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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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poking smot

why shouldn't Gypsy and the rest of the crew here at
ICMag have the right to voice an opinion?

we are not sheep here, note how many have voiced a
dissenting opinion, yourself included.

frankly, i don't think it works in our favor to stifle anyone.

personally, i'm just a micro-grower praying for the day
i don't have to worry about going to jail for something
so innocuous, so what if it means it will be taxed, i won't
be selling any so i won't have to worry about taxes, it'll
be the guy's getting fat NOW who will have to adapt to
the new reality instead of gouging people with $400.00
per ounce prices!

if it becomes legal and regulated now we will have a
chance to improve the laws going forward, if it doesn't
become legal now, it may be another 10 years before we
see any legislation to legalize.

we have to start somewhere!

peace, SOG

And for you man, If your so for just growing for personal use then just do it. Get a 215 card if your worried. You dont need the government to help you. And since when have people gone to jail for a personal amount of weed in california since it's been a mis. for under an ounce?


Active member
...I've dined and spent $1000s on seeds......doesn't mean I have to agree with his opinion.....way over there. As a California voter I rather resent the prompting and the moral crusade being pushed California's way...by many... no where near the state. How would you like somebody telling you how to vote....in your place of residence? I understand the issue and the emotion....but come on.

Do I need to agree with legalization.....this particular Bill....to be a member? If so....I'll close my account.....if not....I agree to disagree with the magazine and some of its members. It's a California vote....whether you think it's your business or not.

That was gross...I've never dumped in anyone's front yard....seriously.


Where did I get my knickers in a wad? Where am I being condescending?

If anyone is being condescending....it may be you.
Comments about learning from enlightened liberal places....indicates to me....that you think I know nothing of it. The Analogy comment was meant the same way....baiting and condescending. Your international collectivism points of view....are to me....condescending.

No man or political governing body....should have the right or power to tell an individual what he/she may grow.

I do not acknowledge their power....conceded to the regulation of Medical herb (pretty liberal concept don't you think?) and now....all these years later....view that as a mistake in principle. I choose not to make such a mistake again. Pretty simple. I'm not interested in working with a government that has lied to us about the weed...demonized it....and ignored the will of its people. They still ignore the will of the people. It stands to reason....they will continue to do so. Every time you bend to their regulation.....goes against my beliefs that they do not have the right to do so. As hick as that sounds.

I know you mods have super powers....big deal.....I'm not a professional politician/blogger....but in no way have I disrespected anyone nor was it my attempt to do so. My ship is just not sailing in the same direction as yours.....that's a difference in our views. I'm sure you have edited some of your posts as you smoke a fatty and reread something you had just recently written. In fact I would wager $ on that.

I have no beef with you lady....you seem to not much care for me though. Such is life.

Completely agree.


Active member
Informing is fine, endorsing is different. And as for the marijuana culture, it's underground and should remain underground. Since when do we need the government to regulate and tax something that i can just grow for free anyway? We shouldn't have to always run to the government for everything. If this legislation was for real legalization then i'd be all for it. And that said i mean no regulating and just letting a plant be a plant.:wave:

It would be nice if it were that simple.

poking smot

The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010 could have a far reaching effect if it passes and is successful. After Cali passed Prop 215 look what happened to many bordering States. They also developed MM programs. Something like this could be far more influential in getting many more States to pass initiatives or for some to also legalize. When this happens it will have a sound effect on some Countries in the following years.

So yes, I think it is proper that we have an opinion in this as it would effect Cannabis laws Internationally. This site has always encouraged people to grow and enjoy Cannabis in their lives. A Bill like this is something most of us have dreamed of passing our entire adult lives. I'll admit it isn't perfect, but it's a positive step in what we hope will be a snowball effect through the States and into other Countries...........

And you, i've already said what i had to say to you so... late Oh and thanks for the 50th post.
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Props on Taking a public stand.

Perhaps this Slogan can go on the Front page? "2010 - The Year of Cannabis! Just Say YES! "

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have lived in Asia on and off for the past 27 years.....in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, The Philippines, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Myanmar (Burma).......and it is plain to me that the laws and attitudes towards cannabis that has sent many people to jail (and some to be executed) over cannabis have originated from the USA......

Most all of these countries could not get grants/loans from the IMF to be able to develop unless they changed their historically lax attitudes towards cannabis into making cannabis use, production and distribution crimes with extreemly heavy penalties that many people have since suffered under.......and continue to do so to this day.....

If this Proposition 19 passes it will possibly influence those that can change the laws in these countries to quit victimizing cannabis users and growers and those that wish to supply it.....the same goes for every other country on the planet.......and if it is good for the Californian people and it's economy, then why would it not be good for theirs?


Active member
And for you man, If your so for just growing for personal use then just do it. Get a 215 card if your worried. You dont need the government to help you. And since when have people gone to jail for a personal amount of weed in california since it's been a mis. for under an ounce?

i don't want the government to help me, i'd like nothing
better than for cannabis to be as regulated as lettuce!

and don't kid yourself, lettuce is regulated!

fact is man, i don't live in Cali, i live in a state with much
more restrictive mmj laws so i continue to remain in the
dark waiting for the day it will be legal for me to practice
my little hobby.

frankly, i don't care how 'compassionate' you think you
are, if you vote no on Prop 19 you are a selfish fuck in my
book! ...and very shortsighted as well.

but then, you have it good so fuck everybody else, right?



I still don't see how its going to change anything, the problem is the feds until that changes its pointless, might as well keep promoting medical usage.

I would love cannabis to be legal! No one should go to jail for it but until the feds are on the same page it DONT MEAN SHIT! plain and simple so whats the point of having cali legalize when it's already medical. They should have used that money to make more state medically legal.

I don't know about you but having 2 ounces with out a recommendation in california usually winds up being a fine/ most likely not taken to jail.

Medical users are in constant turmoil of being raided how does having it legal recreationaly do anything for the movement? Are the feds and local leo gonna stop arresting people they feel are taking advantage of the system?

I have been doing a lot of reading about the attorney general guidelines of medical marijuana in California, you would be surprised how bass ackwards everything is.

If a person whose marijuana is seized by law enforcement successfully establishes a medical marijuana defense in court, or the case is not prosecuted, he or she may file a motion for return of the marijuana. If a court grants the motion and orders the return of marijuana seized incident to an arrest, the individual or entity subject to the order must return the property. State law enforcement officers who handle controlled substances in the course of their official duties are immune from liability under the CSA. (21 U.S.C. § 885(d).) Once the marijuana is returned, federal authorities are free to exercise jurisdiction over it. (21 U.S.C. §§ 812(c)(10), 844(a); City of Garden Grove v. Superior Court (Kha) (2007) 157 Cal.App.4th 355, 369, 386, 391.)

The feds are free to exercise jurisdiction over it! enough said! untill you change that dont waste your time.
Holy crap! I like this post. You mister have just earnned some respect. Take it away maestro!


i don't want the government to help me, i'd like nothing
better than for cannabis to be as regulated as lettuce!

and don't kid yourself, lettuce is regulated!

fact is man, i don't live in Cali, i live in a state with much
more restrictive mmj laws so i continue to remain in the
dark waiting for the day it will be legal for me to practice
my little hobby.

frankly, i don't care how 'compassionate' you think you
are, if you vote no on Prop 19 you are a selfish fuck in my
book! ...and very shortsighted as well.

but then, you have it good so fuck everybody else, right?



What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I am not from California nor have I ever been there, but I still think my opinion is valuable regarding said act.

Where I reside cannabis is very illegal and even what many would consider to be a minuscule amount would severely tarnish my future. Everyday I come back from work I deal with the anxiety of what if my medicine has been discovered and the ramifications of such. I have to essentially live a double life in which I'm forced to hide myself from even my most loved ones. Everyday at work I have to deal with anxiety of a possible drug test and the train wreck which would follow if I was to lose my job. All that being said the anxiety I experience without cannabis is far greater hence why I risk so much. I have been trying to move another state solely for the MMJ laws, but it has been and will continue to be a struggle to realize my aspirations.

Rather than echo what the ICMAG administration have said, I would just like to say how proud I am to be a member of ICMAG becuase of threads like these.

This is the part that alot of folks forget about. Weed is decriminalized in my neck of the woods from a jail standpoint. But from a career stand point. Thats another story. Random drug test will cause me to lose a job in a place where jobs are scarce.

We gotta look past the wallet. Cali has the opportunity to open the doors for alot of other states in the U.S. Just as they have from a medicinal standpoint.

poking smot

i don't want the government to help me, i'd like nothing
better than for cannabis to be as regulated as lettuce!

and don't kid yourself, lettuce is regulated!

fact is man, i don't live in Cali, i live in a state with much
more restrictive mmj laws so i continue to remain in the
dark waiting for the day it will be legal for me to practice
my little hobby.

frankly, i don't care how 'compassionate' you think you
are, if you vote no on Prop 19 you are a selfish fuck in my
book! ...and very shortsighted as well.

but then, you have it good so fuck everybody else, right?


I never said lettuce wasn't regulated, and i don't think it should be. Fact is man, YOU DON'T LIVE IN CALI SO FUCK YOU! You should continue to stay in the dark becasue your shortsighted. You just continue to believe that regulation is the only way. I have the RIGHT to vote no and you can think im selfish all you want shit head.


Freedom Fighter
JJ...you are trippin bro-- Why all the censorship?? Afraid of ppl speaking their mind??
You just censored Gypsy?? WTF man??
If you can't come up with a better argument than that...then I would maybe re-evaluate my stance--
Some ppl are for, and some are against-- There are valid arguments on both sides-- Please bro, don't do it like this-- I love this Site...but if it is to be one sided.....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Over the last 70 years or so...the USA has been considered the richest country on the planet....(maybe not so today with the resurgence of China and Russia).....

The richest country on the planet has money to loan poorer countries to help them to develop.....but makes certain conditions on these loans....

The poorer countries that need money to develop their industries/economies/military e.t.c. have had conditions put on these loans such as the eradication of cannabis cultivation, use and supply by criminalizing it......when historically there was no criminality around cannabis before......

These poor countries and their governments had no-where else to get a loan from so they had to comply or go broke.....


Active member
jj- maybe you should read what gypsy actually said yourself.

it looks very clear to me that he believes if the us would relax imf regulations that it would help the imf to loan out money to countries.

go ahead and "handle" me. you dont scare me. i will never be afraid to speak my mind or the truth.


would you please clarify what you meant when you said:

"Most all of these countries could not get grants/loans from the IMF to be able to develop unless they changed their historically lax attitudes towards cannabis into making cannabis use, production and distribution crimes with extreemly heavy penalties that many people have since suffered under.......and continue to do so to this day....."

because i do not think its a good idea for any country to recieve money from the imf.

it sounds to me like you said relaxing cannabis laws in america would allow countries to recieve money from the imf.

do you think because we're all stoners we're all too
stupid to see what an obtuse fucking tool you are?

it's convenient you forgot to post the most important
paragraph of what Gypsy said:

"The USA and it's IMF (International Monetary Fund) have with-held much needed aid/grants/loans to a multitude of different countries unless they comply with the USA's attitude on cannabis prohibition to try and eradicate cannabis and criminalize those that grow/supply and use it.....sending thousands of troops into foreign countries to propergate this war on the plant and supplying billions of dollars in military aid to various governments to help them to further this war on the plant and those that choose to cultivate or use it......."

now, in case you're too stupid to understand what he
is saying, i'll explain that he is pointing out how the
US government uses the IMF as a club to force other,
developing nations to submit to our draconian laws
because, believe it or not, they need that money, whether
you are for the IMF or not! ...fact is those funds are
the carrot and the stick that the US government uses
to force these country's to either submit or starve.

now, here comes the tricky part, if the US legalizes,
those funds won't be withheld or used as leverage in
any way in regards to mj.

it's exactly the same as when the federal government
withholds highway money to states that don't adhere
to whatever policy they want the state to comply with.

so far all you've done is stir shit and insult people and
so i say 'get lost asshole'!


poking smot

JJ...you are trippin bro-- Why all the censorship?? Afraid of ppl speaking their mind??
You just censored Gypsy?? WTF man??
If you can't come up with a better argument than that...then I would maybe re-evaluate my stance--
Some ppl are for, and some are against-- There are valid arguments on both sides-- Please bro, don't do it like this-- I love this Site...but if it is to be one sided.....

I Agree.


ICMag Donor
JJ...you are trippin bro-- Why all the censorship?? Afraid of ppl speaking their mind??
You just censored Gypsy?? WTF man??
If you can't come up with a better argument than that...then I would maybe re-evaluate my stance--
Some ppl are for, and some are against-- There are valid arguments on both sides-- Please bro, don't do it like this-- I love this Site...but if it is to be one sided.....

I didn't censor anything. I removed posts that were argumentative and had nothing to do with the topic. And the comments I removed had nothing to do with our stance on why we feel Cali should legalize.
Would you rather I put them back so we can argue or keep to the thread topic? I'm also surprised you'd want the slanderous comments left.


Freedom Fighter
Over the last 70 years or so...the USA has been considered the richest country on the planet....(maybe not so today with the resurgence of China and Russia).....

The richest country on the planet has money to loan poorer countries to help them to develop.....but makes certain conditions on these loans....

The poorer countries that need money to develop their industries/economies/military e.t.c. have had conditions put on these loans such as the eradication of cannabis cultivation, use and supply by criminalizing it......when historically there was no criminality around cannabis before......

These poor countries and their governments had no-where else to get a loan from so they had to comply or go broke.....

Gypsy, I know you are a very intelligent man-- Do you honestly think that those are the priorities of the US??
No, I didn't think so--
It may be on their agenda...but not the focus--
Prop 19 is not "Legalization"....it is simply a badly written piece of Legislation--
Much love for all my friends at ICMag...hope I ain't gone--:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Gypsy, I know you are a very intelligent man-- Do you honestly think that those are the priorities of the US??
No, I didn't think so--
It may be on their agenda...but not the focus--
Prop 19 is not "Legalization"....it is simply a badly written piece of Legislation--
Much love for all my friends at ICMag...hope I ain't gone--:tiphat:

It's legalization for those not protected by 215..... And we agree the writing isn't perfect. But for those not protected by 215 it's a blessing.....


Freedom Fighter
It's legalization for those not protected by 215..... And we agree the writing isn't perfect. But for those not protected by 215 it's a blessing.....

You want to have Mothers...
You want to have a Veg area...
You want to have any sort of perpetual Garden--
I want Legalization as much, or more than the next guy....but this isn't it--
Now...with that all said....I will be voting "Yes"...but only because I, like the rest of you...is willing to sacrifice my deep down morals...for something that will help keep some ppl out of jail--
But I do not truly think that this will make Cannabis 'Legal"...and neither should you--:tiphat:
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