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No delete button for my posts


Guest 18340

I've noticed that whenever I post in a thread and go to edit my post theirs no delete button. I havent been able to delete my own posts for awhile.
Wheres the delete button?
All I get is 3 buttons, Save, Go advanced and Cancel.
Last edited:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
After hitting Edit, Delete should show up between Go Advanced and Cancel. Does for me anyway. Odd.

Guest 18340

Nope, no delete button for me. WTF?

I just tried it with this very post, theirs still only Save, go Advanced, Cancel.
Just tried it again, no delete button.
My wife checked with her screen name and it works for her. I don't get it.
Btw, it's been like that for a few months now, ever since I became a supporter.

Blue Dot

I've found that I'm able to delete posts that I've made that are in reply to someone's elses post but I am not able to delete posts where I started or originated a thread.


Guest 18340

Just tried it again. No delete button. No matter if it's a reply, I get no delete button.
Any help Skip?


One time i posted my Full Name up and freaked. Gypsy came through and repaired the damage overnight. whew that was close i didn`t want everyone to know my last name.


I just checked and I can delete my old posts. It all looks the same except I have a delete button and my husbands doesn't. Not sure if maybe there is something in the settings. I'm sure a moderator has to do something.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I've heard that once your delete button goes missing, you're on a watch list with the DEAFBIATFCIA. Sorry to say man, but I'd think about getting rid of that computer if I were you. :yoinks:


Active member
I've fixed the problem.

None of you are supposed to be able to delete posts and can't now. You can delete your account info, but all public postings are the property of icmag and it's up to mods & admins to decide what stays and what goes. Sorry but those are the ways of the site.

If you need something deleted just ask a mod or admin, or edit your post yourself.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
ok got ya skip...thanx for explaining the prob...peace


None of you are supposed to be able to delete posts and can't now.
When and why was the decision made and why weren't we informed about this after years of being able to delete our own posts?


Active member
I'm going to double check with Gypsy on this. I'm not sure what the policy was b4 I came back on board.


Active member
I don't think it's wise to delete the post-delete button.
Not at all.
As a moderator,I'd like it to come back,Skip.
I think GN would agree.

Keep me posted on the status,please.



To Have More ... Desire Less
Was wondering the same thing...

YES this is VERY recent.......It might be icmag right as the site holder.....
BUT what about my right s as ahuman being to change my mind.......

this should go back to how it waz.....QUICK ~FAST........
I'm very unsetteled by not being able to delete my own post.......just dont seem fair or very community based.........

maybe only senior members...or sumthang......BUT the option should still be available........

WAY TO MUCH censorship......'round hear lately.......

HEAR is aBIGGER problem to fix..............
according to U'r own advertising.......SUBSCRIBERS can upload 16pic per time.........thats what I wanted when I signed UP........really helps w/ the testing and grow-shoz.......
BUT I cant do that only 4.......I contacted OP....he'z busy
SO what is the deal there........

where R the subscriber benifits U sold????????????