that is meaningless to me. We are going to here about some far fetched shit in the next few months.
Prop 19 imposes new regulations on cannabis. 215 represents old regulations on cannabis.
We need some help. It seems some information on how Prop 19 will effect Prop 215 needs the Pro-prop 19 minds to help us see why prop-19 won't effect the Medical people.
Come on down and explain if you will.
prop 19 lessens restrictions on recreational users.
there is no more strict regulation than absolute prohibition. that is what recreational users have now.
dagnabit... did you actually sit in on the council meeting? Because I did. And they said $600 and $900 not blank... it was blank before the meeting because they settled on it during it.
The city can't tax grows regardless if 19 passes or not. Because 215 says NO TAXES! The only gov agency that tax is required to be paid to for income from medical cannabis in California is the IRS aka the Feds... They cashed my tax check knowing damn well what it was for. The BOE for years refused to collect sales tax on weed because of the LAO report on 215 that was part of official ballot materials that stated there would be no taxes. I do have a BOE sellers permit and guess what I have paid a dime of sales tax to the state of California... Why?? Because it's illegal and we both (the state and I) know it.
context matters. i was responding to a specific post by JJScorpio where he was talking about what he would and wouldn't sign onto. i was making a comparison.
both props create a regulatory framework of sime kind involving marijuana. I made no more far reaching statement than that.
blow hard elsewhere. you are easily the least credible grouch that remains in this discussion.
You guys do know that I was joking when I asked if you'd trade 215 for 19, right?
A REAL LAWYER who actually practices Criminal Law in California has this to say about prop 19 destroying Prop 215 and SB420... (gues icmag endorses destroying mmj in cali)
jj 215 gives us UNLIMITED Grows, prop 19 gives us 25sq feet. One city in Califonria Rancho Cordova is planning on taxing people $600 per square foot to grow their 5X5 under 19 (if it passes). So don't think for one second that people 5x5's will be "tax free" and that taxes only apply to commercial...
here is a link to the story..
A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the persons health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.
The authors intentionally wrote the Bill to give the doctors plenty of room to make MMJ accessible to anyone that desires it. Im sure you guys will have a little different take on it but it is what it is. The authors knew full and well that it would be years and years before cannabis would be considered for any sort of decrim or legalization(whatever you guys are calling it now) and knew very well exactly how their words would work out. Im not here to argue.. just giving my real world take on it.