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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hahaha doing my girls.....:laughing:
well bro i hope the sun cathces up...it is quite normal ...days are still very long i know....they will start to flower and of juli begin august..Altleast it does here....i did one outdoor plant in a big pot last year..

heya HLow
hehehe its the efford that counts my friend !
and i'm shure you'll update this small report once she's done :D

heya Ido
then i had to agree with ya...its difficult to lose a nice trichbomb ...even when she's a mutant.
it does suck about the cam..but i'll try to lend one from a friend.....the show must go on !
aah i c bout the yardstick....yea its something like that :)

heya Dog i'll put some pics up for ya...she's a nice creation bro she's doing very good so far mate! hope you'll like'm

no biggie Old soul ...although the cam prob is....i'll try to let the show rolling though...got a new gf and she has a cam too....don't have to say for what i need it hehehe

small update
first up one of my Zombie virus's...Gdam...i'm infected!




Two AHK's




wow the ZV has me infected,,,very nice man,,your doing good work for the community good going bro,,,peace


Grower of fine herbs...
Yo Core things are looking good. I just wanted to stop by and drop some final yield numbers on the first 3/4 seed PC's...

Pheno#1= 61 grams
Pheno#2= X (still drying)
Pheno#3= 50 grams
Pheno #4= 52 grams

Higher than I hoped for... from the 1.6 gallon containers.. Cant wait to see what they will do in 7 gallon pots.. hehehe.. Peace..



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
me too Ido...she is starting to put of a very nice sent...looking forward to flowering them


heya NK
that is a Awsome yied in my book !!!
thats a 1.6 gallon is about 7 liters no? shit mate you are doing better then me hehehe ..I just love those numbers mate !!!


that is an impressive yiel,,great job NK,,,peace
hey core that shit is ill for real man,,,peace


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thanks alot guys...wanted to add pics but i'm getting a borrowed camera tomorrow
so you have to wait a bit longer for a update...can't afford a other one....banklimit is very low ...:'(


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
heya Core!
i just smoke on some PC and it has me in my seat. just wanted to say thanks for the killa buzz!


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehehe i'm happy you are still smoking it after this time....that says alot to me :D

heya Y !!!
change name again? damn now i'm confused as what is was before lol

Nhow...don't ya have some pics for me hehehe :p

mmmh like to see them Ido :D

small update
had pollen chuck day...dusted a few of my well know mothers.....
amnesia haze x casey jones...got HIGH hopes for this one....hope the offspring is stable though....

took the uk cheese and dusted her with california orane skunk trying to create a new stinky hybrid

then i took PCR that i aleady grown before and dusted it with a bock head f2 male


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
howzit brother..?? man yer garden is rocking.. I especially like the pollen chuck.. Ill definitely grab me a comfy chair and chill to peep some more.. bbl peace..


Big D

What up mate? I hope you get your camera situation straighten out soon (I tried), we need those lovely pics around here!:D Peace bro!


whattup Core..just passin through makin the rounds..


soon brother soon got a little fuller plate than want,,,but just goingto have to take bigger bites lol,,,peace


such a lovely garden core. Did you say you were infected by something??? That pollen chuck nug looks so dank man, I just wanna reach through the comp and eat it! Looks like your full steam ahead of the game bro! PEACE


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Heya Core :wave:

I had not posted in a while, been busy with work and things, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been lurking around :D

Anyways, always good to poass by and feel the love :canabis:

Those crosses you're planning sound like something: AH x CJ should make a nice earlier hybrid, the Cheese x COS must pack some flava, and the PCR x BG, sounds like it will have you stoned and locked to your couch for a long time...

I like the deep green in the pics you had from the COS, I've seen that in very happy plants before :D

Hope you can borrow a camera soon, we're spoiled with yer bud porn, and I bet they're filling up by now. I got some pics for ya, of a cross bwteen Love Potion and your stinky cut. But I have to rework them a lil, will be for a next time.

Take care bro! B


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Sacko
always nice to have you around mate ...gladd you like the PC and PCR show

Hia Big D!
thx for the offer mate! but i have a borrowed one to my disposal
Nhow i'm very happy to see ya inhere again ....:jump:

heya Cellard
thx for passing tru mate...you could of brought a nug or something but nooooooo.....lol
j/k mate gladd i'm still on ya route :wink:

mmmh well then i guss i have to wait...ey ,Ido
but i hope not toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long?

hello Mc ! :D
yea it sounds very delishious but i'm affraid that they won't be stable.
i just found a nanner on one of the CJ girls ...no need to say she got the axe.
others are doing fine for now...still i do want to smoke it...its a combo of the most potent strains i have :joint:

heya Cali !!
thx mate, i had some TMV cases inhere thats the only infection i had...exept some bugs....springtails, i have them for over 2 years now....can't get the buggers whiped out! its just a mess...lol..plants are doing good though
gladd you liek the PC shots mate ...if you say that its a compliment !

aaah B

np mate you know that...its a open door here hehehe
got to be honest that i'm following the hype a bit ....and i gotte say myself they sound awsome...does't mean they will though...you get the point :smile:
gladd you ike hem pics...the Cos is one of the nices in color...i do think she has the highest treshhold nutewise....thats why the nice colors

brought some pics for you porn peeps :D
bout 6 weeks in

Zombie virus



2 Casey jones pheno's


a topped PCR


Hope you all like the Green Porn :D