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Idiot's Fly Pack Grow


9 out of 9

9 out of 9

Update: 7:00pm EST.

Just planted the last 2 beans as they were showing tails. :woohoo:
Mosca, NICE germ rate. 9 out of 9
I don't count the 10th bean as I think it was damaged in packing, I see no way it could have happened during shipping due to the excelent crush proof package used by the bay.

I guess I scuffed them correctly. I was a little worried about that one. The only sandpaper I could find was a barrel attachment for a dremel tool. I had already popped the beans in water so there was no chance to run out and buy some sandpaper so I just scuffed up both sides of the beans by hand. I would take the blame for the 10th bean but I noticed it damaged before the scuffing so I didn't kill it. But Hey, U can't beat 9 out of 9! I'm Happy!



Yes...Tsi Fly...Seventy Five Beans for...

Yes...Tsi Fly...Seventy Five Beans for...

I for one will be watching this closely.
I grew out Mosca's C4 x C99, now known as Tsi Fly, and C99 x WW and both were stellar. There is some good gear here in Mosca Seeds.
Good luck to all.


A decent Cindy Rep is a Deal. Peace.

Now if only SB would hire a replacement and get stuff out of the Packing Dept...

It's ALL fun.

mosca negra

Thanks all!

DarkStarLive-- I appreciate the positve Vibes! Namaste...

Cinderella 99, everything will be straight next week!



nice lookin strains

nice lookin strains

ur strains look great mosca,theirs been a few times i bought something from the boo and a week later something new comes out and i kick myself in the ass but i plan on trying a few of ur strains when they come around again.


Seven Sprouts

Seven Sprouts

Update: 10:15 EST.

Houston, we have lift off! 7 little sprouts have popped up their little heads and are baskin in the light. They're under 4ft. flo's till they get big enough to transplant, then it's under the 400 watter.

Doing my best on the pics, I'm close.:wallbash: Hopefully can post later today.



Can someone help me with posting pics. I click on the attachments button and can bring up the pics but I don't know what to do next. It just shows me the pic and never prompts me to do anything with it. I've look at all the control buttons and I'm stuck. Please help:wallbash:


To Have More ... Desire Less
i'm baked...been up work'in for 16 + hrz...but sure............
1st...got to my album,,,,
2nd select album of choice....
3rd....top left corner....UPLOAD IMAGES.....hit that......
4th...upload from U'r source......
5th wait for transfer.......
6th wait for icmag pag to promt up images aloowing editing of tital and such...finish each photo
7th save images.....
U'r done...................know start...over

ok go back to U'r thread
hit post reply
type U'r msg.....
bottom right corner just under ...emoticons...
hit myphotos...insert
opens 2nd windowwith pics from U'r album
clicl on each photo U want to post...
it should reappear in your other...message reply......
goodluck........practice...makez perfect..........:2cents:


To Have More ... Desire Less
I here yeah...took me a few tryz ...last time they changed the photo format....kewl........WHEREZZZZ....the PICZ....???.....:yoinks:


Everytime I upload pic to my album, I get this message:

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.


Active member
I'll be checking this one out...

Sorry to hear about your trouble with the pics....wish that I could help you out, but I'm as bad with the tech stuff as you are!.....lol...

I'm sure that you'll get it figured out soon...

Good Luck with the FLY grow!


Another sprout

Another sprout

Update: 6:00 EST.

Well, we have another sprout. That makes 8 total, all are looking good. I was worried about number 8, it sprouted this morning with the hull of the bean still attached. After looking closely I discovered the hull was infact not cracked or split. It just had a little hole in the end for the tap root to come out. I tried to remove it and boy was it a hard nut to crack. Which is what I had to finally do, I cracked the shell with my fingernail and still had a difficult time getting the thing off. But I'm happy to report #8 little leaves are open and soakin up some light.

Now if I could just upload pics, everything would be great! Has anybody had trouble uploading pics using a proxy server. I got an idea that's my problem.

haha nah, can't wait to see those pics though. I also had a seed that had trouble opening and another that took forever to pop so i know where your coming from.

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