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If I were a seed company



Chamba wrote "the sooner seed makers stop thinking "clone", hype and exessive profits for hybrid crosses and start thinking stain uniformity at reasonable prices, the sooner we growers will be happier and the more professional you will be regarded. "


"My post had nothing at all to do with hype or excessive profits...
Get a clue, bro...

For example, Casey Jones... $80. for 12+ seeds (means I see less than $3./seed, and that's only if you don't count the hundreds I've given away)... Every grow report I've seen is indicative of the quality and uniformity... Most growers I've seen find a keeper from less than 1/2 of a pack, and by keeper I mean CUP WINNING QUALITY...

I've never heard from an unhappy or dissatisfied customer, and I could care less if any of you regard me as 'professional' or not.?"

my post is not just in answer to your last post...it was actually based on the first few posts of this threads..sorry to pick you out, there are several seed makers in this thread with the same attitude.

anyway, if you can get 3 bucks per seed, good for you! no need to try and justify it to me mate.... and don't get all uppity over it...or worse you'll start sounding like Rez..lol

I, personally, think it's a tad excessive for hybrid crosses of hybrid crosses of stains that are out there....but that's just me.....and let me say I've never grown your crosses, but I bet they are viable seeds that grow into excellent, vigorous and potent plants ....but that's what we growers expect at the minimum and at a reasonable price too!..you see where I coming from? you should be thinking of selling 50,000 packets, not 500!

bring to market a Skunk, Haze or other true strain and I'll be the first to pay you decent money for it..
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The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
I personally think it's a tad excessive for hybrid crosses of hybrid crosses....but that's just me.....and let me say I bet they are viable seeds that grow into excellent, vigorous and potent plants ....but that's what we growers expect at the minimum and at a reasonable price!
You say tomato, I say cup winning quality. If you expect the kind of plant you find in a pack of Casey, in every other different pack of seeds you buy, You'll be more often than not sorely disappointed...

I don't have to justify anything, to anyone. I could double my prices, and the seeds would still sell just as quickly.

I also wholeheartedly disagree with your anarchist-esque sentiments. Some regulation is necessary to prevent the unscrupulous vendor from selling dangerous product to unsuspecting people.


The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
take look at the Netherlands.....do you see 15 year old Dutch kids lying down in the street shit faced on Nepalese Temple Balls?...no....ever wonder why?
I know why... Since it is regulated, and available quasi-legally
there is no 'black market' vending soapbar to children.
go back in a time machine to any city in the USA in the 30's, 40's, 50's and would you see the same thing? probably not in many cases, sentiment in that society, not the police would not of allowed it to happen.......the problem is most Western societies have gone from a shame based system to an enforcement based society.....much to their loss
Oh yeah... the time when 'patent medicine' and 'snake oil' salesmen were free to poison the public with whatever concoction might catch them a buzz and make their misery go away for a bit.... Great shining example of how the lack of regulation can allow for heinous things to occur...


The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
anyway, if you can get 3 bucks per seed, good for you! no need to try and justify it to me mate.... and don't get all uppity over it...or worse you'll start sounding like Rez..lol
OMG... I'm wounded now... He pulled out the 'rez' insult...

Just carry on the conversation... no need for attempted derision, unless your arguments have no merit of their own...


The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
anyway, if you can get 3 bucks per seed, good for you!
I would not even bother for a penny less, so...
guess it is good for me... good for all my 'more than happy' customers too...

I think it's pretty fucked up to expect people to work for less than they are worth...

What if your employer comes in tomorrow, and decides you make too much for what you do? You going to volunteer to take a pay cut? no? then stfu.


here's some advice.....just for a second, step back into the past then reread your posts and consider how it used to feel to be a seed purchaser......and then feel free to edit them.....

everything you say is selectively based on protecting your profit, not on what is right, good or best.
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The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
just for a second, step back and consider how it used to feel to be a seed purchaser...then reread your posts
I am still a seed purchaser, and I interact with seed purchasers every day who do not share your opinion. I've said nothing that is not 'spot on'...

Now, for just a second, think about volunteering yourself a paycut.


The Voice of Reason
No need for me to EDIT anything, my brother...
I only ever tell it like it is, and have nothing to hide from any of you...

Feel free to concede at any time...


The Voice of Reason
Have you ever even read head seeds customer service policy?
I virtually guarantee you an keeper quality plant from a single pack of seeds. All one has to do is properly document the grow from start to finish, and if there' is not a keeper quality plant among them, I'll replace the pack...

How can you bitch about that?? at any price, much less the bargain prices I offer...

What more could anyone ask for? You want me to give them to you? Come grow them for you? Roll your joints? Geeeeshh Chamba, get real man...

BTW... no-one has ever requested their replacement pack...


the point in question is not whether your crosses grow into plants worth growing (95% of "strains" out there are worth growing and the bud gets you high...and as I mentioned before, I'm sure your's are too. and that's why they sell well....I bet they would blow me away too!) the point I'm trying to make while you keep doing the "me me me" thing and selling is that yours and everyone elses hybrid crosses made from hybrid crosses from seed packets then made seeds from are too dear

think true breeding Skunk and Haze ...how about actual breeding a new stain then think about charging decent money for it?
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Originally Posted by Chamba
everything you say is selectively based on protecting your profit, not on what is right, good or best.

"Bullshit. How can that be so given my policy?"

sorry, let me rephrase that...EVERYTHING YOU'VE WRItTEN IN THIS THREAD is selectively based on protecting your profit, not on what is right, good or best.
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The Voice of Reason
No, I could double my prices and profit without affecting my sales.
There is far more demand than supply, and therefore nothing for me to protect.

What I've done in this thread is balanced the perspective with a healthy dose of REAL.


btw the subject of this thread is "if I were a seed company".

...and since you are a "seed company"..just what the heck are you doing here?..you should be reading not posting.

remove your off topic spammish posts immediately!

will somebody please notify a Mod at this very instance!



The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
the point in question is not whether your crosses grow into plants worth growing (95% of "strains" out there are worth growing and the bud gets you high...and as I mentioned before, I'm sure your's are too. and that's why they sell well....I bet they would blow me away too!) the point I'm trying to make while you keep doing the "me me me" thing and selling is that yours and everyone elses hybrid crosses made from hybrid crosses from seed packets then made seeds from are too dear

think true breeding Skunk and Haze ...how about actual breeding a new stain then think about charging decent money for it?
Why would one prefer a mediocre 'new strain' to an elite quality hybrid?

Me me me??? The title of the thread is "if I were a seed company", and I am a seed company, so I felt invited to give my perspective...

After all, My perspective is the one with which I am most familiar...
Some people are just hunting things to bitch about, imho... If you were a seed company, you'd soon discover the realities of the situation...


The Voice of Reason
Chamba said:
btw the subject of this thread is "if I were a seed company".

...and since you are a "seed company"..just what the heck are you doing here?..you should be reading not posting.

remove your off topic spammish posts immediately!

will somebody please notify a Mod at this very instance!

LOL... reduced to simple trolling, eh?

Calling something spam does not make it so...
And crying about priced does not make them unfair.


"................dose of REAL."

I fear we dwell in separate realities.........ha!


"LOL... reduced to simple trolling, eh?

Calling something spam does not make it so...
And crying about priced does not make them unfair."

it was a joke, (egg)yoke

but I can do slap-stick too, if irony sweeps way over your head
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The Voice of Reason
The joke is that this thread where you question my ethics was started by a guy who wanted to do cheap knockoffs of existing breeder's seedlines...