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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot

. . sad to see what happened to you core, but you a good person & great grower, don't let things get you down, you'll be back on top again soon ok, take care & keep in touch . .


Grower of fine herbs...
Fuck.... shitty shit shit.. Oh well homie, I guess theres nothing we can do about it now.. Sad to hear that you will have to take a break, but that comes with the territory I guess. Anyway sorry to hear about your misfortune.. Keep your head up man, good times are just over the horizon!



stay cool bro you helped a good many people i am sure,,,glad to follow your grows and your breeding projects,,,peace and be safe


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
We can only realize how good the good times are by experiencing some of the lower times. Jump up and bounce back brother :) Shake that shit loose .. put a smile in your face and go forward. Its what we do man ... its what makes us who we are. Now shake it off and work in your garden ... lots of ppl counting on your good vibes :)


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hi :wave:
sending positive energy that you need now.
I hope that will soon be all right and you will return in great style.
Let continue to thrive, and good luck ... :yes:

Take care buddy! :friends:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I think most of us have gone through this kind of depression brother

Keep your chin up, you know I am here for ya bro


The Tri Guy
no point in wallowing in quick sand mate, depression will swallow you whole before you know it. If its time to concentrate on something new, then do it. If its time to go back to square 1 do it. Putting this shit off to contemplate it can amplify the task. Get moving Core, left right left right.


ICMag Donor
core, you got mad support on this board and there is no need for depression. you do your thing and all will fall into line. keep your head up brother. sending good vibes your way!!!!!!


Active member
damn, Core...

sorry to hear about the bad news.:wallbash:

use it as an educational seminar...learn from the deviation from your plan.

make some hash!!

it'll get better!!!


couldn't a said it any better, Phillthy!
Core, I know what it's like to have it all go to hell in a hot minute. Then that goes away and you come out the other end @ 100mph with both feet runnin..just stay up, stay postive, and stay green brutha!

Big D

Hey bro, sorry to hear about your troubles! Try to stay positive and remember, it is times like these that we find out what we are made of. We are here for ya!



my friend, im behind you all the way. please pm me if you want to talk or need anything at all. crises are crises and they must be lived through. im shure you will overcome my friend, as you have the true spirit. you will be on my mind bro


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yo man i know exactly what you mean man,i sent you a pm brother....hit me back.
peace -T-


Core my friend u got my Impati of why ya down or have been , i Really hope things works out 4 ya soon and wanted to tell ya that your work making Me happy :D Keep ya head high Broski...

Cores 008




Life is one big grow........
core Bro,

go through it...stay strong......beat it....get stroger!!

Life is one big grow, mate!!!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Hope all is looking up for ya.. Keep faith in whom you believe in, and all will get better as you will be better because of it.. here for ya brother.. peace..

Hey Core-bro
anything I can do to help just let me know okay?
Looks like ya got a lot of support from the peeps here which is a good thing!
Sending positive vibes your way man!
:wave: Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
Thx for the massive support my :friends:....you can't begin to understand how i appreciate this . 'you are all right' ..its no time to sit stil....going forward is the only way..and not looking back is the option in need to choose.
so i'll try to be back soon with some pics....coz i still have no camera...and can't borrow one anymore coz of all the shit that went on in my life...but i'm not far from buying a new one :wink:...


:friends:....you can't begin to understand how i appreciate this ....

yes I can. That same buncha happy assholes was here for me too!
:respect: to all of em..

(no offence with the assholes remark..it's a sign of friendship..)

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