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IC mag's Hidden G-Spot....euhm, C-Spot


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
yea Core i was kinda afraid of them yellowing up too soon being that the mangos are 12 week flowerers,i know these sats dont like much nutes from reading theultimate sativa thread...good fuckin read btw...
so what i did was added a lil extra mexican bat guano (with the high N) into the top of the soil mix like last week when i saw a lil bit of yellow i didnt like.,scraped into the top 2 inches or so...i gotta say they loved it bro,i didnt use alot just a lil scoop.
i think that will be enough to keep them happy and green for the next few weeks,im only starting week 5 right now.they start to get some beasty this week.
i only feed them like 1 time every week or 2.tryin to feel them out,they havnt got pissed at me yet LOL.peace-T-

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat


Hiya Core :wave:
Man, I am speechless! :nono: Amazing how much frost on the leaves - all of them are frosty! I am interested in seeing what you think of the DC genetics in the mix - hey, do you offer classes at the Adult Education Center? :laughing:

Happy New Year my friend! -MGJ


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea i know.....its quite a bummer with the DC
mmmmh i wish i could taste her at this minute .....

heya tonatiuh
yes most sativa's are not big feeders atleast the ones i've grown
and i will be trying to add some N to finish them properly...it also could be that my probe is fucked up and it will give other readings.....

aaah thanks for joining in Chucky..its quite a honor to have ya follow my thread :D

no worries mate,you're always welcome at any time :wink:

heya UBER
nice to see a few crewmembers in the thread...that should bring some life to it ...lol, Nway nice of ya to stop by :D

you speechless ...LMAO....i don't buy that bro....if i check your thread its full of crystals....so don't BS me.....although its a nice compliment :D
thanks my friend !

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya Core :wave:
Well, guess I was speechless because my toes were in my mouth :yummy:

One thing I like is the amount of frost on the larger leaves, like on your DC1 :yes:

Hmmm - lotsa crystals in my threads - maybe I could do a butane wash on my genes ( ouch ) ba-da-DUM. Ok, I'll stop...

Have a great rest of the week buddy!


New member


Core said:
hello Dog...
sorry bro no go on these ones......i found a nanner on one of the plants ...and it happens to be the most resinous one....the other one is't so nice....and i still believe 'they' are infected with the TMV virus...
so no ball on this one....

What a shame Core, it's a beautiful plant and to come to that decision in the absence of a smoke test -let alone a progeny test- seems rather odd. Of course, it's your decision to make. What evidence is there of TMV? Did you have your plants tested?
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey brotha alls looking very nice srry bout them nanners on the 1 plant how them KK's doing


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
So, party at Core's house in a few weeks, who's there? :D

I'm gonna bring my tent, because I don't think I'll be able to leave for a while :biglaugh:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wattup brother Core! hey night tiger im with you bro,party at Cores :headbange:
i dropped the 5 pc revised bro they are in paper towels now!
bought some light warrior for them too...nothin but the best this time around for sure.peace-T-


Grower of fine herbs...
Sorry to hear about the nanner dude, what can you do though.. You found it so thats about all you can ask for. All the ladies look full of frost and delish.. I still have a soft spot for that Amnesia Haze. shes always soo pretty looking. Anyway keep it up homie!



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe Mr....thats a funny picture you gave me of you...although i don't know how you look i see some1 siiting with a foot in there mouth lol....no serious if you gonne gonnne do a butane wash you gonne nbe in for a treat i think :yummy:

i can't confirm nor can i say for a 100% shure that they are infected...i posted some pics and facts earler about this.......i'm not going into that again Dissent....your first post and already going after my skin ey ...lol...no serious...look in my gallery at beginning of december and you'll find the pics...i realy dont remember where i posted them otherwise i would link you up

Maj !!
i've already cut 2 of them one at 8 weeks one at 9 ....and 2 be honest 1 is almost gone already.....such a nice smoke lol.....still got one in flower....and she's getting some color's to boot...pics in a bit :smile:

shure party @ my place.....there's kaua'i kush on the menu :yummy:
no tent needed mate...but you can bring one...but not to sleep in mate....hehehehe

aaah yea great news that is....i've seen them up already in ya thread...very nice!...i hope there's at least 2 females inthere
mine are going strong untill now...pics in a bit :smile:

NK !!
yea notthing to do about ey....still thinking that it could be my fault in stressing them....i'm still have the opportunity to reveg'm if i want...gonne decide that soon....but i think i won't use'm anymore not even for a second run......


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor

i'm in week 10 and copeing with some early yellowing.....bud all is good and under control.....these girls have not been feed there intire life....exept 2 of them ....ohw yea and 1 time 1/4 PK 13/14.....
and in closer inspection i found some sprintails again......i'm betting they are the cause of all this !! i've had it before.....
some plants need to be in there for a few weeks more but if this continues then i think i won't make it with all of them....coz the yellwowing leaves can produce budrot.....but i will only cut if there is bud danger...i realy am overreacting a bit but i have to explain somewhere :smile:

nway now some pics :joint:
i'll start off with some martian haze's
you can see the yellowing on them ...but as i come to think about it we are already in week 10 so its not unusual to have this damage

and here are some pics of the 3th generaton SD...the one with color's is 10 weeks the topped one about 8...
the trained one is hanging down from the weight of the buds....also branches are't very thick on this one

and some last pics of my last KK...she's trowing some color's in her leaves and i think also a bit in the bud....gotte see this nice tones inthere...black/blueish :yummy:

ohw yea and i've smoked on one of the KK's...she's defo getting a other chance to once more show its stuff :D ...so i'm keeping it for now

and a neville's x mango haze...i'm most affraid on these one...they need a bit longer ..and already showing some damage signs on the leaves...gonne be close on these ones......

and some randoms i've shown before....


and my new ones....going to present them upclose next update :wink:

hope you all are enjoying ICmag's G-spot.... LOLOL
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Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Sporting some monster colas brother

Looking forward to watching them finish. Looks cold there, you have a sweater on.

That Neville looks like it would be a pain to trim up, so many fan leaves


Grower of fine herbs...
Hells Yea Dude:wave:

Things are looking good for week 10 my friend. I can see that some of those more sativa plants you have are going to take a lil bit longer. The Martian Haze is looking like its going to make it through fine from.. at least from here it does. The NevillesxMango looks like it might just have to come down a bit early but not much can be done but you know that.

Im really interested to see what your new crosses are. They look interesting at their young age. Cant wait to see your next update on them! Great job, keep up the hard work!



New member
Hello again Core,

Gosh I did not intend to go after you amigo, but I guess I didn't hide too well how I really feel about it. My apologies for that, please don't be offended as I come in peace :)

I think I found the pics and facts you are referring to. There definitely seemed to be some necrosis happening there, but that could certainly be caused by a number of other things than TMV too, any other signs on the new growth for example? Were all other plants in the room completely healthy throughout the grow? But if you've been hauled over the coals on this crap already and are sick of getting into it I fully understand and let's move on.

I wouldn't presume to tell you what to do, for you seem to have some serious skills and know quite well what you're doing. About that DC1 though, thats gotta be somewhere in the top 5% of the line regarding resin quantity from the looks of it. To dismiss it prior to a smoke test did strike me as a bit hasty. Of course if a smoke test proved undesirable then game over, maybe. It's because of the nanner right? What if a progeny test through selfing the plant showed the same or less levels of plants with nanners than (insert any breeding we felt was to a true F we've done here)? Moreover, what if selfing showed the plant to breed true for copious resin production (possibly more likely when dealing with an inbred line as opposed to the average polyhybrid) and not for nanners? I'm sure you see what I'm saying, a relatively quick progeny test might offer some key knowledge and perhaps some very valuable breeding plants. It might just as easily end up in an absolute dead end too, but at least you would know for sure. I just can't help it Core , that's a nice one brother :D

Best Regards