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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Game Bred
Sometimes people get so used to eating the shit they have been fed and they forget what food (or freedom) really tastes like.

history hath shown mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.


Game Bred
for those who said "you dont need to register to be protected"

Frequently Asked Questions about California's medical marijuana identification card program answered by the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)

Question: I already have a card from my physician and another from a dispensary. Why would I want another card?

MPP Answer: The state-issued ID cards provide near-guaranteed protection from arrest by state and local law enforcement officials for limited amounts of marijuana, and other ID cards do not.

According to the California Health and Safety Code, "No person or designated primary caregiver in possession of a valid [state] identification card shall be subject to arrest for possession, transportation, delivery, or cultivation of medical marijuana in an amount established pursuant to this article, unless there is reasonable cause to believe that the information contained in the card is false or falsified, the card has been obtained by means of fraud, or the person is otherwise in violation of the provisions of this article."

Cards offered by physicians, dispensaries, and other private organizations do not offer this level of legal protection.

this is from the link you quoted ;)

thanks for playing LOL

Smoke Buddy

^ repeating because he literally just contradicted his statement from two posts ago....

Man Thats another weak response. You are getting desperate now. You would have been better to leave it alone. You posted a bunch of lies, bullshit, whatever you call untruths works for me. You guys are quick to make statements as though you know what you are talking about when you are CLUELESS. I have been to hemp expos because I support and have supported a push for hemp for many years... and guess what the old hippy community here are all for hemp.. and they all have recs. :)
You have no clue what you are talking about. Im here in part to point out the BS that I see in this thread. The demonizations the lies... its amazing.


history hath shown mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

And most look back and think what a shame it is that those people let that happen for so long before doing something about it.

+ rep for the depth of that statement

Smoke Buddy

for those who said "you dont need to register to be protected"

this is from the link you quoted ;)

thanks for playing LOL

Hehehehe - You again?

Your STILL wrong, I dont need a state card at all and I have all teh same rights as if I did.




Game Bred
LOL... Its funny that people here are calling med patients unethical for taking advantage of a law that was written in order to make self medication legal. Most folks I know that use cannabis use it to mello out after a long day, much like people do with adult beverages. Alcohol has its medicinal properties as well, as my doctor recomends a glass of red wine with your meal. Anyhow, using cannabis daily is not a recreational use, it is medication whether you realize you are self medicating or not, if you use it daily as a stress reliever, you are using it medicinally. I use cannabis purely recreationally as well but that is realistically maybe 5% of my smoking.

Its funny to hear the negativity towards the "real" benefits of cannbis. You guys may consider it a party drug but I do not, and havent since I was in my early 20s... a long time ago. The ethics of using mmj are intact. If you feel like you are a recreational user and it doesnt ease anything in your soul or body then you are indeed a rare individual.

peace :rasta:

i agree all use is medicinal the masses dont.
you are the example they point to...
i realize you dont give a fuck if you make the entire mmj scene look bad.
i know the law is written for you to take advantage of but why be ammunition for those who believe mmj is a scam?

the age of consent in some states is 16 does that make fucking a child ok?


Game Bred
Man Thats another weak response. You are getting desperate now. You would have been better to leave it alone. You posted a bunch of lies, bullshit, whatever you call untruths works for me. You guys are quick to make statements as though you know what you are talking about when you are CLUELESS. I have been to hemp expos because I support and have supported a push for hemp for many years... and guess what the old hippy community here are all for hemp.. and they all have recs. :)
You have no clue what you are talking about. Im here in part to point out the BS that I see in this thread. The demonizations the lies... its amazing.

have you provided a single link to back any of your bullshit?

the only one ive seen is one you quoted and the first paragraph in said link proves you wrong concerning what protections are afforded you by a rec alone.


i agree all use is medicinal the masses dont.
you are the example they point to...
i realize you dont give a fuck if you make the entire mmj scene look bad.
i know the law is written for you to take advantage of but why be ammunition for those who believe mmj is a scam?

the age of consent in some states is 16 does that make fucking a child ok?

Just because those people choose to try to cloud shit over prohibition style doesnt mean he is ammunition. Thats like blaming a victim. Its in the fucking prop 215 words.

I am voting yes prop 19 not because I am worried about rec users, but for the overall good of Cannabis and the legalization movement worldwide.


Game Bred
Just because those people choose to try to cloud shit over prohibition style doesnt mean he is ammunition. Thats like blaming a victim. Its in the fucking prop 215 words.

I am voting yes prop 19 not because I am worried about rec users, but for the overall good of Cannabis and the legalization movement worldwide.
im not saying its correct they view it that way...
but we live in a world dominated not by reality but by perceived reality.
remember the huddled sheepole believed reefer madness for a loooong time.

im glad you see the most important reason to vote yes! :yes:


For some people the fight is to legalize cannabis. For others the fight is the rights of the individual against the fascist state that continues to infringe upon them. There is too much money involved for it not to get legalized in the near future. I just believe individuals should hold out for a better prop while they have the upper hand on the fascists.

If you are sick of being kicked, give the bully your money.

Smoke Buddy

i agree all use is medicinal the masses dont.
you are the example they point to...
i realize you dont give a fuck if you make the entire mmj scene look bad.
i know the law is written for you to take advantage of but why be ammunition for those who believe mmj is a scam?

the age of consent in some states is 16 does that make fucking a child ok?

For one thing there is no debate here in California about the scam aspect. Most people accept that cannabis is fine and they accept that mmj is a channel that is working. ITS IN NO DANGER OF BEING REPEALED, although a lot of you sound like you would like to. I have never seen this much anti mmj as right here, right now. . The general concensus is indeed that its a loophole, scam, whatever you want to call it. So What? Use the loophole, thats what its for. I call it the law of the people. Its a done deal. MMJ IS GOOD!!! Many other states have come along since we made mmj real. They barent demonizing it like you are, in fact more states wiil be getting mmj Im sure. Its growing.
Im not giving mmj a bad name as I am a legitimate hardcore patient not being treated for something small, but for a real disease. My comments about what might be legitamate mmj uses are just comments, not about me. So Im the bad guy huh? I dont get that logic at all.


some are some aren't....

some are med patients with recs.

most are minorities.

take the time to READ the links and your questions would have been answered!

Always have to end everything with jab. You could sum up the links a little better and share how it applies to the discussion also.


Game Bred
Always have to end everything with jab. You could sum up the links a little better and share how it applies to the discussion also.

not a jab..

just is what it is...

it seems like you dont want to see or hear anything that is contrary to your preconceived notions.

maybe im wrong...


Game Bred
For some people the fight is to legalize cannabis. For others the fight is the rights of the individual against the fascist state that continues to infringe upon them. There is too much money involved for it not to get legalized in the near future. I just believe individuals should hold out for a better prop while they have the upper hand on the fascists.

If you are sick of being kicked, give the bully your money.

what "better" prop?

if this fails do you think something less restrictive will pass in '12?


do you think the lamestream media will say
"well this was just to restrictive we should come up with something better"
"those potheads should learn the people dont want drugs in their communities"
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