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If the button is pressed ?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
London directly threatened and told there be retaliation for arms sent and sanctions also said any of the other nations to expect the same and Putin saying “ Sending weapons to the Ukraine is a declaration of war but thank god,it hasn’t come to that”,,,,
Not tonight it seems but he’s said it now,,,,s2


See the world through a puff of smoke
London directly threatened and told there be retaliation for arms sent and sanctions also said any of the other nations to expect the same and Putin saying “ Sending weapons to the Ukraine is a declaration of war but thank god,it hasn’t come to that”,,,,
Not tonight it seems but he’s said it now,,,,s2

Not njet to an increase of the conflict till Putin push button and missiles flying in hypersonic speed to Downing Street 10 in London.


Well-known member
Those states are all the same.

got a military munitions plant "pretty close by" here, and big chemical plants that could easily be repurposed for other uses. most missile silos are away from population centers. doesn't matter. if not incinerated in initial firestorms, the radiation will get you PDQ...


Well-known member
Early sixties, lived on base, and they would have us practice going to the designated air raid shelter.
Pop had explained to be what the outcomes would be, and that the fortunate would be those who went first. I took that to heart.
When we next had the horns going off, I was on the swing set, and saw no need to go in, and stayed on the swings.
A nice lady came up to me and told me that I really should go on down to the shelter.
I explained to her that I had no interest whatsoever in a prolonged and agonising death, and would be just fine where I was.
She broke into tears and left.
Was at dinner time evening my mother explained to the nice lady was the base commander's wife, and that she had been somewhat disturbed by what I had said to her.
Pop never said a word to me over to it, as my mother explained that it was a crass and selfish thing to have done.


ICMag Donor
Awww stop all your belly aching, Just follow what Bert the Turtle shows us! Duck and Cover and everybody will be all set!


ICMag Donor
Man we've been practicing for this for a long time so, no worries just Duck and Cover!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I do remember vaguely being in school - back in the 1960's - and having to learn this 'Duck and Cover' drill - in case of a nuclear attack - lol


Well-known member

On July 19, 1957, five Air Force officers and one photographer stood together on a patch of ground about 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas. They'd marked the spot "Ground Zero. Population 5" on a hand-lettered sign hammered into the soft ground right next to them.

As we watch, directly overhead, two F-89 jets roar into view, and one of them shoots off a nuclear missile carrying an atomic warhead.

They wait. There is a countdown; 18,500 feet above them, the missile is detonated and blows up. Which means, these men intentionally stood directly underneath an exploding 2-kiloton nuclear bomb. One of them, at the key moment (he's wearing sunglasses), looks up. You have to see this to believe it.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Perhaps Putin is terminally I'll - and it's just a matter of a short time before he dies of whatever it is he has? - and like a cornered rat - he will go with all he has to try and rip the jugular vein out of what most irks him - since he is doomed anyway - and that is the Western Alliance - from what I can gather - he has more nuclear warheads ready to fly than the USA has - and maybe thinks that if he is going to die - then he's going to take the rest of the world with him - some sort of death wish capability - which he certainly has the ability to make happen -

Interesting that news outlets are saying today that he has advanced bowel cancer and the shitload of meds he would be taking if this true ,,,will make for one even more unstable dictator,,,,,actually saying “ that if there were no Russia then the world doesn’t exist”,,,
That is some statement so I expect nothings “ off the table” at the moment ,,
my concern is if he does get humiliated in Ukraine then “ hell hath no fury”,,,,,s2

Three Berries

Active member
My prediction is Russia will withdraw and the praise will go to Bidan as a Great Moderator. Then when back home Russia will present the evidence that most are denying.