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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Active member
You're talking nonsense. It takes it from ILLEGAL, to LEGAL. This is in regards to RECREATIONAL USE. Medical use via 215 and 420 are unaffected. Your freedoms and civil liberties in regards to non-medical cannabis use right now are nonexistant. This is a huge jump forward.
I'm not talking nonsense. This next step, is going to set the tone for what cannabis is in California. And that tone is highly regulated and taxed. This is a freaking weed, one of the most benign substances on the planet, very unique in numerous ways.
We may not have existent liberties in regards to recreational cannabis use, but we are NOT stagnant. We have been moving forward for decades, with numerous victories in the last fifteens years and one very recently if you'll recall People v. Kelly.

We are in an active fight, and just because some prop comes up with minimal liberties attached, does not mean one does not support freedoms and liberties if one votes no. It means one is not satisfied with the liberties/freedoms offered, because they are insufficient. Fighting for liberty and freedom means just that, not quitting and settling for something sub par.

It's not going to go from 100% illegal to 100% legal in one fell swoop.

It should be, I wonder why it isn't...


I'm not even talking about something insane, but questionable.

And what if you spread out the 25' squared into 1'x1' squared plots of land in your backyard, and grow 25 trees that way?


Well-known member
I'm not even talking about something insane, but questionable.

And what if you spread out the 25' squared into 1'x1' squared plots of land in your backyard, and grow 25 trees that way?

understood, you seem pretty sensible
any new law has this issue, you always have the 1st case
my understanding is you can't spread it around, just one spot
but the enforcement situation changes hugely, presumption of illegality becomes a much higher bar


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
all of the plants I grow outdoor are way bigger then 5x5. This will limit me to indoor only and thats fine I just wont be doing any summer grows. I cant keep up with the vigor of outdoor grows and I would just refuse to cut my girl in half. lol


Active member
We may not have existent liberties in regards to recreational cannabis use, but we are NOT stagnant. We have been moving forward for decades, with numerous victories in the last fifteens years and one very recently if you'll recall People v. Kelly.

We are in an active fight, and just because some prop comes up with minimal liberties attached, does not mean one does not support freedoms and liberties if one votes no. It means one is not satisfied with the liberties/freedoms offered, because they are insufficient. Fighting for liberty and freedom means just that, not quitting and settling for something sub par.

not to mention the downgrading of possession of up to an ounce from a misdemeanor to an infraction.


Active member
I'm not talking nonsense. This next step, is going to set the tone for what cannabis is in California. And that tone is highly regulated and taxed. This is a freaking weed, one of the most benign substances on the planet, very unique in numerous ways.
We may not have existent liberties in regards to recreational cannabis use, but we are NOT stagnant. We have been moving forward for decades, with numerous victories in the last fifteens years and one very recently if you'll recall People v. Kelly.

Recreational use and Medical use are completely different. You seem to have a problem differentiating.

We are in an active fight, and just because some prop comes up with minimal liberties attached, does not mean one does not support freedoms and liberties if one votes no. It means one is not satisfied with the liberties/freedoms offered, because they are insufficient. Fighting for liberty and freedom means just that, not quitting and settling for something sub par.

Minimal liberties? THERE ARE NO LIBERTIES. It's selfish and greedy to say you'd rather stick with the status quo until full unregulated legalization comes along. Nobody is telling you to settle, this is a stepping stone. You said yourself you've been moving forward for decades... how could that have happened if everyone just said FUCK YOU to every advancement that came along, because it just wasn't good enough?


i like how the topic veered off for a while about how to grow in 5 feet of space. get used to that. maybe start a new section in the forums, or the only section in the forums :p

im gonna have to start reading up on pc grow cabs and leds i guess.

i wanna fight for more freedoms for cannabis, not settle for less freedoms.


ICMag Donor
As for the 5 by 5 area, you can grow a lot of bud.

This flowering area was 7 ft by 3 ft and a couple inches. It was just a little wider than the 2 hoods. If you look through the thread youll see the other grow. If I recall that grow was just shy of 2 lbs..... I think I flowered 12 plants. You'd be surprised with the right size pots how many plants you can flower in an area that size....



Well-known member
one compensation for the 5 x 5 with a reasonable height, it's convenient for clones and feminized seeds
that's a business in itself, HUGE clone market, some could make a tidy living delivering clones
i do interpret this as legal under prop 19, up to one oz, or so i think?

EDIT - context of some commercial legality by locality - some locality's might be much more comfortable with clone businesses than recreational dispensaries
make it easier for your locals to grow, no 'unsightly' dispensaries in the neighborhood


lol 5x5 makes almost every grower in cali a commercial grower.

jj- maybe you can start a new section for 5x5 grow set ups? it might get pretty popular.

oh, and before people start running off to buy grow cabs, make sure not to get the one that off gasses. i forget the name of it.

also, i love my pll lights, for cloning. awesome lights. in a 5x5 space you hang like 7 of them and probably get pretty good light. maybe switch up spectrums too.


Freedom Fighter
Thx. I forgot about that one. Another reason to vote yes.

Right now, if a couple are growing in a 25 sq ft area of their home, and they get caught they can have their children removed and be charged with Endangering the welfare of a child.

But I guess that's OK for some people as long as they can keep selling them 60 dollar eighths.......

Nope, not if they are 215 compliant-- Here is a Thread I posted a while back-- http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=86270
And I live in not so friendly Riverside County--:tiphat:


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
thinking about it, a 5 by 5 vertical with 3 600's would yield close to 3 lb for a low yielder and closer to 5 - 6 lb's for high yielding strain....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Fighting for liberty and freedom means just that, not quitting and settling for something sub par.
...this is a very good point, regardless of which side you are on...if we happen to get this passed...i hope everyone is ready to keep fighting for change...certainly not the be all end all...


come to think about it crunch, where did i see a vertical aero grow on icmag? i think aero and vert hydro set ups would be the way to go with a 5x5, id have to dump my organic tea brewer method of ferts and get rid of my compost pile. dammit i really like my compost pile, fuck it im keeping it for my passion fruit and tomatoes.

i could convert a small space under my bathroom sink or something for clones.

can anyone recommend a good bonsai mom method, i just keep cutting and transplanting, while removing roots right?

oh wait anyone know what the square footage of that rotating light machine is? rotating garden or something?

u know i could make a seperate cab underneath my grow table right?


Active member
Recreational use and Medical use are completely different. You seem to have a problem differentiating.
I do not have a problem differentiating, and medical mj and recreational use are not completely different, just pretty different. They are related in the sense that medical mj has helped recreational mj be accepted to the level it is today. Without any of the victories in the medical mj scene, recreational mj would have one HELL of a time chipping away at the block.

Hell, prop19 is FUNDED BY MEDICAL MJ.. The recreational movement as you know it is backed, and funded by medical mj.

I have to ask, do you know anything about Richard Lee?

Minimal liberties? THERE ARE NO LIBERTIES. It's selfish and greedy to say you'd rather stick with the status quo until full unregulated legalization comes along. Nobody is telling you to settle, this is a stepping stone. You said yourself you've been moving forward for decades... how could that have happened if everyone just said FUCK YOU to every advancement that came along, because it just wasn't good enough?

It is not selfish. How is this selfish? All I have to gain by waiting is more liberties and freedoms for my fellow man/woman and their children. If you understood freedom and liberty to the fullest we wouldn't have this conversation.

I'm not asking for perfection. My posts reflect that completely. I have stated my legitimate concerns with some of the language. I haven't even mentioned everything I dont like, and not everything is keeping me from voting yes.

The 5X5 is not keeping me from voting yes. It just bugs the shit out of me and doesn't make it any easier to change my mind about the real stuff.

Like how people will BE SUBJECTED TO PRISON FOR UP TO SEVEN YEARS for "committing a crime" in which no one is hurt! Both parties agreed to said terms! How the HELL is that justice?

You support rapists getting less time then non violent "drug criminals"?! Drunk drivers that "accidentally" killed someone should get less time? You are agreeing to that so its a little easier for people to smoke bud legally?

The second reason I'm not voting yes is because the decision to prohibit sales within a county is not left up to the people directly, but the people they elect. It is too far removed for my liking, its a legitimate concern and... ya..

Just because I dont like this one doesn't mean I want perfection, just means I hold higher standards then you in respect to the livelihood and pursuit of happiness for myself and fellow citizen.

Not seeking perfection. The masses are too confused about liberty and freedom to let that happen.


richard lee is a saint, and i for one am glad and thankful he has so graciously allowed me 5 ft of space to grow in. well, as long as i dont have children. or roommates.


Active member
Every time YES says "fuck you" to NO and calls it names, the defense of NO is more compelling than anything YES has had to say about anything. What's being made very clear is that there are valid reasons besides greed to be against this legislation.
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