield was good, and it was pretty to look at. But the stone just wasn't there, it wasn't as "narcotic" as they described. It wore off quick IMO. The Purple #1 is actually an outdoor strain, but it grew indoors just fine. Looked fuckin awesome, and smelled wonderful (very floral). The stone was ok, a little bit of a head buzz. I wasn't impressed and you prob won't be either. But that's my :2cents: But I def gotta give you props for what you're doing, shit is lookin mad tite!


Altruistic Hazeist
ThisBuds4You said:
Not sure if I follow what you're saying...I'm doing 250W in a separate cab. I'm doing the DIY cool tube (pyrex). I just got done wiring up the ballast (HTG is the shit) and I hope to have pics up by Saturday.

I thought you were going to replace the CFLs in the Ikea wardrobe with a 250W HPS... guess the separate HPS cab is bigger than the Ikea's...

ThisBuds4You said:
I need to get pics up of my LUI and A11 clones. I took 6 A11 clones 2 weeks ago, they rooted in 12 days. I used a wick system with perlite & vermiculite, it was super easy. I used to use the tray, dome, water and airstone method. That works great, clones usually root in 7-10 days. But it's messy, labor intensive and just too damn big. Wick systems are much better for less than 15-20 clones IMO.

I also cut my clones for my first time, also wanted something simple and just used rockwool plugs and tap water inside a tupperware-like translucent container, so far the clones seem to be doing fine!
I've got an off-topic question for everyone, where are the chicks?!? I'm a girl, bet you couldn't tell! LOL! Anyway, where all my girls at?


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
ThisBuds4You said:

Let me first start out by saying you, my friend, are the SHIT! :bow: I just checked out your grow (and new strain) and I am super impressed! Fuckin bad ass dude! Ok, now to get back to your question about those Dutch Passion strains; I didn't really care for either one of them. And judging from what you grow and the type of stone you like (couchlock-dreamy) you won't like them either. I thought Strawberry Cough would be badass because the description says "medicinal", no. I mean, it was OK, but it wasn't all that. I wouldn't pay for the genetics if I were you. If you know of a friend that has a clone, try it out and see how you like it. It was easy to grow, yield was good, and it was pretty to look at. But the stone just wasn't there, it wasn't as "narcotic" as they described. It wore off quick IMO. The Purple #1 is actually an outdoor strain, but it grew indoors just fine. Looked fuckin awesome, and smelled wonderful (very floral). The stone was ok, a little bit of a head buzz. I wasn't impressed and you prob won't be either. But that's my :2cents: But I def gotta give you props for what you're doing, shit is lookin mad tite!

High buds! Thanks for the props and thanks again for stoppin by my grow. Glad you liked it. Who knew thats all it took to score points with the ladies...lol! I hope you try the coco at some point, I cant get over how easy it has been to work with.
Hey, you think that your results of them strains were due to the plants being from seed? Ive noticed that when I harvest a batch from seeds, im usally not too impressed at first, as I was with the Chemdog and Satori before that. But yet, when I grew out the clones they were like WAAaay better, and became instant favorites. So could that have been the case? Im just up for a lil variety at times, but whatever I get would need to be feminized as im not keeping any more than one mom.
Thanks for the info, though.
Peace, bugout
Hey TBug -

That could be the case. If you try either, try the Strawberry Cough. It was much better than the Purple #1. I found the Purple to be a lil harsh. I fed both pure organics (Earth Juice) and flushed for 14 days so I know it wasn't the nutes. Other smoke reports I read said it wasn't the smoothest smoke either. But try the SC...:)
Hey All - Day 41

Hey All - Day 41

What up ICMagers,

Sorry for not updating sooner, everyone knows that life happens. The girls are at day 41 and looking good. I almost killed my prize girl, I call her Julez. :badday: I burned the shit out of her. The other A11, Meg, didn't suffer any adverse affects from the same nute mix. I think it was the nutes mixed w/ high temps (it crept up to 95 because I left a heater on) and totally roasted that bitch. After I saw Julez the next day I was obviously mortified, I wanted to puke, lol. I gave her a good flush and her progress is much better. I burned most of her leaves, but the buds seem to have been unaffected. Julez is considerably heavier than Meg, definitely 2 different phenos. Jules has an extremely strong lemon smell, it smells just like Lemon Pledge/lemon cleaner. The growth on Julez has been tremendous, I LSTed her (no topping) and she is easily double the size of Meg. Julez's buds are very big and very dense. I didn't know buds from CFLs could ever be this dense. I am worried about bud mold; I've been watching my humidity like a hawk and it stays around 50%. Julez was grown on the top of the cab, it has a little more wattage than the bottom chamber of the cab (maybe 30 watts or so?). It also has CO2. I added a 5.0 UVB cfl bulb a few days ago as well, we'll see if that makes a difference. Meg is on the bottom shelf/chamber. She has more of a citrus/lemon scent, sweeter than Julez. Meg's buds aren't as big as Julez's, but they are still dense. Meg was topped in veg, then LSTed in the first 2 weeks of flowering. You will see the difference in size in the photos below. Meg had a lot more stretch than Julez, I didn't really care for that. I was still able to keep the vertical height very short, I just had to do a lot of tying down. I plan to start flushing the girls tomorrow, and hopefully harvest around day 53 or so. All trics are still clear, I'd like to harvest when they are cloudy. BTW, I moved 5 A11 clones & 2 LUI plants into flowering a few days ago. Once these start popping some flowers I'll post pics. Also, I got my second cab completed. I need to get a more powerful fan because temps are a lil to warm for my liking (they hover around 85-87). Pics of Julez and Meg are below!

Jules Pics:

Meg Pics:



Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High buds! they look great. Sorry bout the burn, I almost always do that when growing different seeds in the same system. There is always at least one that doesnt like the dosing..lol. But they always finish up fine, So I never worry too much.
Nice updates,!
peace, bugout
What up TBug,

Thanks for stoppin by again! I really like your crosses by the way, very nice work indeed. That NLxBB was sick, I can't believe you got 2.5 zips off of one 24" plant! Lawd Geebus! LOL! Anyway, I'm looking for some more genetics, I wanna be cool like you, lol. I got Blueberry from Joey Weed on the way, and some Sweet Tooth #3 from SOL. I want some tasty herb that flowers fast, any suggestions or am I good with what I got on the way?

I almost forgot to mention, anyone thinking of growing Apollo 11, thumbs up all day! BUT, it is incredibly DIFFICULT TO CLONE!!! My first try I took 6 cuts, they all rooted perfectly. Second try I took 5 cuts, they ALL DIED!!! WTF!!! I'm usually pretty damn good at cloning, but this shit is hard. Keep that in mind if you intend to purchase Apollo 11...
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YO YO!!!

Looked in the cab today and both LUIs have shown their sex, and it's only been 3 days in 12/12. Looks like I've got one male and one female. I'm positive about the female (because pistils are everywhere), and I think I'm pretty sure about the male too. Pics below, thoughts on the male???

LUI Female

LUI Male

That LUI was def a male. I moved it into my second cab (250 watter). I'm going to collect the pollen off of it for future breeding projects. I moved the other LUI I had in veg into the flowering chamber, it's female :) Not bad, I popped 3 LUI seeds and 2 were females! I popped 3 more LUI seeds a few weeks ago, my guess is that these will be ready for flowering in about 2.5 weeks or so. I am going to start a new thread for the LUI :rasta:
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Joey makes some great F2's..... ur going to enjoy that apollo.....
UPDATE - Day 45

UPDATE - Day 45

Thanks for stopping by Bong-James-Bong :rasta:

I have enjoyed growing out this strain. For the most part, it's been on cruise control. I'll post pics of the other A11, Jules, in a few days. Day 45, Meg is getting frosty.

A bud on Meg

Lower bud on Meg
Chop day is coming...

Chop day is coming...

Yarkand said:
Great CFL grow TBFY :yes:

Frosty and really decent sized colas :smoke:


Thanks so much for the kudos & kind words! I will post a pic update this evening, Jules gets chopped in 4 days, can't wait!


Well, Jules is getting bigger every day. Still flushing, trying to chop Jules in 4-5 days. PPMs going in are 33, PPMs coming out are 400. 2 more flushes and she should be good.



Meg still has about 10 days left. Lookin good though, frost is coming on nicely.



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hey Thisbuds4you,those are some nice looking laidies you have there.cant wait to see jules and meg stripped down lol.anyway,nice plants. :joint:

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