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IC 420 Cup 2008 Info

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Heya Milehigh!!!
Good to see you here!
I enjoyed reading the coffeeshop threads in your forum,very helpful and the WW menus are killer!!
I'll be up top for 9 days...See ya there...


Not really prepared either. After a 5 day power outage this last run.... During which I was running at 1/2 power - not really my best work.....

Undaunted, I will scrounge up some well-aged OG nugs, some Erkles maybe, odds and ends, and definitely some OG Kush/Chem transparent bubble (can stone an army. Not a bad idea, we may not need them, then.)

I have various strains at day 18, let's see, If I pull 'em at 55, with no cure, it may work.... NOT> it's all good, I just want to relax...... But, last year I was ready.

How about that category for prematurely taken buds, good one MH..!

edit: Looks like if I actually use my brain, I see that I will have stuff ready with a cure of about 8-10 days. Nowhere enough, but at least it will provide a good idea of what is contained within. OG / Chem, very Purple Erkle, and maybe some BB Cheese, the oldest and best Cheese pheno I have had for 4 years. The plant smells scrumptuous, and will be done tomorrow.)

Thus, I extended my trip to 3 weeks, because I was so pumped. lol - can not wait ----- "Second home," here I come again. maybe make arrangements to stay a good long time, or just "for Good." - this time (after I retrieve some "Important" things to have by my side in the EU... (Babies, you know, da kine, nudge nudge - hmm hmm, "A nod's as good as a wink to a blind Bat..!")

See y'all wit a grin, and lotsa great energy.

Ronnie Mac in Touristtown, Leidsestraat - no wonder he is so joyous.

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Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I'll have a grip of OG bro!!!Not much cure either but will be flushed well...
Some Bubba and other cool flavors to check out...
Strawberry creme clone will be ready also..!!


Great news for Gypsy, wicked news for us all. Got me flight sorted, just need to book a hostel and i'm sorted for 19th, 20th, 21st then back to blighty the 22nd. It'd be an honour for me to meet up with the IC crew, never been to hamsterdam for 420 and the news has made my year...lookin forward to it. Anyone needs crisps or other crappy british munch let us know hehe


Switching back to my organic soil mix from Pro Mix HP, (although I like it) for the run containing a good portion of the buds I hope will get there......

You mega-humans (Super-tasters) deserve the best I can do.

I will learn to use Pro-Mix to its' maximum: Later.

Transplanting as we speak.....

THX DG / GN......! For opening the playground,and calling aloud,


Farmer John

Born to be alive.
True`s Casey Jones, Moppel's SSH and Sam's dry sieve. Things I can remember. Cant wait to see ya all again brothers and sisters, I'll be there...:wave:


Farmer John said:
True`s Casey Jones, Moppel's SSH and Sam's dry sieve. Things I can remember. Cant wait to see ya all again brothers and sisters, I'll be there...:wave:

i'll assist ,,you also had sams candy ,but i doubt u do remember that 1 lol

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
Haha, actually thats a thing, the candy, that I most likely will never forget, trippy shit. Next time I'll take a lot more lol


:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :jump: :jump: :jump: :woohoo: :woohoo: i'm not bothered if its only gonna be a small 4/20 just glad summink will be happenin
lookin forward to meeting all the ICmag crew, being fairly new to the site i wasn't aware of all the bullshit going on behind the scenes plus if summink don't concern me i tend not to take much notice but glad to hear all is now sorted

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
I think you may have to purchase judges passes or did in the past(To judge entries) but having to pay to hang out and see friends,,,I doubt it....
I may be wrong but you could PM Dutchgrown and she could tell you 100%..

I know they have put out a lot of money in the past to pull off these events.....


bigherb said:
can u buy tickets to attend this cup or do u have to be invited?

this year i would deffo thing you'll need to purchase a pass/ticket in order to gain entrance to any venue/competition ,,seedboutiques (physical shop) closed so theres no comfy couch to doss and toke on,,,


I think it would be nice to hire out a second floor or basement of a coffee shop...some place that can be sealed off and separated from the others in the coffee shop ..and make that "the place" for all the ICmag.com's 420 celebrations, testing, meeting place, party room etc.


i trust the GN crew to arrange a great spot wherever.
it was nice to have a few different locations as to change things up and ensure a little fresh air between sessions.

ill be there this weekend, too bad the shops not open. seems like its all a go tho so ill book me a room while im there.

nice to hear the legal wrangling finished up. fkn courts eh.
hopefully now the mag and the cup can get the attention they deserve. INTERNATIONAL CANNAGRAPHIC sets the standard Gypsy, it will be great to see you on another cover.

3cheers and where do we send our entries?


Active member
For anyone whos interested,Willie Nelson will be appearing at the Melkweg on 4-21 in Amsterdam.Which also means he'll probably be hitting the coffee shops on 420 so keep your eyes peeled!!!
