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If I were a seed company


You don't use clothing? Hard to believe but I guess you don't use medicine, fly in airplanes or use a computer because all of these are made by corporations, and these things mean nothing to you?

As I sit here reading your post I can't help but wonder if you are serious or just trying to pull my leg? You are so controlled by corporations you don't even know that you are.
Wise up. You do not free yourself from evil corporations by running from them, rather it is up to all of us to make alternatives, like corporations that are not evil, and believe in social justice. At least that is what I believe.

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bcdk420 said:
im just saying keeping genetics away from people is stealing from them.. u didnt make the genes u just discovered them.. u did good work sam no doubt.. but im sure it will pay off.. but making patents and such would be greedy..

in my world its the cooperations keeping cannabis illegal, so why should i respect their ways??


I am not sure you understand genetics, no one is suggesting that genetics be kept away from people, just that the improved genetics be protected. To me stealing is what the knock-off artist did.
To me it is greedy to copy others work and knock it off for your own personal profit, wise up. Anyone can make new combos of genes and use them, that is fine with me. But if you want to copy Skunk #1 and sell it for a higher price then I did what favor are you doing the Cannabis community, beside enriching yourself? Wise up.

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charlie garcia

seems some ppl expect others to work for free fo them like philantropic benefactors. I dont think they will work for free in their real lifes for others.

I can read the word "money" so often in this thread and how some are so worried about it.. few times I can read the word "work" and nobody seems to be worried about it.

Is so easy to extract conclusions here. We will be smoking same things forever and not real improvements will be done as it happens. In the balance of interest of many money is up and work is down... If money only a few will improve. If work all of us will be richer
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im with sam on the stealing other work, if you take the sk#1 and something else and work it you can call it skunk #69
i live in Hawaii ,very Ag state .alot of money and research goes into building pineapples with less sour taste and sweet corn #9 and so forth and so on

shit i wish burpee made seeds.......... sams not saying you cant use his skunk as a building block ,just no one but him can have sk#1

best skunk i had was a pack of sams freebies....had a killer golden nl pheno that smelt like sweet cat piss...........was real sick at the time and thought i would be toast ,so i never got to revegg it............ i have also rocked the pure from flying dutchman.........BUt it is a knock off, a good one LOL ,but i would still rather pick up a pack of the real deals

there should only be one sk#1
1 white widow,even though nirvana is the only one that comes out like the old school stock before green houses split

i started tinkering with heirloom roses same thing =ebb tide ,don juan.blah blah blah

only in the mj community has this been tolerated.....freaking rose gardeners make MJ growers look like pussys

try and pull a conterfiet on daves garden or rosemania and end up with your ballz rammed in your mouth and law suits for false advertising :asskick:
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
What I like about C-growers and breeders is that they are generally people with Wild West mentality that don't let a fence stand in their way to the grassy pastures...

So, take the herb and sow it plenty, for the benefit of the free world.

Then again, people that work hard with making it better need to be recompensated. They do a job and they want to be paid, just like any of you guys saying it should all be for free. There has to be a middle way between sharing nature's heritage and picking the cherries out of someone else's work.

It's a matter of judgement, ethics and moral that you will take if you're a responsible being, not towards society (that will luy and cheat if it's in its interest to do so) but to yourself.
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Rosy Cheeks said:
What I like about C-growers and breeders is that they are generally people with Wild West mentality that don't let a fence stand in their way to the grassy pastures...

So, take the herb and sow it plenty, for the benefit of the free world.

Then again, people that work hard with making it better need to be recompensated. They do a job and they want to be paid, just like any of you guys saying it should all be for free. There has to be a middle way between sharing nature's heritage and picking the cherries out of someone else's work.

It's a matter of judgement, ethics and moral that you will take if you're a responsible being, not towards society (that will luy and cheat if it's in its interest to do so) but to yourself.

K++ To all for keeping this civilised !

Rosy, you are right about the "Wild West" .... but Sam is spot on about legality....we would all be better off if it was legal. I would be the happiest bunny in town if he, or anybody else made a 30 day high yield Hazey Sativa, I would pay $1,000 for a pack of 5 seeds no problem, I am banned from making seeds or selling clones of my lovely F1 Lillies copyrighted strains, why should I be free to rip off someone else's work just because it is a funky plant maaaan ?

Has it not occurred to anyone that there may well be amazing genetic advances possible that our own stupidity as well as the [il-]legality is stopping ?


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
The way i see it is if you do use someone elses genetics you should atleast give them some credit,ie naming the variety and seed company it came from,and if you make F2's you must say so and not hide the fact by making up a new name and BS descriptions.
Take nirvana for example they should call there AK48 a "Serious Seeds AK47 F2's" so theres no confusion,look at spice of life,most of there new stock are just F2/polyhybrids of there original varieties that they lost and there still charging the same as they would for stable F1's.

Honesty is the best policy in this game as lier's only get caught out in the end.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
ChaosCatalunya said:
K++ To all for keeping this civilised !

Rosy, you are right about the "Wild West" .... but Sam is spot on about legality....we would all be better off if it was legal. I would be the happiest bunny in town if he, or anybody else made a 30 day high yield Hazey Sativa, I would pay $1,000 for a pack of 5 seeds no problem, I am banned from making seeds or selling clones of my lovely F1 Lillies copyrighted strains, why should I be free to rip off someone else's work just because it is a funky plant maaaan ?

Has it not occurred to anyone that there may well be amazing genetic advances possible that our own stupidity as well as the [il-]legality is stopping ?

Yes, let's stay gentlemen.

Personally, I believe we would see a whole different scenario if Cannabis was legalized.
Within a short timespan, companies like Philip Morris and Monsanto would move in on the Cannabusiness, and they would soon monopolize it.

There would probably be some space left for independent 'quality' breeders, but Philip Morris and its likes can invest unchallenged amounts of money on breeding facilities (imagine 50 hectars of Cannabis plants grown only for selective breeding, they can do that), development of genetics (it wouldn't take them long to come up with that 30 day flowering Hazey Sativa), distribution and promotion, and 95% + tokers would get their pot in the shape of Philip Morris reefer ciggies, as long as the price was right.
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Philip Morris making making bud or seeds is a small price to pay for legal taxed Cannabis with no one in jail for Cannabis anymore. I would be happy. Tax and regulate, fine with me.



What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Sam_Skunkman said:
Philip Morris making making bud or seeds is a small price to pay for legal taxed Cannabis with no one in jail for Cannabis anymore. I would be happy. Tax and regulate, fine with me.


Amen to that, its not all about the money to all of us. :rasta:

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I see you point Sam, but imagine if the whole world adopted the Dutch system, or what used to be the Dutch system.

Consumption and small time possession would be de-penalized. Growing would be legal for personal use, illegal for anything more. Seeds would be legal. What would it do to the Cannabusiness?

Well, tokers and personal growers would no longer be persecuted by police. They would concentrate on big networks and smuggling, in effect organized crime.

Breeders could work small scale, if they want to go big they would have to cloak their breeding facilities, just like cash croppers.

This would effectively bar the way for "Microsoft" type companies, that would have to put things on an industrial scale in order to make it work.

We would save the toker.

We would save the breeder.

Those that are passionate about the plant could work and live off it.

Those that just want to make big bucks would go elsewhere.


In my opinion, this is a half-assed solution to a plant that needs to be completely legalized/decriminalized.

That aside, back at the beginning of this thread I mentioned how easy it was for people to point the finger at large, evil corporations, but when the seed dealers and seed breeders engage in the same kind of intellectual theft and money-grubbing, not only are their activities tolerated, they're accepted!

Now then, here we are a few days later, and guess where this thread has gone? Big corporation vs. the little man! It's always some bloody conspiracy in this forum, them against me.

I'm really trying to check my tongue, but if any of you took your head out of the bong for five minutes, and decided get into legit gardening, you'd realize there is a whole community of small-time and heirloom breeders that are not impacted at all by the corporate sphere. Indeed, as the man who cultivates roses mentioned, having it legal would protect us and the breeders from scumbag "business men" trying to make a buck (many bucks) on a minimum of work.

I also said a few pages back that a lot of breeders would love to see the stuff stay illegal. It seems that a lot of regular folks would like it that way to, for fear that the big corps are going to tighten the noose. Normally I'm not this crude, but if that's the way you think, then you need to get your head out of your ass. You can't spend your whole life running from phantoms.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
You can´t grow your own tobacco plants here in Spain
Tobacco smoking is legal
Taxes and monopoly

Who thinks that cannabis should be different?


Rosy Cheeks said:
I see you point Sam, but imagine if the whole world adopted the Dutch system, or what used to be the Dutch system.

Consumption and small time possession would be de-penalized. Growing would be legal for personal use, illegal for anything more. Seeds would be legal. What would it do to the Cannabusiness?

Cannabis growing for personal use is not legal in Holland.


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Which is probably why there are no secret tobacco growrooms with plants tanning under HPS bulbs.
What you're saying is great, in the best of worlds.

You probably also realize it's not going to happen. More than 60 years of scientific research has shown that Cannabis is practically harmless, in difference to legal drugs such as alcohol, and still the world's governments are toughening their stance on Cannabis prohibition.

The Dutch solution is an alternative. It's a compromise between interdiction and legalization, which is the most realistic approach, until a generation of politicians have died out, so that a new generation can change what the old one did wrong.

I realize that it is elitist to think that those that have worked with the plant in hiding for decades, risking their freedom and social credibility doing so, should keep that priviledge to themselves.

I just don't want to see them run over by people who couldn't care less about those that did time for dealing in Cannabis, but take all the profits when profits can be made legally.

You probably realize it if you think about it jawnroot, that the "It's always some bloody conspiracy in this forum, them against me." attitude on pot forums come from the fact that growers live in seclusion from society on many different levels. It's chosen and not chosen at the same time, and it eats you up.
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Hola Cheeks,
tobacco & alcohol...:chin:
These are different things also...you can grow your vines here,no prob
but if you want to sell your wines...you still have to follow the rules :D

mmmm fine wines & fine cannabis...I love the analogy
Who holds the patent on a name such as Cabernet Sauvignon ??
brother rasjano brought one bottle from Chile (end of the end of the World :D)
I´m going to have some rare Cabernet at dinner time
A su salud,compadres!! :wink:
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Sam_Skunkman said:
Philip Morris making making bud or seeds is a small price to pay for legal taxed Cannabis with no one in jail for Cannabis anymore. I would be happy. Tax and regulate, fine with me.


Well what if the government gets involved and requires Philip Morris to keep the THC content under 10%(just a number I came up with) "in the best interest of the citizens"? This has always been my biggest worry with legalization. To think the US would follow Holland's example and not regulate the drug is pretty naive in my opinion. Not only would they be taxing our wallets but taxing our high. I think I would rather see marijuana decriminalized than legalized because I just know the US will fuck the marijuana trade up. I can see there still be a black market with farmers growing potent marijuana just like moonshiners in Appalachia. The ATF becoming the ATFM and hunting these farmers.

Legalization: Be careful what you wish for. I seriously doubt legalization of marijuana will end up the way you are describing it. With legalization will come regulation.
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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
luciano28 said:
Well what if the government gets involved and requires Philip Morris to keep the THC content under 10%(just a number I came up with) "in the best interest of the citizens"?.

That´s the problem... :badday:


Maybe, but I doubt it can be worse then the situation now. I believe if you had legal taxed and regulated Cannabis, the government would be a whole lot less likely to toss you in jail then under the present system. The government allows a wide difference in alcoholic beverages 1% to 40+% why do you presume they would set a limit at 10% THC what about hash? Let them create a system that makes producers list the Cannabinoid %'s on the package. I don't think your fears are a good reason to fear taxed and regulated Cannabis. I bet home growers for personal use will be left alone. Like beer or wine makers for personal use in many countries today. We need to change the laws on Cannabis and maybe the best way is to tax and regulate, I just can't believe it could be worse then how things are now for people in the Cannabis community.

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secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
You´re right Sam,it can´t be worse...
I live in Spain and and I know that we are very lucky these days because there are thousands of homegrowers doin their thing.You can buy seeds legally and paraphernalia and the growers arent thrown into prison...
In France (our neighboors),things are very different...

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