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IGT's 2000w+ Perpetual Hydro Garden


gets some
Hey guys. Last update for this grow I think. I may add a dry weight figure later, maybe not. The last 5 plants, the biggest, came down today on day 67.

Here's the topped plant. Complete monster. I wish I had put something for scale but she's about 36" tall and that's about 30" from left to right.

Here's today's plants hanging up in my drying (bath)room. Compare cola sizes to the facial scrub bottle in the back!

All in all, a very successful crop and a few changes will be made to boost yield even further for the next one. Be safe all! :rasta:


Active member
Wow IGT that's some amazing buds :) I bet you're getting yourself and selected friends some nice smoke there... I would also love to hear about dry numbers.
Great thread. I tried PM but didn't have enough posts of course. Are the fence posts you used 4 x 4? How did you cap them off and have the water drain away? Did you ever do a thread on the set up other than this one where you focused on the materials mainly? Pictures of the drainage would help alot for me if you can get them.


gets some
botanygreen said:
Great thread. I tried PM but didn't have enough posts of course. Are the fence posts you used 4 x 4? How did you cap them off and have the water drain away? Did you ever do a thread on the set up other than this one where you focused on the materials mainly? Pictures of the drainage would help alot for me if you can get them.

Hi botany. Yeah you need 50 posts before you can pm someone.

The inspiration for the fence post build came from TBug's original aero DIY fence post thread here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=34081
The drains are bulkhead drain fittings inside 5x5 posts (usually labelled 4.75"x4.75" tho at Home Depot). I use 1" I think? Its in Tbug's thread anyway.
Drains are here: http://www.ponds2go.com/1_quot_standard_thread_bulkhead_p/175106.htm

Sealing the ends is the actual caps for the fence post also from Home Depot. They are PVC cemented on so no leaks. You can always use aquarium silicone or Great-Stuff to seal any possible leaks. My smaller system uses the aero principle but the bigger system is a top feed only. Fence posts are great ways to grow. Its a shame more people dont use them. Ask away if you have any other questions. Ill see if I can get some drain area pics and capping pics and edit to insert later.

Final yield is around 3.5lbs for the last crop. The trellis is up, I have better wings on my cooltubes, and Im starting a side project to find some new genes to transition toward. Think Im going with Hashberry.
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St. Elsewhere
Always love stopping by this thread. Great work IGT. I plan to be running 2000+w and I always make sure to use your work as a reference.


gets some
Hey all! Time for the next show to start. I finally got around to posting the requested drain and system pics.

The drains come out the bottom of the fence posts and sit in 3" PVC.

Here's the top feed manifold feeding each netpot.

And on to the babies. The trellis is in place and working GREAT! I wish I had set one up sooner. This crop is a little smaller in plant number. I neglected cloning a little while I started some new seeds and ended up with less than spectacular rooting numbers. Plants are on day 18 flower and around 27". Adding better wings to my Cooltubes helped keep the plants more uniform with even canopy. Next round with a full room and all improvements should be even better!


All lined up and supported nicely. A few have been topped.

As usual Ill drop updates here and there. My seedlings (2 Hashberry, 1 Chronic) haven't been sexed yet. Stay safe all. :joint:
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gets some
Hi all. Day 36 update. I dont have much to report other than they are starting to fatten and the trellis is the best addition Ive made in awhile. No falling plants this time I guarantee!

Trellis in place for support.

All lined up nicely :joint:


One of the larger plants that I expect will yield solid.

Oh yeah almost forgot. I hate seedlings. Have I mentioned that before? :spank: The one Chronic is male. The Hashberries still havent shown sex but they look male already. If they are, that will officially be 12 for 13 males in my seedlings since last year. :violin:
Be safe out there everyone!

And please start making preparations for the coming economic depression! Don't get caught without extra food, water, and other daily needs if the SHTF. When...not if...


One good thing that might come out of the coming economic superstorm...they are going to need every single DEA agent to man the prison camps...stay underground and stay free.

Some great skills you got there IGT, I've killed the last 20 seedlings before I could even sex them so my luck ain't much better these days. Never had an issue with that before, getting me right pissed thou. Have 9 NLxDT from East Island Seeds that are 4 days old going now...*crosses fingers*

I'm going to use your nuts formula, like your results and it is fairly simple. EXCEPT hygrozyme...changed my res out tonight and will use h2o2 instead, I'm one of the lucky few that only grows slime with the grozyme stuff.

Awesome thread anyways my friend, I'll be lurkin and asking a question or 3.


Hows it going IGT? The garden looks good. See you converted over to SOG. What strains you have going these days? I stop in every once in awhile just to keep up to date. Lookin good.



gets some
Hello dotblunt & SB.

Feel free to ask any questions you have. I could use some posts on here. Tons of views but very few posts. Thanks for checking out the garden

SB, same ol NLxBB Ive always grown. I just needed some support for them so the PVC screen/trellis was the method. It's working great. Everytime I pop new genes I end up with males. Sucks! Dont be a stranger...


Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High IGT! Looks like its going great! love the screen! I like all the improvements youve made, things are really running great.
Im always watching and sorry for not posting at times, Im guilty of that too..lol.
Keep up the great work!
Peace, bugout


NLxBB eh? It has been good to you......

NLxBB eh? It has been good to you......

U been going with that strain a long time.... Have u kept the same clone going all that time or mixed it up? It does put out some good yielders by the looks of it. I know what you mean about popping the beans.... I hate it.. only up side is the unknown factor... but that is the down side too. :eek:( Well, glad to know I am not the only one. Got some AK-47 beans opening right now. Going to do the Styrofoam method with them... and am going to do another thread on it to get the idea out there. Some nice 1in tails at present. I will put the thread up in a couple of days. I just hate the regular way. Like to see the progress.

Did the DJ Short Blueberry..... didn't like it. Extremely small calyx development. Liked the Dutch Passion better except the hermie tendency. Much better from the looks of it.

... course that is all I know. :0( Still unable to partake..... damn long time. I will be a virgin when I can again. LMFAO--but not funny. Going to be some sad stoners around when I quit giving it away. I am going to start storing it. It looks like hell is about to be unleashed as far as economics and I want to have a few buckets of gold buried. The value of escape/pleasure products does not go down but up when times get bad. Thank God we have the skills we do.... both for our favorite and food. I think this shit storm will be something modern man has not seen. Have read you are aware of what is coming.... it is good to see there are a few others not "asleep". Preparing as much as possible. Not sure you can prepare for something like this but every little bit will help.



gets some
Im definitely on top of whats going on economically. It's nearly a carbon copy repeat of the Great Depression but this will be worse because it's a global scale, not just pockets of the US. You're right SB, can one really prepare? Probably not but having basic staples will be important if there are food shortages and riots break out and the power grid gets shut down, etc. That's what I worry about most. Not only will society break down quickly if power is shut off but so will our girls! Ill be ok as long as the juice keeps flowing. But I hope people are starting to take notice and make preparations. Food, water, weapons, and cash will be requirements. People should look into the economic crash of Argentina in 2001 for reference.


Hey IGT quick question, Besides aircooling your lights what else do u do to cool your room? I don't see any mention of a AC and i noticed in the first post u said u have alot of intake so im guessing your running a centrifugal fan? If you are what kinda CFM u running? thx for any feedback!! :)


gets some
AndreNicky said:
Hey IGT quick question, Besides aircooling your lights what else do u do to cool your room? I don't see any mention of a AC and i noticed in the first post u said u have alot of intake so im guessing your running a centrifugal fan? If you are what kinda CFM u running? thx for any feedback!! :)

I have an AC. Its small like 5000btu, but since its a basement room it stays pretty cool year round. AC just supplements it in the summer. 6" Vortex on the lights and a couple normal fans in the room to keep good air circulation. That's about it.

New pic update coming soon.
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gets some
Hi guys. It's time for an update on day 58. As expected, the girls have fattened up nicely and continue to pop new calyxes daily. I plan to let the entire crop go till 66-70. I think I mentioned before that this crop was a bit small, only 18 plants compared to my usual 28 so I dont have any yield estimates. But looking at how well the trellis has worked, I can't imagine yield being a whole lot lower. Im really looking forward to next run!

With these: :jump: Some real nice looking clones sitting in my bubble cloner.

Not lookin too shabby eh? :nono:


Different angle. Obviously some HPS coloring but I started the flush a week ago so they are yellowing up.

Here's the same plant from an earlier pic that I commented will yield well. I was right. :joint:

Same plant but with its neighbor thats turning into a super dense top.

So yeah, my seedlings were all males. I hate seeds. Ive decided to just stick with this strain until I can get some Critical Mass seeds. That's what I really want to switch to, so if anybody sees CM seeds for sale PLEASE let me know!!!! Stay safe.
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Looking fat and dank... IGT. Too bad about the males. Why Critical Mass...... have not heard much about it? You have a nice strain there.

Shit hope Obama delivers.....



gets some
SacredBreh said:
Looking fat and dank... IGT. Too bad about the males. Why Critical Mass...... have not heard much about it? You have a nice strain there.

Shit hope Obama delivers.....


Hi SB. Mr. Nice Critical Mass is another Big Bud cross that yields huge. I figure it's gotta grow similarly to the NLxBB but maybe with even larger yields and a better smoke. The packs are sold out everywhere. :violin: