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If this were to happen in the USA.....

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Tropical Outcast
....would it be considered public uprising or rather an act of terror!?

PLEASE keep your comments paragraph 14 TOU conform.
:good: It can be done, just try! :good:

To me it seems they are not going to accomplish anything by looting stores and destroying property, but how else can the little man make himself heard?

Sounds like a plan getting things changed by setting other peoples property on fire?
I guess most won't really care...as long as it is not their car!?!?!

Hopefully something that's NOT going to spread to the US, although I am having my doubts, @ least in the long run.....

It's been boiling in the Middle East, parts of Europe just to name a few.

Read the whole story HERE or in case it is taken off the news I pasted it below as well:

Britain burns: Riots spread through UK cities


LONDON (AP) — A wave of violence and looting raged across London and spread to three other major British cities on Tuesday, as authorities struggled to contain the country's worst unrest since race riots set the capital ablaze in the 1980s.
In London, groups of young people rampaged for a third straight night, setting buildings, vehicles and garbage dumps alight, looting stores and pelting police officers with bottles and fireworks. The spreading disorder was an unwelcome warning of the possibility of violence for leaders organizing the 2012 Summer Olympics in less than a year.
Police called in hundreds of reinforcements — and made a rare decision to deploy armored vehicles in some of the worst-hit districts — but still struggled to keep pace with the chaos unfolding at flashpoints across London, in the central city of Birmingham, the western city of Bristol and the northwestern city of Liverpool.
Authorities acknowledged that major new bouts of violence had badly stretching their resources.
"The violence we have seen is simply inexcusable. Ordinary people have had their lives turned upside down by this mindless thuggery," police commander Christine Jones said.
The riots appeared to have little unifying cause — though some involved claimed to oppose sharp government spending cuts, which will slash welfare payments and cut tens of thousands of public sector jobs through 2015.
Others appeared attracted simply by the opportunity for violence. "Come join the fun," shouted one youth, racing along a street in the east London suburb of Hackney, where shops were attacked and cars torched.
The crisis will be a major test of Prime Minister David Cameron's coalition government, which includes members who had long suspected its program of harsh budget restraints could provoke popular dissent. He reversed an earlier decision and cut short his summer vacation in Italy, rushing home for a meeting of the national crisis committee on Tuesday morning.
Cameron was expected to seek to toughen the response in meetings with ministers and police chiefs.
Rioters were left virtually unchallenged in several neighborhoods and able to plunder from stores at will or attempt to invade homes. Restaurants and stores fearful of looting closed early across London.
Disorder flared throughout the night, from gritty suburbs along the capital's fringes to central London's famously posh Notting Hill neighborhood. London's Ambulance Service said it had treated 16 patients, of whom 15 were hospitalized. Police said 334 people had been arrested and 69 people charged with offenses.
Three people were arrested on suspicion of the attempted murder of a police officer left hospitalized after he was struck by a car in north London in the early hours of Tuesday.
After dawn, police said, the unrest appeared to calm, either quelled by police or after rioters drifted away.
Violence first broke out late Saturday in the low-income, multiethnic district of Tottenham in north London, where outraged protesters demonstrated against the fatal police shooting of Mark Duggan, a 29-year-old father of four who was gunned down in disputed circumstances Thursday.
A brief inquest hearing into Duggan's death will take Tuesday, though it will likely be several months before a full hearing is convened.
Duggan's death stirred old animosities and racial tensions similar to those that prompted massive riots in the 1980s, despite efforts by London police to build better relations with the city's ethnic communities after high-profile cases of racism in recent decades.
But, as the unrest spread, some pointed to rising social tensions in Britain as the government slashes 80 billion pounds ($130 billion) from public spending by 2015 to reduce the huge deficit, swollen after the country spent billions bailing out its foundering banks.
In the south London district of Croydon, police said a 26-year-old man was shot and seriously injured Monday but were unable to say immediately whether the incident was linked to rioting there.
A massive blaze ravaged a 100-year-old family run furniture store in Croydon and sent thick plumes of smoke into the air, forcing nearby homes to be evacuated. In the Clapham Junction area of south London, a mob stole masks from a party store to disguise their identities and then set the building on fire.
Sony Corp. said a major blaze had broken out at its distribution center near Enfield, north London, damaging stocks of DVDs and other products. So many fires were being fought in the capital that Thames Water, which supplies most of London, warned that some of its customers could see their water pressure drop.
Dozens of people attacked shops in Birmingham's main retail district, and clashed with police in Liverpool and Bristol.
In London's Hackney, hundreds of youths left a trail of burning trash and shattered glass. Looters ransacked a small convenience store, filling plastic shopping bags with alcohol, cigarettes, candy and toilet paper.
East London's diversity was on display amid the charred hulks of cars and the smell of burning plastic. Some looters were young women with manicured nails and customized BlackBerry smart phones. Others wore dreadlocks and stained shirts or appeared to be homeless.
"This is the uprising of the working class. We're redistributing the wealth," said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from the store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.
Phillips claimed rioters were motivated by distrust of the police, and drew a link between the rage on London's street and insurgent right-wing politics in the United States. "In America you have the tea party, in England you've got this," he said.
Some residents called for police to deploy water cannons to disperse rioters, or call on the military for support. They questioned the strength of leadership within London's police department — particularly after a wave of resignations prompted by the country's phone-hacking scandal.
The small groups of youths used text messages, instant messaging on BlackBerry phones and social media platforms such as Twitter to coordinate their attacks and stay ahead of the police.
Once the preserve of businesspeople, BlackBerry handsets are popular with teenagers, thanks to their free, fast instant messaging system. Blackberry's manufacturer, Research in Motion, said in a statement that it was assisting authorities in their investigation and "feel for those impacted by the riots in London."
Police were also monitoring Twitter, and warned that those who posted messages inciting the violence could face arrest.
About 100 young people clashed with police in the Camden and Chalk Farm areas of north London, smashing their way into a bicycle store and mobile phone shop.
In the Peckham district of south London, where a building was set ablaze along with a bus — which was not carrying passengers — onlookers said the scene resembled a conflict zone. Cars were torched in nearby Lewisham, and in west London's Ealing suburb the windows of each store along entire streets had been smashed.
"There's been tension for a long time. The kids aren't happy. They hate the police," said Matthew Yeoland, a 43-year-old teacher watching the unrest in Peckham. "It's like a war zone and the police weren't doing anything. There were too many people and not enough police."
Police said Duggan was shot dead last week when police from Operation Trident — the unit that investigates gun crime in the black community — stopped a cab he was riding in.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is investigating the shooting, said a "non-police firearm" was recovered at the scene, and media reports said a bullet had been found in an officer's radio. However, the Guardian newspaper reported that the bullet in the radio was police-issue, indicating Duggan may not have fired at the officer.
Duggan's partner, Semone Wilson, insisted Monday that her fiance was not connected to gang violence and urged police to offer more information about his death. But she rejected suggestions that the escalating riots were linked to protests over his death. "It got out of hand. It's not connected to this anymore. This is out of control," she said.
The past year has seen mass protests against the tripling of student tuition fees and cuts to public sector pensions. In November, December and March, small groups broke away from large marches in London to loot. In the most notorious episode, rioters attacked a Rolls-Royce carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla to a charity concert.
However, the full impact of spending cuts has yet to be felt and the unemployment rate is stable — although it remains highest among youth, especially in areas like Tottenham, Hackney and Croydon.
Some people caught up in the unrest insisted that joblessness was not to blame. "It's just an excuse for the young ones to come and rob shops," said Brixton resident Marilyn Moseley, 49.
Police urged communities to help clear the streets of people, and called on families to contact their children and ensure that they were not involved in the chaos. An 11-year-old boy was charged with burglary by police, and at least 100 of those arrested were aged 21 or younger. About 35 police officers had been injured in the violence, police said.
Home Secretary Theresa May, the Cabinet minister responsible for policing, and London Mayor Boris Johnson also cut short summer vacations in an attempt to deal with the crisis.
Police in Birmingham, 120 miles (195 kilometers) north of London, confirmed that officers had arrested 35 people amid disorder across the city center, where shops were being vandalized. In Bristol, police urged residents to avoid the city center after 150 rioters went on the rampage.
Tottenham was the site of the 1985 Broadwater Farm riots, a series of clashes that led to the fatal stabbing of a police officer and the wounding of nearly 60 others — and underscored tensions between London police and the capital's black community.
West Ham, a football team in east London, confirmed it had canceled a match planned for Tuesday as a precaution. However, the national Football Association insisted that a scheduled international friendly match between England and the Netherlands would go ahead at Wembley Stadium on Wednesday.
The International Olympic Committee insisted it had confidence in British authorities. "Security at the Olympic Games is a top priority for the IOC," spokesman Mark Adams said.


Wow, what a story! I have a feeling if America went off the chain like that, and it may, there would be much more shooting and straight out racial violence.Don't know so much about Britain honestly beyond its history, as for it's current sociology, I'm clueless, I just thought it was a seed wharehouse.I hoped they skipped Gypsys shop...Honestly I never thought I'd see these days coming, it didn't happen in the US when things really sucked in the late 70's, or I was too busy listening to AC/DC to care...Things are looking pretty grim where I live as far as employment goes, it's a summer community and when the sun people leave, the creeps come out.The kids can't find summer jobs, the blue collar parents are working for less and competition from visiting foriegners is crushing the crummy job market.Problem is these foriegners are more motivated and ready to work than our spoiled kids, damnit, plus the pretty Russian girls are everywhere, I hear they are lazy but that doesn't bother me, I need one for a babysitter.:)


Tropical Outcast

The kids can't find summer jobs,.......


CHACO great reply! :good:

I picked out just one little part from what you wrote and wanted to note every time I visit Florida no kid actually wants to do such simple things as mowing the lawn...or wash cars.

They all want a $15/hour McD job!

Thing is...McD pays slightly above minimum wage, currently averaging $7.72 for crew leaving $5 after taxes paid.


Registered User
We just kinda let LA burn... and New Orleans sink. 'They' don't mind so much, as long as it serves an interest.

Limited uprisings are tolerable, even beneficial... in the grand power scheme. As long as the classes rival amongst themselves, and more control can arise afterward, then it's all good in da hood.

We have real life parts, throughout America, where the cops would never respond. Just so long as lines aren't crossed, it all good.


This happens everyday in the US. Gang bangers are shot by police. Life goes on.

If this were to happen in the US, a lot of people would be (deservedly) shot. People in the US won't likely forget the Rodney King riots and how those that defended their livelihoods fared. Maybe in a less gun-tolerant country there would be different results?

Americans are fat, lazy arm-chair quarterbacks. They'll be the last to riot over anything. They just have it too good to be bothered. And that's fully in compliance with paragraph 14 as I'm pretty much talking about myself ;)


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Very sad day

Very sad day

I was expecting something like this, i just did not see it coming during Summer time.
Usually this is festival time, where mud, booze, drugs and easy sex makes people forget their worries but i guess that nor even that could stop these events.
I am sad and worried because i live in nasty place where the benefits cut and rise of unemployment is having a major destructive impact. In the last 3 years i have seen a scary and steady rise on crime, bullying, alcohol related offenses and other signs of social unrest.
At the same time, i stress that this is just my opinion, most of the institutions have fall from grace into disgrace. Education, health, access to a decent job and justice are hard things to get and without it many different kinds of situations are prone to happen.
I don´t pretend to justify the unjustifiable but i would like to understand the reasons behind this and other similar behaviors.
I also feel a bit sad with some comments about how we should shoot the people involved in the wrong deeds...do you guys think that this would solve the problem?
Should we allow the cops to shoot our own kids because private property has been destroyed?
Next thing we might have a few preemptive attacks on the more dangerous neighborhoods ...just to prevent this from happening of course. I am being ironic and i dread this thought...but after feeling the heavy tone of some comments it will happen eventually.
Very sad day indeed and i feel for us all carrying dark thoughts relating with this.
I´m gonna smoke something and try to find some Peace.
We just kinda let LA burn... and New Orleans sink. 'They' don't mind so much, as long as it serves an interest.

Limited uprisings are tolerable, even beneficial... in the grand power scheme. As long as the classes rival amongst themselves, and more control can arise afterward, then it's all good in da hood.

We have real life parts, throughout America, where the cops would never respond. Just so long as lines aren't crossed, it all good.

Thats a great point, while I listened to so ermmm radios last night... the orders were to stop the rioters getting to the "good" and "valued" buildings the others can burn!!! like the uproar about the building in Croydon yeah sure it didn't deserve it but neither did the one in Hackney yet ones in a nice called suburb and one isn't, which one got the attention!


Americans are fat, lazy arm-chair quarterbacks. They'll be the last to riot over anything. They just have it too good to be bothered. And that's fully in compliance with paragraph 14 as I'm pretty much talking about myself ;)

I do agree with this, but just wait until the middle class disappears entirely, then we might see some "action". Chaco is also right, here it would be much more racially motivated (I can at least speak to the north east). The divide between police and minorities here is staggering, in this day and age you'd think we'd be past that but then again the people they hire to patrol our streets generally aren't the brightest individuals out there.

About a month ago I was in providence ri and the night before some random kid (black) had shot a cop in the leg over some BS. Walking to the bodega a couple times that night to grab dutches and drinks we had cruisers roll past us several times each way. If we were black I have little doubt that we would've made it back home limping and bruised up, at the very least. Just being black and on the east side would've been cause enough for a beating no doubt, I guess all black people must look the same to those piggies adn they were out for any sort of blood they could get... What I'm getting at is here the people in the lower class (young and old) already hate the police, once the lower class becomes larger than the fat and comfortable middle class you had better believe some shit will be going down in this country...

You can't take things away from those who have little and expect to not piss them off.

"It's just an excuse for the young ones to come and rob shops," said Brixton resident Marilyn Moseley, 49.

IMO that's bullshit. Just like how the majority of the photos the news networks showed during the post-Katrina riots were of blacks holding TVs above their heads as they waddled out of walmart. Easy way for the media to write off the why people are acting out without actually examining the root causes...
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Where I live there's one major Hwy leading to the end of a peninsula.The cops around here have a incredible job monitoring the huge amount of summer madness and traffic that comes through the town.People die almost everyday because the roads can't handle the traffic.....anyway despite this incredible flow of traffic the chances of a black man making it through my town in a low end vehicle are about 50%.I see, esp in the off season, cars pulled over with 1 or 2 people of color other than white, with all their shit piled on the side of the road as the cops rip the car apart.The racial divide in the US is astounding.I'm lucky I hate everybody! Seriously if things go off the chain in some of our lovely NE cities, chock full of poor disenfranchised welfare folks, the place will be in flames.Who's gonna care if Lawrence Mass burns to the ground? The disenfranchised will shoot eachother while the "hard workers"(unknowingly disenfranchised) shoot them because they're mad that Citibank upped the % rate on their credit to 35%.The whole NE US is a tinder box waiting for a spark.Positivity is my style, I'm no doomsday preacher but take a drive around the I-95 corridor sometime and tell me nothings wrong.:tiphat:
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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
"It's just an excuse for the young ones to come and rob shops," said Brixton resident Marilyn Moseley, 49.

If that's BS why are the riots taking place in poor areas?

In Peckham yesterday afternoon was a posse of girls who were choosing the clothes they wanted looted last night

In Bristol, near me, the residents were kicking the fuck out of the strangers trashing their area ....

The gangs were quick to cash in, 1 shot dead Monday sat in a car in a quiet side street ... police were too busy

Green lung

Active member
I would have no problem blowing the brains out of some rioter who was burning my shop:tippet:...........no problem what so ever.


If that's BS why are the riots taking place in poor areas?

In Peckham yesterday afternoon was a posse of girls who were choosing the clothes they wanted looted last night

In Bristol, near me, the residents were kicking the fuck out of the strangers trashing their area ....

The gangs were quick to cash in, 1 shot dead Monday sat in a car in a quiet side street ... police were too busy

Read what I said, it's BS because it's an easy way for the media to explain why the riots started happening in the first place. Shit gets stolen during riots, yes, but that's rarely why they begin. I'm not defending thieves.

h^2 O

depends who's in office. If that had happened in D.C. while Bush was president he would have ordered everyone tear gassed or maybe even shot up with rubber bullets.
I'm just glad we don't live in Syria or Lybia - there's shit on Live Leak of regime snipers shooting guys in the balls and shit. Fucked up.

lost in a sea

this rioting isnt that bad yet in terms of destruction,, its the way its being played out that is looking really bad imo,,

the future looks like it will be a bit bumpy for a few years to come :ying:

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
let us all not come to this!!! NO BODY HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE ANOTHERS LIFE

I would have no problem blowing the brains out of some rioter who was burning my shop:tippet:...........no problem what so ever.


Active member
americans own guns, so the TPTB will keep us just happy enough not to rise up(at least for a while).

and besides the first few that do will receive the wrath of the patriot act, in other words they will be declared enemy combatants, stripped of their rights as a citizen of the US(ie fair and speedy trial, lawyer etc) and taken offshore and tried by military tribunal.. you'll never be seen again..

if i do get the chance to riot ill be taking it to the people who deserve it, the banks and banking "elite" not small business owner Joe Schmoe... burn the banks!!!


if i do get the chance to riot ill be taking it to the people who deserve it, the banks and banking "elite" not small business owner Joe Schmoe... burn the banks!!!

Seems to be a lot of misguided hostility going down over there. I agree, if you are going to go nuts and burn shit at least bring it to the places that caused the problems, leave you neighbors house and car alone and bring it to the bastards that deserve it.


Active member
i hope not,theres alotof ingorant people out there that will just raise hell cause thats their soul purpose in life just to be scum and ruin/end lives.
if it does i hope its only washinton DC.
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