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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot

Welcome to Core's dope factory!, today we present the sativa side of business
Keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, Ready, set? Let's take a ride to the sativa-side!! :biglaugh:
Looking good Core, tall lanky bitches, gonna be givin ya plenty of inspiring smoke looks like.
:wave: Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmh yea Teresa...but as with the other strains.... you need to find a good pheno before you can keep it....imo..but once you got a good one.... you will like it for shure!

heya GMT
naaah man np....i know life can be hectic from time to time....my friends room is indeed a dreamroom....and also a nightmare room ....i agree ...LOL....
mmmh i just can't figure out the cam settings.....si i just stopped trying...read the manual and everything....not my strongest side to be honest...
yea FUCKEM is getting huge....atleast the US dept....its all good fun and play....^^

lol highlow
....this one is't as big as i would like but i do have 2 side's.....its to regulate the lamps hight....this way i can have some sort of a even canopy ...
and its a bit my fault that they are so lanky....i got my lamps on rotation to save some electric .....and ther not always getting straight sunlight...so thats why some of'm are so lanky...hope they wills till fill in a bit ..:smile:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
mornin Core,just up smokin and surfin the boards,seen you was postin and thought id come in and say wattup.cant wait to see them blowin up with buds brother.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Tona....
yea i was posting for a minute or 10...i did a small IC round :)
things are looking green and mean at your place....lol...just the way i like it...thanks for the visit broseph :D


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thank you tango !!!
just went by ya thread....i posted a small remedie....maybe it will help


Hey Core, your girls are lookin loverly :canabis: Ive been lurkin around the
thread but havnt had a whole lot of time to post recently. That purple bastard
sure is an interesting plant and Im lookin forward to having my memory
refreshed of what she looks like in flowering. What are its genetics? I
think your the only person Ive ever seen grow it and judging from your previous
grows of it and the quality of you crosses with it, it seems like one hell of a
plant :D I need to get me some Amnesia Haze and some SSSHD. Your plants
make me jealous man :muahaha: Well Im stoned off some Kali-Dream and
rambling now, take it easy bro.

Mr. Durden :joint:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Tyler
mmmmmh she looks just plain wonderfull....nice purple tones at the end...very grapelike i got them from the states and the genetic makeup is black russian x double purple doja...
aaaah and i get those jealous feelings to from time to time...hehehe it not hard just llok around in floxer pix or grow diaries :)

and a small update....
i've not been posting much....well i did but not in tios thread....so a update is realy needed...got 25 more minutes untill the girls wake up...i took some pix earlyer this week meaning to put'm up....i found myself posting in all my friends threads exept mine LOL
Nhow..i took some individual....Sorry no nametags...its a bitch to take'm all out of there spot!!
flowerin go's well ....as usual....there's stout girls amung'm ...Also a few stretchers....but i got there clones tagged with the same info.....and might dispose it afer flowertime
i also tipt 4 girls....a PCR ,MF,DOMand crash test....the 2 latter did't have the right )growstyle for it though (sativa's are't always good for tipping).....just to see what they'll do...
Nhow over to pics......flowering started 19 februari so we should be 17 days in....

i also got a few coco cases this time (4 plants) doing quite well...1 not so....but its coping...i gave it a bit to much food at the start....



tipt plant and a other one...just tipped it 3 days ago ...so 14 days into flower...



3th generation SD Bx2.5


Amnesia Haze



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
nice update Core...worth the wait for sure holmie.
so many flavors i love a buffet too man cant get burnt out if ur smokin somethin different all the time!
i like the last pic too bro,lookin great for around 2 weeks too yo.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I am always impressed with your canopy brother, always so uniform, our growing styles vary so much.. you like em tall, I like to make them look like shrubs..

Check the social group I put up another Dom


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Tona thanks for the continueing support bro
i know you like a buffet lol i've been to ya thread believe it or not hehehehe and as do i my friend.....its kinda nice to know whats comming at the end ...BUDS !!! :D

heya Sammet
shure man i'm not perfect ....and i did't leave much space this time...I had to much of = that last run ..LOL...i take a row of them small plants away to get to the back....so it hapens from time to time ...but they need to be able to handle the stress....hehehe

Dr :wave:
mmmh yea but you gotte let the canopy work for you....becoz the lamps are on a mover i can just add a few extra cm's closer to the tops....so i put the smallest ones in the middle and the bigger ones on the side.....that way i can keep the lamp very close, like 20-30 cm above it...it does involve changing pots from time to time in the beginning....after the stretch its not needed anymore....
thanks for the pics mate i'm gladd i askt you again :wink:

amnesia haze ..Coco case

heya T !! :wave:
yea for 18 days i'm quite impressed with the flowers...hope they will fill in ...then i'm golden :D but there's a few stretchers ...Mostly the Dominatrix ...just gotte ride it out to see the endresult :smile:

heya Old soul !
yea mate i shure got a pallet this time....hope its all smokeable and no shwag .....well swag is't the right words.....beasters? lol.... i hope not :wink:

PeeWee male....alone untill now..he has the whole room for himself......about 7 m² :smile:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hehe cool - I've managed to knock over my stubby plants twice already this cycle - the question was more in awe of the plant/pot size ratio, they look great. Do you transplant them up to those bigger pots before flowering? The others around in larger pots look similar in size, whats your favourite pot size? :biglaugh: :wave:


Nice pics Core! Things are looking incredible as always brother....peace and shine on...

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
I love the look of those tipped ones bro, I'm going to give that a go. I'm thinking it will allow me to run more plants in my room. That is one big male!

buzzed day

going to make some seeds or just gather pollen.thanks for the.peace