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If my water company uses chloramines...


The Soapmaker!
That's great info, CT. How much stock do you put into what the guy had to say? Does he have a background in soil biology or is he a gardener?

Don't mean that at all as a challenge, by the way... looking for your impression of the guy because if this really works, I want to be sure before I start mentioning it to other gardeners. Would be great news, indeed. How confident are you about what the chemist said?

Thanks, duder.



From recent research I've done - 1 teaspoon 35% hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water, bubbled overnight dissipates chlorine, h202 and chloramine. From what I understand letting chlorinated water sit out overnight does not effectively get rid of the chlorine. And chloramine does not dissipate out so easily by design.

Still, the idea of spending $30+ a gallon for h202 ever week or two is ridiculous... I'm surprised AN hasn't jumped on this bandwagon... oops.

Anyway, the idea of Humic Acid as a replacement to h202 sounds freaking brilliant! Along with the carbon filter - which I was just looking to purchase! Anybody reccomend a good brand of humic acid and an idea of how much per gallon of water?

CT Guy

you can google "vita d chlor" to get their website. I just called them up and asked to talk to their product and tech people. After explaining my situation, this is what they told me. I have used their product in our 100 gal. brewers and larger when we wanted instant dechlorination (we don't have chloramines). I would trust his info., but feel free to call up and verify and post your conversation.

I can't remember exactly what the byproduct of this reaction was, but he didn't think it would have any ill effects.


The Soapmaker!
I know folks who only use ascorbic acid for their pH lowering needs and have no problems at all.

CT, thanks man.