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Seriously its only going to work if you can stop him from changing stuff and mainly stop him from being stupid enough to give out any info period.

If you have changed the # and made it unlisted then the only way some dude from Jamaica got it is from your grandpa.

obviously ... people from around the world aren't looking up my grandfather's name in the phonebook

of course he gave this information out ... but his condition makes him believe what they are saying is legitimate

my grandfather is far from "stupid" ... you fucking prick


i came here to you guys for recommendations not to hear my family insulted


New member
Yeah, i used to read the scambaiters site all the time,
If you go over there and tell them what is happening i am sure they would be able to turn things around on the scammer for you.


You can always just get him a cell phone, and don't tell him the number that way he can't give it out.

There was this kids phone that only had numbers 1-4, each number was programmed with a phone number, so you just pressed one button to dial out. I think it also had an option that only certain numbers could dial in (I don't know if that second part is really true, sounds right, but the commercial was long ago)

Don't know about stopping the mail, but you can put in one of those big ass boxes that can hold a bunch of mail, you open it from the other side on the bottom, you can padlock it, and then come and screen it. Its also sorta tall so you can't reach down and pick it up. That may just piss him off tho, the one i saw was made of plastic and can be broken easily, but you could always DIY.


Active member
Alzheimer's is degenerative, your going to be looking at assisted living sooner or later, perhaps this is a good time to start considering it.


Verite.... did you read the original post? If you did then WHY in the world did you call his grandfather stupid? I mean...... seriously? Absolutely disgusting to be honest and it's almost as scumbaggish and douchey as the freakin' scammers themselves... totally unnecessary and uncalled for. My great grandma had alzhiemers (sp?) and it literally broke my heart when I went to see her in her last days. She was totally out of it and it was such a shame because me and her use to talk all the time on how me and my bro were extra rowdy and how she was always worried about us when we played in her front yard. Fun times... she died on christmas day and I still totally have not gotten over it.

Jwop... i dont know what to say but if you can find a way to change his info or if some way you can screen his calls or mail then I'd go for it. these scammers are the worst and deserve nothing but the worst karma to come their way.

Jah bless bro and i hope you can stop these greedy bitches from getting your grandpas money.


Active member
You need to move him in with you or look at assisted living.
Next time it won't be that he got ripped off, it will be that he forgot his stove was on and burned his house down, or wandered off in his bathrobe in the winter time.
He's having trouble managing his affairs, help him.
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You need to move him in with you or look at assisted living.
Next time it won't be that he got ripped off, it will be that he forgot his stove was on and burned his house down, or wandered off in his bathroom in the winter time.
He's having trouble managing his affairs, help him.

True story

Would definitely get the assisted living started like ddrew said. It's beyond the point where he can fend for himself if some assholes in nigeria are milking him for his last chunk of cash.

My great grandma had assisted living for her last days and for the most part I don't feel ashamed or guilty of her having to get assisted living. My grandma was taking care of her but it was breaking her down too much so she really had no choice and the whole family agreed that it was for the best.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
How sick is it to scam an elderly person...christ. I'm sorry to hear that....so heartbreaking that we live in a world like this, huh?

Verite...sick and twisted dude. My impression of you was quite well until now.

Alzheimers story..... I had a great Grandmother who took care of her husband almost 30 years after his stroke. Her mind started to go and we all started to notice. The wake up call was when we found my Grandma Libby walking down a country road in her dress and a windbreaker in the middle of winter. When we picked her up, she said she was going to Florida to see her daughter Julie. We lived in Michigan and her daughter had been dead for 10 years. She must have been stupid though....I guess.


Hey Verite,
Anyone with Alzhiemers is not making rational desisions and it was highly insulting to refer to jwop's grandfather as being stupid. I hope you realize your error and apologize, I don't think you're the kind of guy to speak to people like that, atleast I thought you weren't.

Sorry to hear of your situation, anyone dealing with a family member with alzhiemer's disease has and endless string of frustrations as to what you can do to protect your family. Try to get financial power of attorney, that will atleast put you in the loop of what takes place with his finances and create a bit of a firewall between the scammers and your Grandfather.

Best of luck

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I want to suggest a film about Alzheimers to anyone that's interested. It's called "Away From Her". It's not an old or poor quality film. It just gives you an idea of the devastation that this disease causes families. Can anyone imagine if you were sitting next to your husband or wife and they didn't even recognize you? The sad thing is that many of us here will deal with this disease closely in our lifetime.
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