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ICMag Still Alive After All These Years!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
It doesn't have to be your fault why the hammer was used(no pun intended).. Weather you agree or not it was best for the site at the time. If any dont like the way things are run dont stay. I came back after I was banned because I like it here. There are plenty of sites that suck. IG is nothing but a place to advertise. Its def not the best place for cannabis posting . Any IG user can get your account closed. IG works with the law not something anyone should be surprised about.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Chemical inducement is bad breeding practice!

Off topic just to start mud slinging. Most of us know that's all your here for. I can guarantee my chemical induced breeding is some of the best you will ever find. If you think what everyone does is a bad breeding practice your a fool. Your other ID was on ignore. I will add your new id to ignore now.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah, makes you wonder Hammerhead....If certain banned members don't like it around here, then why do they keep bouncing back under some new nick?

Is it just to sling mud, or do they feel left out of what we do here, and feel the need to get back again?

It's not as if there aren't plenty of other places to hang out on these here interwebs...lol


Active member
Instagram is not compendium of knowledge. It's a flash in the pan for social media junkies. If you don't think so, go ask Facebook. It'll eventually be replaced by whatever new idiot app comes out next to entertain and waste epic amounts of time.

IC is for the serious grower or smoker....period. Only hardcore mofos reside here.



The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Alright kiddies...the word for the day is:

Alright kiddies...the word for the day is:

Antagonist (anˈtaɡənəst), noun: a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.

"he turned to confront his antagonist"

synonyms: adversary, opponent, enemy, foe, rival, competitor

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You piggyback other people's work. Never created anything of your own
You contaminate the genepool with mutated, and hermie prone genetics
Oh! and how's the opiate addiction going? That is the impetus for what you call work?
Hey bud.....your just a great guy. Try doing some real work that actually benefits the genepool and the cannabis community.

And if dissenting opinion, rankles your feathers... cry to one of your mod buddies for a ban....that is what you do???

Well, I think that in answer to the original threadstarter is that ICMAG is surely alive.

What we see here is alot of interest in arguing the topic, and as the topic is argued, another underlying topic comes to the fore apparently concerning the pro's and con's of a subject called 'Chemically Induced Breeding'...

So one topic looks to be begatting another....it's all good.

But making personal attacks against a member concerning his past use of some other drug is getting nasty, and I personally won't stand for that 'cos before you know it we end up with the usually mundane bitch-fest, and we all know how that ends.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
If it is bitching that has nothing to do with the topic, please take it to personal messaging. I had a lot of a-holes ripping me for not reading the answer in a thread with thousands of posts, most of which were inane. Really turned me off from this site, and only speak to friends through PM for the most part.

I do not think arguments have much to do with current low participation, since they are not tolerated.


Don't forget the bannings for conservatives, but Dem leaning people can smear anything conservative.

Doesn't matter if it's about politics anymore. Politics have become everyday social issues, not policy or fiscal matters. If I am not mistaken, most of the mods are out of the closet, and are super sensitive to anything they deem "hate" speech. Bash God? All good. Defend God, Ban.

I had been around since the fall of Overgrow, (can't even remember the name now......) and I am truly afraid to make any post these days. Always on the edge of a banning. Forget about making a grow thread, chances of a banning before a 8 month long grow outdoors is almost a guarantee.

IC mag is great because of the people that frequent it. Not the rule keepers. That is why I return after 20 bannings.


With all that said, I would spend hours on this site a day. Especially during the winter, or off season. Real life here in Cali has mostly taken the place of ICmag. People in Cali are making huge business deals and collaborating on a massive scale. Icmag was great during prohibition, but the future holds much more face to face time. At least here in Cali.


3rd-Eye Jedi
If it is bitching that has nothing to do with the topic, please take it to personal messaging. I had a lot of a-holes ripping me for not reading the answer in a thread with thousands of posts, most of which were inane. Really turned me off from this site, and only speak to friends through PM for the most part.

I do not think arguments have much to do with current low participation, since they are not tolerated.

I used to have diaries and many grow threads but stopped participating because people would troll me and the mods where oblivious

all the trolls moved on to money interests on the internet which was their agenda the whole time

most of it was while gypsy was away and it wasn't intentional but the consequences remain

go take a look at the living soil threads

very bitter sweet thing for me being that IC has had a tremendous impact on my life so it would have been nice to be able to contribute in a meaningful way but I can do that in my real life and just not go online and avoid grossly frustrating delusion

tbh I don't even like to identify as a grower / pot head anymore because so many delusional people who represent that demographic and I don't want to be associated with them


Just have to say it........ The people that blamed the fall of ICmag on the Donald...... Classic...... Where is my laughing/crying happy face?


3rd-Eye Jedi
Just have to say it........ The people that blamed the fall of ICmag on the Donald...... Classic...... Where is my laughing/crying happy face?

I am sure it has nothing to do with people who can't post under the same ID over a term because they are too volatile to keep the same ID for any amount of time

you enjoy yourself seems like you are the kind of person who finds perfect company with themselves only

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I am sure it has nothing to do with people who can't post under the same ID over a term because they are too volatile to keep the same ID for any amount of time

you enjoy yourself seems like you are the kind of person who finds perfect company with themselves only

He bored me too quickly being a moron. Go to his profile, click on user lists, and add to ignore list. He craves attention, so do not give it to him.


why did I get that response from you guys? My opinion is now hate or something?

Proof and point of why ICmag is on life support. Can't even comment without the hate festering. Wierd is really one of the worst offenders I have seen in the many years on this site. He always manages to leave negative rep, with hate that follows in the comments.


I am sure it has nothing to do with people who can't post under the same ID over a term because they are too volatile to keep the same ID for any amount of time

you enjoy yourself seems like you are the kind of person who finds perfect company with themselves only

The hate you spew, yet are a Buddhist. You can't make this stuff up.


He bored me too quickly being a moron. Go to his profile, click on user lists, and add to ignore list. He craves attention, so do not give it to him.

Why am I a moron exactly? Why the hate and insults? My experience here on the site doesn't mean as much as yours why?