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icmag legalization party 2012. fuck ya


No we are moving you guys to texas, its been decided. We figured you could better serve the whole there. If there is one thing that was clear in these elections it was that we don't need anymore help in the west, or northeast, where things are on lock and solid heads prevail,,, gays getting married, women in charge of their lives, people in charge of what they ingest. Think long term, somebody needs to stay behind in those draconian states to fuck with those inbred clowns that swallow anything that's thrown at em. :D


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
maybe prices wont be low as fuck maybe?
i mean theres already an established price point people have been willing to pay right....
all of a sudden people are gonna start giving shit away?

thatd be nice and all but i mean we arent in a disney movie.

but then pot was just legalized in 2 states also so what the fuck hahahaha

the Netherlands is a decent model. pop 16.69 million. in it's peak the coffee shop industry made 9 billion euro for the county in profit including tax revenue because of tourism. the average price of a gram was 8 euro at a locals shop but you could easily pay 20 euro at a tourist trap place.

The Northwest is about to see a boom. the law passed, the train is coming an there is nothing government can do. people up there were done listening to them along time ago.

Seattle will be the west coast a-dam soon i think. People from all over will bring their tourist dollars and the area will be lifted out of depression. Obama has much more to worry about than enforcing economic sanctions on a us state that is already depressed. The DEA is quickly losing traction in this battle.

Colorado government already said they were going to carry out the voters will. Denver is not going to explode as fast because it is already so commercially developed to to dispensaries. Hopefully they will be able to get the show on the road faster do to having a commercial store front infrastructure for it already.

with no limit on numbers prices could go very very low and a person can still make a good living if they are not greedy.

lost in a sea

"Under the recreational marijuana measures in Colorado and Washington, personal possession of up to an ounce (28.5 grams) of marijuana would be legal for anyone at least 21 years of age."

i know what every 21 year old will be getting for his birthday from now on lol

i hope this lasts and doesnt result in monsanto type patents or any of that crap,,


Active member
We will be having a legalization party at our house this Saturday. Celebrating the victories in Colorado and Washington. I hope many states start to follow this lead and we over run the whole country with this common sense approach. Many more states to go, but thank you, thank you very much in my Elvis voice. You are all invited if you bring a sample and one bottle of cabernet to go with our salmon and ny strips medium rare.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i know what every 21 year old will be getting for his birthday from now on lol

i hope this lasts and doesnt result in monsanto type patents or any of that crap,,

the difference between corn farmers and pot farmers is we dont give a fuck. Monsanto can patent what they want, but we are not corn farmers, we will straight up kill them. many of us are no gangstas, but we have been operating in a different world than them and have learned certain practices; and we will have no problem hunting down Monsanto lawyers and executives and killing them and hanging there bodies from Monsanto headquarters as a lesson on where they need not be.

So dont worry about Monsanto. They fuck with us they die.

or we could just shoot pollen bombs into their field of our genetics and sue them before they get a chance to sue us.
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that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
lets be happy one good thing happened and we will hope this leads to further change or moving closer to how we should be covering this earth, not how we are trashing it right now. Maybe enough herb gets around and soon everbody want to get down. IDK itd be cool. So how many major roads out of CO will have regular if not constant police supervision?


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
the average price of a gram was 8 euro at a locals shop but you could easily pay 20 euro at a tourist trap place.

so that means basically $10-25 per gram
if i did my conversion correctly...

so about what the going rate is now pretty much across the board.

but that's without taxes tacked on... the govt will be getting a share, right? since its all "legal".... curious how ya'll think the taxes are going to affect both retailers & wholesalers.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
So how many major roads out of CO will have regular if not constant police supervision?

can you say border checkpoints?

I know when I'd gone from Oregon to Ca and back and CA to AZ and back I had to go thru a checkpoint looking for fruit &other contrabands hahaha....
always a smile and a wave as I passed thru.
maybe they'll just start stopping and looking instead of smiling and waving....

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
So how many major roads out of CO will have regular if not constant police supervision?
they will have drone supervision these days.

we just get cammo nets. cammo nets moving at 65 mph down a highway is not weird. nope nothing there, that's not a car. lol


stoned agin ...
i don't know the u.s. election system well, when's the next chance for a state to vote for legalization? got to keep the momentum. if you had new york (bloomberg toked, and liked it :) ), cali (arnold toked, and he looked like he liked it :) ), that's a huge number of americans. and if you could land a southern state, i mean even pat robertson said they should lay off people for smoking weed, that would be the slam dunk, it would become legal, they'd remove the federal ban. time for the south to rise LOL any candidates? carolinas? deep south?

hey, you republicans licking your wounds ... you want to stretch out your tent, get more youth vote, get off the backs of minorities, here's your chance :)

out of a whole part of this great nation, where a man can tipple on a saturday and go to church on sunday, where you can hear the preacher condemn the evil of liquor then go home to watch football with a bourbon and branch, where a whole sport was formed from the skills of men running bootleg liquor over backroads, where they had a rebellion because they weren't allowed to distill whiskey, there must be a state that'll do it.
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Active member
Awesome !!! But what does this mean for you people with 9-5s ?? Can employers not hire, or fire you because of smoking herb ;??

Are businesses even allowed to follow federal law opposed to their states law?

How come no one else has mentioned that ;?

lost in a sea

"we" probably wouldn't be allowed to patent anything for one thing, which is how they have it hooked up by running the courts, owning the judges..

the agripharma nazis deserve the worst already for their crimes so in a way maybe i hope they do overstep this line and get what is coming to them..

its still a federal crime though isnt it? so i doubt they can start that yet..

the difference between corn farmers and pot farmers is we dont give a fuck. Monsanto can patent what they want, but we are not corn farmers, we will straight up kill them. many of us are no gangstas, but we have been operating in a different world than them and have learned certain practices; and we will have no problem hunting down Monsanto lawyers and executives and killing them and hanging there bodies from Monsanto headquarters as a lesson on where they need not be.

So dont worry about Monsanto. They fuck with us they die.

or we could just shoot pollen bombs into their field of our genetics and sue them before they get a chance to sue us.

Buddy Holly

Here in CO the Laws went into effect as soon as it was passed by the voters.
Which means every person in CO when they woke this morning, was legal to grow, possess, smoke transport their own 3 flowering and 3 vegging. 1 ounce in public and unlimited amounts at home.

not true. the governor has 30 days to sign them into law. until then they do not apply. its a minor point in the grand scheme i know but all the same thems the facts.

and just so you dont feel compelled to get into a pissing match with me about this, heres some info on the matter

Amendment 64, the marijuana legalization initiative that Colorado voters approved yesterday, must be signed into law within 30 days by Gov. John Hickenlooper, who has indicated he will do so. At that point people 21 or older will no longer be arrested or prosecuted under state law for possessing up to an ounce, growing up to six plants, or transferring up to an ounce "without remuneration" to other people who are at least 21. But implementation of a state-licensed commercial distribution system will take another year or so.


the police got their tit in their ear about it as you can well imagine... so funny to hear their indignation...

but! the law is the law isn't it ? hahahahahah fuck yeah!

the key word here is RECREATIONAL.

hooo boy! are we gonna have fun with that! i see a spike in tourism in the very near future. i am certain there are many wheels turning right now... here comes the money baby!!

why go to adam when you can be tokin and skiing, tokin and rafting, tokin and eating, etc. the kind folks in this playground state want you to REALLY ENJOY COLORADO! jsus h this is gonna be wild...


Andinismo Hierbatero
hash, i am also at this party! weeeeeeeee!

kick ass news; everyone I know in Jerusalem gets the "did u see what happened in usa? no, not that obama won, who cares, two states legalized cannabis!"

my pc broke btw, can only lurk and do mini posts from an ipod

jumping up and down on my left foot weeeeeeeee!!!!!