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Active member
regarding prescribing of SSRI's:
if you are a regular toker, never take wellbutrin(a.k.a. Zyban)!
if they want to prescribe it to you, tell tthem your brother or sister, mom or dad had bad side effects when they were prescribed it and ask for an alternative.
It is known to cause panic often leading to psychotic episodes when taken in conjunction with cannabis. not a good thing at all.:fsu:
Drugs for adhd such as ritalin and adderall will take away nervous energy, chattieness, and make the person more calm and focused if they have adhd.
It often has the opposite effect on those that dont have the condition.
It comes at a cost. imagine your conscious thoughts and feelings at any moment as lets say the visible light spectrum. folks with adhd experience the whole spectrum and often have a hard time focusing on one thing at any moment as their thoughts, feelings are hitting all the wavelengths.
Give them ritalin or adderall and suddenly that spectrum has been diminished at each end. Its then easier to focus thoughts for them.
However, the ends of the spectrum that retreat from the conscious mind are who they are. in other words, the person loses a bit of themself, their personality. In my opinion, its a large price to pay. Smaller ups and smaller lows. life can somehow become more dull or muted.

I couldn't have explained it better myself


sorry ATL i knew my comment was a little pissy, i apologize.
i realize opiate are different than stimulants, but they are not any less dangerous, addicting and damaging, ive took many adderalls in my life. but i see that you only want to take adderalls for a hard study,not for class, that makes more sense, i was getting the impression that you were going to take em to pay attention in class.
also smoking weed from when you wake up til you go to bed sounds counterproductive, any way you look at it, how its going to negatively affect your attentive behavior, memory and motivation or whatever.

the real question i guess, is wether when you take adderall do you feel high? you said only the first time on your first post. so if you have some form of add adhd than adderall could prove useful and because you dont experience any euphoric high you probably wouldnt feel like taking it for any other reason than studying... less likely to turn into an unhealthy habit.
good luck


adderal is no less addicting or harmful than any opiate really if you don't actually have ADD/HD. I mean honestly it's just speed...the only active chemical in adderal is dextroamphetamine.
smoked everyday last semester from when i wake up till when i go to bed. Before class, everything. Made deans list.

If i have to take an adderall every couple of weeks in order to study hard as fuck, then so be it. Ill take the A.

Addys arent the same as opiates ps.

Ditto here. Go to class high, study high ---> get high grades

No need to lay off the greeneries. Everybody has a different brain. Just because it makes one person unable to concentrate or work doesn't mean it's like that for everyone.

Use chemicals, substances, like tools.

Sure a high speed rotating saw can be quite dangerous, but used in a prudent and calculated way, it can help you accomplish amazing things.

Read your owners manual.

Understand how cannabis, amphetamine, etc work.

Try to understand how our brains work. No one can know it all, but a short introduction can do wonders.



Active member
Ditto here. Go to class high, study high ---> get high grades

No need to lay off the greeneries. Everybody has a different brain. Just because it makes one person unable to concentrate or work doesn't mean it's like that for everyone.

Use chemicals, substances, like tools.

Sure a high speed rotating saw can be quite dangerous, but used in a prudent and calculated way, it can help you accomplish amazing things.

Read your owners manual.

Understand how cannabis, amphetamine, etc work.

Try to understand how our brains work. No one can know it all, but a short introduction can do wonders.


good advise.

what makes you guys think that thc isnt a chemical that effects you the same way amphetamine is.

its called moderation boys a girls. i have never used adderall for recreational use. like i said the only time i take it is before a test or finals. Some from 3-10 times a semester. so thats like 10mg per dose over 18 weeks.....

in the words of randy... frig off


New member
I know this thread is a little old, but this is kind of interesting stuff. ADHD can greatly impair a person's success in life, which can cause secondary symptoms that appear as depression, agitation, aggression, etc.

Amphetamines have been around a long time, but are only coming back on the radar because of resurgent illicit use. Current research focuses on the effects of extreme abuse, which are really worst case scenarios of the chemical's side effects. Ironically, many stimulant abuser's have bad to severe ADHD and just don't know it - self medicating without any medical knowledge. This is unfortunate because the people most in need will find it difficult to talk to a doctor about past abuse and getting a prescription for a stimulant in the same conversation.

Treating the ADHD directly with amphetamines can show dramatic improvement to someone. Since medicine has a better understanding of how APhet can cause damage, there is more knowledge about how to prevent it. Their long history has proven them to be very predictable chemicals in both action and toxicity.

Something to consider.
If your heart can handle it, why not? moderation is definitely key with adderal though; someone with an addictive personality could kill themselves quite quickly with it.


Eugene Oregon
I personally don't believe in pharmaceutical drugs because there synthetic and have bad side effects and you can get addicted and throw your brain out of wack basically.

Try to get a pure sativa strains with a great soaring high that makes you think clearly, and creatively.

Hope you succeed!!!


Active member
umm since i started this thread, ive probably taken adderall like 3 times. all for test, not for rec use. and i havent gotten anything under an A on any of my college papers and test. so yeah

I dont do it just to feel good. i do it to sit here and study for 8 hours without stopping. I have to take a few hits of hash though to do it.