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If I was going to name a strain after a celebrity...


Active member



The only one I've liked so far was Puff Norris...and kinda Carlin Kush..

But other than that...

"What you got runnin?"

"It's that one hitter quitter shit...I got that Walter White..."

Oh, and the lineage would have to be something like Badass X Crazy, which in the weed world translates to Narcotic High x Soaring Sativa high


White Rhino x White Widow x C99 = Walter White!

one Q

Pat SaJak

Lisa Turtle

Cobra Commander or Sgt Slaughter

Cobra Kai

Doogie Houser- smart ass weed.
BOB BARKER who ever guesses closest the price of the bag with out goin over gets hooked up also have your ganja spayed or nueterd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is probably one of the best threads I have ever read. It might just be because I'm high tho.

I would have to go with Seth Macfarlane. Loved his 420 episode of Family Guy, which shows the real reason why weed is illegal.

I will also have to go with Woody Harrelson. "I would like to smoke some of that Woody"...wow, I had no clue he was on the advisor board for NORML.


ICE Cream eater
OK, I'll play...

I'd name it Chuck Norris 'cause if you even looked at it, it would kick your ass.

Ouch ! Sorry, that one even hurt me!

Chuck Norris is an awesome name for some Deep Chunk keeper Male.
Everything that Chuck Norris fucks will be godly hahaha :D

I would name a strain Monica Bellucci

