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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Are you trying to argue about legalization, or just argue? It seems a whole lot more like the latter.

I found an article that seemed well put together and had sources (regardless of it's content). I shared it, with the message if this has been posted then I apologize. I found it at another site and thought it was pretty informative.. And you're jumping on my ass for that?

Seriously though... the idea that I have to read hundreds of pages on a message board (most of which is just people bullshitting with each other and conversing) just to contribute is stupid. Lay off.

the point is, brosef, you are late to this thread. just take your lumps and stop polluting it even more. good day.


Freedom Fighter
Nothing personal Cooter, but if most "med users" are like some I've seen on this site, then It's a damn joke that people have abused.

How many people, based on what we hear from this site do you think are scamming so they can smoke legally?

The sad part is it's going to hurt the people that truly need it for medicinal purposes when all the others get it shut down.

In case you forgot who's really made a joke of the Cali med program, let me enlighten you.

Sorry JJ, but on this point, I have to speak up--
Prop 215 was voted in, and it says....
(A) To ensure that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for medical purposes where that medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person's health would benefit from the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer, anorexia, AIDS, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma, arthritis, migraine, or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.

Those words were not hidden in there, this is what was voted in!!
Ppl in this Thread have been constantly putting down Med Patients for "getting a Rec for a headache"....but it is fucking in there!! Honestly, if smoking helps somebody feel better...for ANY reason, it is covered by the "Intent" of Prop 215--
We are not all "Fakers"-- If I smoke because it helps me not to have to take Vicodin for my back pain...that is a "Serious" thing--
I get that Prop 19 will help a lot of ppl...mostly because of the "can have all that you grow at your house" part....but please don't try and make us Patients all out to be Evil...we are doing exactly what the Law says we can--


ICMag Donor
"I think I have a headache, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I have an ingrown toenail, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"My balls hurts, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I got a hangover, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"My girl broke up with me, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I'm tired today, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"This sunburn hurts, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

And this is exactly why people don't want Cannabis legalized in California.


ICMag Donor
I have all the compassion in the world for those that use and need Cannabis for their illnesses. My compassion ends when I hear people say "just make up an excuse" and you can be 100 percent legal. Do you know how many people I have heard say this over the last few years?

How long before the Government cuts the med program for everyone that needs it based on these comments?

And that's the whole problem with why this Bill may not pass.

It really pisses me off listening to people say this when there's people dying of cancer in my State that can't legally use it.

Sorry JJ, but on this point, I have to speak up--
Prop 215 was voted in, and it says....

Those words were not hidden in there, this is what was voted in!!
Ppl in this Thread have been constantly putting down Med Patients for "getting a Rec for a headache"....but it is fucking in there!! Honestly, if smoking helps somebody feel better...for ANY reason, it is covered by the "Intent" of Prop 215--
We are not all "Fakers"-- If I smoke because it helps me not to have to take Vicodin for my back pain...that is a "Serious" thing--
I get that Prop 19 will help a lot of ppl...mostly because of the "can have all that you grow at your house" part....but please don't try and make us Patients all out to be Evil...we are doing exactly what the Law says we can--


Freedom Fighter
"I think I have a headache, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I have an ingrown toenail, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"My balls hurts, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I got a hangover, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"My girl broke up with me, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I'm tired today, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"This sunburn hurts, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

And this is exactly why people don't want Cannabis legalized in California.

Huh?? I don't get it--


ICMag Donor
Quit backtracking. On more than one occasion you have stated "anyone can get a med card as long as they have a hundred bucks." Excuse me for not having a lot of support for that statement.

And that's why people don't want this bill to pass.

What are you talking about? I said follow the law and be legal. You are acting like the doctor didn't say I have 2 weeks to live so I am not worthy of using cannabis to help my condition. I didn't make the law that makes it legal for me to possess, cultivate, consume, and share cannabis with other legal patients. I just follow it, and am therefore the scammer. The mockery is supporting fascist policies and believing they will bring you freedom.


Freedom Fighter
I have all the compassion in the world for those that use and need Cannabis for their illnesses. My compassion ends when I hear people say "just make up an excuse" and you can be 100 percent legal. Do you know how many people I have heard say this over the last few years?

How long before the Government cuts the med program for everyone that needs it based on these comments?

And that's the whole problem with why this Bill may not pass.

It really pisses me off listening to people say this when there's people dying of cancer in my State that can't legally use it.

The Government cannot cut the Med Program...they have already tried and failed-- It would take another vote from the People--


"I think I have a headache, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I have an ingrown toenail, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"My balls hurts, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I got a hangover, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"My girl broke up with me, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"I'm tired today, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

"This sunburn hurts, I think I'll take a hundred bucks and get a med card"

And this is exactly why people don't want Cannabis legalized in California.

WOW. Quotes.

I dont think any of that nonsense is why. Like has been stated: For any other illness which marijuana provides relief.

I really dont understand why people fail to realize that is in prop 215. And what it means. And why it's there. And why people voted it in. It's pretty clear to me and most everyone I know. Just because it was interpreted differently during the Clinton/Bush admins doesnt meant those words mean anything different. I dont really care what someone who has been brainwashed by propaganda thinks about my conditions. Its not up to them. Its the law. I dont like many laws. But they are laws. RULE OF LAW.
Prop 215 is law.

Smoke Buddy

Let me answer a couple of these questions for you bro--
No, you cannot go into any Dispensary without your Original Rec...they don't care about the State Card, as it has none of your personal info on it, only a picture, verification #, and expiration date--
That brings me to the misconception many here seem to have, that you are now in a data base...


Hope this helps clear some of that up--:tiphat:

Thanks bro. That makes sense. Sounds pretty good. If I were doing much transporting I would probably get a state card. Otherwise I see no reason to sign in.



And please dont tell me that people intelligent enough to vote did not understand what this would be used for: or any other illness for which marijuana provides relief.
Dont pretend this meant something like "ONLY SERIOUS ILLNESSES". It doesn't. Never did. Its very clear to anyone who doesnt have their head stuck in the sand.

Smoke Buddy

I have all the compassion in the world for those that use and need Cannabis for their illnesses. My compassion ends when I hear people say "just make up an excuse" and you can be 100 percent legal. Do you know how many people I have heard say this over the last few years?

How long before the Government cuts the med program for everyone that needs it based on these comments?

And that's the whole problem with why this Bill may not pass.

It really pisses me off listening to people say this when there's people dying of cancer in my State that can't legally use it.

What makes you think the government is going to end mmj? Your pretty much a fear monger with that comment and couldnt be more wrong. Why would you want 215 to be gone? Oh, you think its BS thats right. Obviously spoken as a man who isnt in Cali because there is absolutely ZERO truth to your assertion. ZERO. 215 is here to stay.. unless another law renders it moot.

peace :rasta:


ICMag Donor
The state knows no morals. Only legal. You are playing a morality and honesty game with an entity that only knows legal or not. How is following the law scamming? I am legal but someone like yourself implies I am a scammer. That is you making a joke out of 215, not me.

Money makes the world go round and there is no way an economy as big as California cannabis is being shut down.

Cooter is just a contrarian with no factual argument.
Troll alert.


ICMag Donor
The Government cannot cut the Med Program...they have already tried and failed-- It would take another vote from the People--

all the DEA has to do is start raiding and closing co-ops again so it is true that the government can effectively stop the med program if they chose to do so.


Freedom Fighter
all the DEA has to do is start raiding and closing co-ops again so it is true that the government can effectively stop the med program if they chose to do so.

The can effectively close the Dispensaries...but they cannot kill 215--
They tried intimidating the Dr's....didn't work--


Active member
I understand your point. BUT can I suggest this view:

They dont play fair and neither do we. Some of us(the people behind the movement) learned the lesson of trying to play fair by watching the Vietnam conflict unfold.

They scammed prohibition legislation. Rec users scammed them.

Remember Reefer Madness? Rec users should use all available weapons at their disposal to combat the propaganda that has infiltrated our society for so long.

This the War on Drugs(us).

All is fair in love and war.

It is not unethical for rec users to front to get an mmj rec. It's just the way they have to be AT THIS POINT IN THE WAR.

Just something to think about...?

a lie is a lie and therefore unethical regardless of your

and these assholes who have lied to obtain a rec
from some 'doctor' and now insist on arguing for
continued prohibition are a perfect example of
how rationalizing unethical behavior taints the

while i agree that mj has medicinal value, thinking
that all who want to smoke should get a doctors
recommendation is rediculous as that also means
that those who choose not to lie should continue
to be harassed and arrested simply because they
choose not to lie, in fact, if we can make it legal
for everyone to use, recreationally, that will only
help those who truly do need it for medical reasons
as future research will be much easier if it ceases to
be a controlled 'drug'.

while i have and will continue to lie to LEO if accosted
by them, i choose not to lie to some hack doctor or even
a legitimate doctor so that i can have an affirmative defense
the next time i get hassled over weed, i'd rather it were
legal and regulated like any other crop for human

fuck all these assholes who grow under 215 and then
sell there weed to the highest bidder and fight for continued
prohibition to protect their income stream.

and that doesn't apply to all those growing under 215,
just those drug dealers who masquarade as patients
so they can feed the black market.

peace, SOG


ICMag Donor
a lie is a lie and therefore unethical regardless of your

and these assholes who have lied to obtain a rec
from some 'doctor' and now insist on arguing for
continued prohibition are a perfect example of
how rationalizing unethical behavior taints the

while i agree that mj has medicinal value, thinking
that all who want to smoke should get a doctors
recommendation is rediculous as that also means
that those who choose not to lie should continue
to be harassed and arrested simply because they
choose not to lie, in fact, if we can make it legal
for everyone to use, recreationally, that will only
help those who truly do need it for medical reasons
as future research will be much easier if it ceases to
be a controlled 'drug'.

while i have and will continue to lie to LEO if accosted
by them, i choose not to lie to some hack doctor or even
a legitimate doctor so that i can have an affirmative defense
the next time i get hassled over weed, i'd rather it were
legal and regulated like any other crop for human

fuck all these assholes who grow under 215 and then
sell there weed to the highest bidder and fight for continued
prohibition to protect their income stream.

and that doesn't apply to all those growing under 215,
just those drug dealers who masquarade as patients
so they can feed the black market.

peace, SOG

Sometimes people get so used to eating the shit they have been fed and they forget what food (or freedom) really tastes like.


Active member
Let me answer a couple of these questions for you bro--
No, you cannot go into any Dispensary without your Original Rec...they don't care about the State Card, as it has none of your personal info on it, only a picture, verification #, and expiration date--
That brings me to the misconception many here seem to have, that you are now in a data base...


Hope this helps clear some of that up--:tiphat:

great points!

I don't have a state card because...why give them money every year when I don't have to? It's not because I am afraid of a list....LAPD and the DEA have raided about a dozen clubs I was a member at...they take all the records with them...so for me the state list is really nothing to be worried about...just a waste of money.
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