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IC mag, what has it done for you?


Growing growers and breeding breeders...very classic el pres

ICMag made a feeling I never felt before...when I first cut and trimmed my first plant I ever grew on this earth...

Grand thanks to you GN and to all the members who contribute with all these pics, techniques, knowledge...

ICMag has opened my world.


In a bubble
I stumbled upon IC MAG and learned from the people here that you REALLY COULD buy and grow kick-ass genetics. It has changed my life, made my dreams come true.
The short time I've been here have gained alot of good knowledge, but mostly when I have a bad day I can rely on people here to put a smile on my face!


Active member
i think ic mag is the bomb,great info,lots of different grows with dif techniques and alround passes the hours reading about other fellow greenthumbs love it


Just Say Grow
two thumbs up and much thanks to gypsy, I owe a ton to this site...the contributions and sense of community is an awesome thing, one of the very few places left that it seems people actually want to help others that they DO NOT know, and will go out of their way to do so. thanks IC and gypsy


Trying to have a good day
Helped me to be able to grow great plants.And being here at this sight I have met alot people who I am happy to call friends.
Think about how much weed this website has helped produce. Just think about tons and tons of high quality weed, all stashed together in one place. I wish we could know the exact amount, it would probably be worth over a billion dollars


I honestly say this website changed my life. It opend my eyes to an industrsty, an industry that you can make alot of money in. Im now goin to school for horticulture, cuz i wanna be a marijuana growin expert, an im pretty sure i wouldnt be doin that if i nvr came across this site

haze crazy

For me it's education. I grew my first cannabis 36 years ago yet the past few years lurking here has taught me more than the previous 33. For me flavor is important and little tricks like using molasses has helped me to that end considerably. The extensive information about genetics on here is incredible and thanks to people here I am enjoying even tastier smoke. Bubblegum rocks and now I'm waiting for my little sour bubble girls to grow up.

I'm for too noided to make real friends here (yet) as I've got way too much to lose if I am found out. Prohibition sux

Here a little gift I learned from a long gone mentor. Apple juice will add some sweetness to the smoke. At least it does when growing organically in dirt.

Peace to all you kindred spirits!


A foot without a sock...

Nuff said? :D



It's the internet put in good use(not to say there's no porn here...lots of bud porn)
I learned and am still learning a lot here. It's a worldwide community of teachers and students.

Peace all


It was a place to go when OG died. Welcomed with open arms and every question always answered. Saved me years of growing shit weed i woulda bought if not for negative reviews. Shot down the people saying they got ten pounds off a plant making me feel like im doing something wrong .So lots of stuff.


We have the https: instead of the http: This is the only weed site I know of with that...

I dig ICMag! A few days ago the site would not load... I started getting all tweaked out :comfort: Then it loaded, I screamed ya baby!
My friend walked into the room he was like you OK? I am now I said... :tiphat:


Active member
I love the https: too...this is the only place I go because of that. No particular reason why, I'm legal, but I feel better in case someday...it's not.

It's great to have a place to come and talk about Cannabis...I've learned a lot. It was also good to have a place to buy associated with the site. It made my decision to jump in get something from the boutique that much easier.

Thanks for providing it.

sac beh

We have the https: instead of the http: This is the only weed site I know of with that...

Its true, its the only cannabis related forum that provides https. There was one other I found but it used an expired SSL cert, which does not inspire confidence.

A while back on another cannabis forum I posted a request asking why they don't provide https, because without it everyone's login information and other sensitive info is transmitted in clear text and could easily by intercepted and read if a LEO/ISP wanted to. A mod deleted my post and responded to me saying not to scare the other members by suggesting that our site isn't secure. wtf? I left that forum..

With SSL in place, because the information is transmitted over an encrypted tunnel, the only possibly way a LEO/ISP could correlate you with your account name/info is by gaining access to your computer or gaining access to IC's servers, both of which are unlikely.

So yeah, thanks for providing an up-to-date SSL cert for us to use!


SSL is great. Safety above all else. I love that IC forces HTTPS if you request http://icmag.com (or just icmag.com). However, it does not force HTTPS if you include www in the URL. What's up with that? I used to run a web server, and it's literally just one extra setting to fix that.

I wouldn't worry about expired certificates. They still encrypt. Expiration is there because given enough time and computer power someone could crack it, but it takes a lot of time. I suppose if LEO was working for the last year to crack a now expired certificate it is no longer safe. That seems highly unlikely though.


After several edits to my previous post I realized that URLs in posts are automatically converted to include https, which is good. However, if you manually type www (dot) icmag (dot) com in your web browser, if you will NOT get HTTPS automatically.

Just be careful when you first come to the site. Once you're here via HTTPS then all the links within the site should maintain HTTPS. You could still open a new tab/window and inadvertently go to regular HTTP. Unlikely, I know, but as the server is configured today it is possible.

I'll notify the webmaster...if I can figure out how. (Webmaster has been contacted)
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