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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot

Belated B-day well wishes!! :party:
Can't spark a j yet cause i'm outta stash, but that'll be solved once it's past noon!! Lol
Ya gonna keep this thread alive for awhile longer then yeah?
Anywayz, I hope y'r head didn't hurt too much after the drinkfest lol

Laterz, Low


Grower of fine herbs...
Whatup Core Man, I havent been around much lately but its good to see that your up and growing strong. You should stop by the thread. I have some interesting original Crash test ladies. One is a typical sweet sativa but the other is super stocky and smells of pure lemon cleaner and is denser than hell. Anyway things are looking good around here. Keep it up:headbange



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Teresa my favorit IC girl :D
you could spank me al nicht ...i'm batchlor again hehehehe
thx for th visit T :wave:

thx Phill
i always like it when they say such nasty stuff as you hehehe

heya Hlow
thanks mate i appreciate the thought ! pitty your out of stash tho,i feel for ya
and yea i had a small headpain but i solved that quick with a double asprine hehehe

Prof ! D
thougt i woz missing a other familair face hehe
Nhow smoke a bit less so you'll have more energie to sign in :p

heya Jamie...thanks mate :D
a ohter familiar face that surfaces LOL
hows things mate ?been wa whie ey?


heya Kallen ..you better believe it mate...wake and bake here )

thx greenthumbnewb
gladd you found ya way inhere mate...hope you'll come by again :wave:

heya NK
yea i've seen you where't much online.....but i had afew episodes of my own...so no prob for me )
gladd you came by though and i already came by ya thread...need to go back to c.but i posted :)

i always appreciate them kind words...never get tired of it hehe
thx mate :wave:

and i think i drop a few pix of the garden
we should be 6 weeks in veg aprox...ready to flip any day now
i'll edit in a bit ..food is ready to burn on the stove LMAO


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
lol yea Ido....it woz actually not so long ago.....damn still feel qwuizy LOL

thanks alot KKommander !
its the thought that counts mate ...nice to have ya :D

oh yea no edit ..i'll just drop'm pix here :joint:





Purple Bastard

Groupshot :D


Whooohooooo! Now youre rollin again brother! Hoping for the best run yet for you man...Peace to you and yours Core...shine on.


Looking great bro, that group shot is awesome, a nice big sea of greenery:joint: Can't wait till the girls start showing their stuff.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Resinryder

yea mate....there's about 50 inthere give or take a few....thats all i can handle in this setup.i'd like to have more but i should be happy....and 2 be honest i am ;)

hello weldflash
yup mate ...doing my thing again..:)
all is going fine..just went down and gave the lady's a good trim before the flip...heheh thx bro i do hope i get lots of UK cheese buds this run :)

heya Hlow
yea mate she's beauty no doubt...pitty she' s one of the smallest though..i'd like to get'm a bit bigger but i can't with them haze's..otherwise they will overgrow me lol

heya Prof
shure mate keep signing in your more then welcome you know that ;)
Nway thx for them appreciative words my friend!

heya weedster !
aaaha gladd you like my garden mate...its not always that people say they like it...LOL j/k no serious...it comes all out of my hart and fingers :)

heya seismic :wave:
hehe yea it 'was' a big greenery...now its not so big anymore...gave the lady's a perfect trimming ...you gotte see for ya self,i'll post some update pix....maybe you have to scroll back to the last pics to see the diffrence ;)

trimmed the girls up..while taking clones...took 12 of each mom to have atleast 9 next run...and i have 5 mum's so do the math
Nhow i lost the before and after pix, for some reason the card erased them all...so i had to go back down and take some to see the diffrence as to before.you might need to scroll back to the previous pix

UK cheese

uk cheese


Kauai Kush on the left and a cheese on the right

and here's the views under the skirts hehehe



aah and i can't forget my new baby's



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
stayin busy as always i see Core,love the cheese,i have a few gettin ready to hit 12/12 myself bro...peace-T-