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ICMAG Administration endorses The Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Gypsy, I know you are a very intelligent man-- Do you honestly think that those are the priorities of the US??
No, I didn't think so--
It may be on their agenda...but not the focus--
Prop 19 is not "Legalization"....it is simply a badly written piece of Legislation--
Much love for all my friends at ICMag...hope I ain't gone--:tiphat:

The global criminalization of cannabis thru the failed ' War on Drugs'.....has been a priority of the US government for many years now.....is that news to you?

....Why would hundreds of Billions of USD's...(U.S. tax payers dollars) have been spent on this drug war if it was not?

Prop 19.....is not everything we would like to see....but it has many things about it that are much better than you have today if we are talking about freedom of use to grow and use cannabis for all of California's people......especially recreational users....which probably accounts for around 90% of all users....


I am officially coming out in support of Prop 19. I want to see legitimacy brought to the cannabis growing industry of the Emerald Triangle and this is a step in the right direction. Is it perfect, no. But we have an opportunity in our communities to shape legislation for creating the industry we want. I will be working towards just that. The majority of the Growers in my community feel the same way as I do regardless of what the media has been saying about us.


love and peace everyone. :D

prop 215 offers more legal protection and freedom to california marijuana smokers than prop 19

prop 19 is a gateway drug to big business regulating and controlling cannabis in california.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
but it will be a starting point to get better bills going and hopefully make it easier to get passed


Freedom Fighter
The global criminalization of cannabis thru the failed ' War on Drugs'.....has been a priority of the US government for many years now.....is that news to you?

....Why would hundreds of Billions of USD's...(U.S. tax payers dollars) have been spent on this drug war if it was not?

Prop 19.....is not everything we would like to see....but it has many things about it that are much better than you have today if we are talking about freedom of use to grow and use cannabis for all of California's people......especially recreational users....which probably accounts for around 90% of all users....

I have much respect for you-- I will leave this discussion now, as I feel I have said as much as is necessary-- I hope we all get what we want to from what we seek--

poking smot

Prop 19.....is not everything we would like to see....but it has many things about it that are much better than you have today if we are talking about freedom of use to grow and use cannabis for all of California's people......especially recreational users....which probably accounts for around 90% of all users....

This is "one" reason why i don't like prop 19. " It's not everything we would like to see but..." Lets stop compromising and wait for what we really want. Real Legalization!


I just finished fucking myself as im not from "calif". Then I was thinking, If I were from California, and even if I thought voting "yes" on 19 would hinder my present marijuana status, I would vote yes.
Let me make this simple as well.
More legalization equals less jail. It just WILL balance this way.
No offence to my "Calif." bros and sisters. Listen, youre living in paradise compared to most of the other states. No ones going to be in that ballot box with you either telling you how to vote so chill.
Hey all you Prop 19 haters. Like President Obama, he is not what many thought he would be or that great at all. BUT WAYYYY better than the alternative!

Is voting down 19 sending the wrong message? Think about!
Is Voting no to 19 destroying the good for the perfect?

Good Luck California and all wishing the best for Cannabis liberation; human liberation.


HL if it passes man i really hope you guys up north can contain the big business beast so to speak. if anyone has the power to mold regulations in the right direction it would be you. that is my glimmer of hope in all this.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey.....you have to start somewhere.....and once you have a legal framework to work within without risking your liberty......anything is possible....

Those who are covered by Prop 215 now will still be covered under Prop 19....as is my understanding....so I can't see much of a problem.....unless the Fed's keep coming in to mess with state laws.....but that's already been a problem under Prop 215 right?

If a good grower can pony-up or loan the funds needed to get a licence then he/she can start what potentially could be a great business.......this could be California's next 'Gold Rush'.....

...Vote 'YES' to Prop 19 California!


Active member
You want to have Mothers...
You want to have a Veg area...
You want to have any sort of perpetual Garden--
I want Legalization as much, or more than the next guy....but this isn't it--
Now...with that all said....I will be voting "Yes"...but only because I, like the rest of you...is willing to sacrifice my deep down morals...for something that will help keep some ppl out of jail--
But I do not truly think that this will make Cannabis 'Legal"...and neither should you--:tiphat:

it's only a first step my brother!

God willing, after it pass's the law will be perfected in
the fullness of time and spread throughout this country
and thence the world!

and even those who now stand against this law, when
it pass's you will have more power to fight for changes
to the specific regulations you find objectionable, made
more powerful by the fact that you will then be legitimate
businessmen rather than felons engaged in criminal

think about that man! to have cannabis producers be
political power players in the near future, fuck, most
of America agrees with US and not the government!

once it's legal in Cali it will spread like wildfire, even
faster than state sponsored gambling!

peace, SOG


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
notice almost ever person who will be voting yes on prop 19 says it is flawed?

why settle for a flawed proposition when in a few years we can come up with a better proposition and vote yes for something way better?

seems like everyone is jumping the gun on this one, its not the last proposition that we will vote on for legalization........


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I'm sure all my moms would be bonsai mom and go from there. It wil limit the amont of diff strains you can do at any given time


Game Bred
25 square feet of growing area-- Unless you smoke a gram a month, you cannot do a proper Flower, veg, Mother and Clone area under those constraints--

why not?

and 25sq' is the floor not the ceiling.(meaning its not a limit but a base)

its also not 25 cubed feet.

but the bottom line remains

now: pay some hack doctor for a recommendation,mail that piece of shit to the state with a letter begging and lying,await the state approving your bullshit recommendation and then your legal. that is "regulation"

after TC2010 : if i want to grow i grow. i dont have to lie,i dont have to abuse the medical system,i dont have to pay a quack doctor,i dont have to register with or pay any dues to the state,i plant the seed and can keep all i want!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
notice almost ever person who will be voting yes on prop 19 says it is flawed?

why settle for a flawed proposition when in a few years we can come up with a better proposition and vote yes for something way better?

seems like everyone is jumping the gun on this one, its not the last proposition that we will vote on for legalization........

I don't think any new attempt at legalizing will happen for a long time if this fails. Im thinking 10 years. If it passes it will be so much easier I think to improve upon what we have.


Game Bred
notice almost ever person who will be voting yes on prop 19 says it is flawed?

why settle for a flawed proposition when in a few years we can come up with a better proposition and vote yes for something way better?

seems like everyone is jumping the gun on this one, its not the last proposition that we will vote on for legalization........

that attitude would never have gotten 215 passed.
its flawed.
every piece of legislation ever written is flawed.
guess why?
written by men.
men are flawed.
all of our works are flawed.
we must not let the idea of the perfect become the good reality's enemy

poking smot

notice almost ever person who will be voting yes on prop 19 says it is flawed?

why settle for a flawed proposition when in a few years we can come up with a better proposition and vote yes for something way better?

seems like everyone is jumping the gun on this one, its not the last proposition that we will vote on for legalization........


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
notice almost ever person who will be voting yes on prop 19 says it is flawed?

why settle for a flawed proposition when in a few years we can come up with a better proposition and vote yes for something way better?

seems like everyone is jumping the gun on this one, its not the last proposition that we will vote on for legalization........

In a few years?......How many more cannabis users and growers lives will be ruined for being penalized/fined/jailed .....in a few more years?

.....Why not just vote 'Yes' on Prop 19 now and have it amended to suit the electorate more over the next few years?
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