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IC 420 Cup 2008 Info



i'm sure arjan will offer some kind of event and smoking venue now theres no official ic420
Bummer if it doesnt happen this year :badday: hate to ask but i keep wondering and maybe someone might be able to tell me how you would be able to take a couple personal oz. into the dam to compete or just to have when you get there.


I'll try and make it if i can afford it. I won't try and bring anything with me though, 4 out of last 5 times I went to Amsterdam I got stopped by customs in England, I'm too paranoid to carry anything now.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
He's not going to be in the Dam over 4/20...
We can still all get together if you fellas/ladies want to figure something out...A couple of the shops have pretty big upstairs that are often empty that we might could take over...I guess as long as we kept a steady flow of purchases they would prolly be cool with it but who knows..
Logic could keep his place an extra month and we could all pile into his place at once....I bet he would love us for it :)
If you think about it theres probably a small place we could all throw in and rent for a day or 2...Like in Haarlem maybe...Not an aparment but a place where meetings are held when needed...
Just a thought...Maybe need to slow down on the Roor and bubble.....

It really doesn't seem like theres going to be that many people over without the cup....Not many posting about going...

I'll be there way early if anyone is planning a longer stay..

You fellas take care.........................................CC
Yeah no doubt CC, a lot of people are let down at the fact that there is no cup.
Some folks been growing bud for the sole reason of entering the cup.
Some paid to get a passport they wont even be using now.

Hope all who make it over there have a most excellent time!
stay safe


ICMag Donor
that would be great logic

we can have a proper talk and smoke

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Alright Logic,
count me in....If the apartment goes as planned...That is.
I was just messing with ya but that is kind of you for sure bro...
I will have certainly accumulated a bag full of goodies by then and will be needing to dump some of it and what better place than some good friends lungs :)
Looks like it will be 14 days total in the Dam...
Take care and hope to see you all there...............................CC

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Hell I don't know if we can make 14 the way it looks!!:muahaha:

We'll prolly end up with 7 people from IC showing up in the Dam over 4/20 .....LOL!With no cup happenin'....

Everyone that planned on going should still make the trip as it is a party town and theres always stuff to do...

If any of you are coming over post up......


Active member
ICMag Donor
hello all, i want to come....if there is a cup i want to enter.... :canabis:
so please dg. give some infos...
:smoker: cloudz


ICMag Donor
i dont think there is a cup this year cloudz

but a few of us icers are meeting up for a smoke and your welcome to join us :rasta:
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Well, I just found out I'll be else where's. Going to be closing on a new place and won't be able to make it. Got to much paper work and stuff to move. I'll post sometime after april. When I'll be in town and will meet up with anyone around at that time. Will be stopping in on my way to spain in May or June.

Have fun everyone and enjoy your trip. Please be safe throughout your trip.
Take care,
I was lucky enough to be accepted for a term to study abroad in the UK, so I'm planning on going to the dam for 4/20. I know I don't personally know many of you, but what's stopping us from all meeting eachother? I feel that networking is one of the very crucial things that allows us to keep genetics and techniques alive, and enjoy this hobby we all commonly share. It would also be great to share common experiences with people without the fear of getting narced or robbed for a change.

Safe travels and growing everyone


me and my bro are goin over, been planning it for a while. never been to a 4/20 so we both feel pretty disappointed its not happenin. been following this thread for it seems like ages hoping its gonna happen but we both be over anyways, dunno how long we both be staying, our women are pretty cool stoner chicks and they said couple of days or couple of weeks don't matter to them (after 19 years hope she not trying to tell me summink)hehehe


New member
my wife and I will be in amsterdam in april lets just hope its sunny and
not a :badday:

either way we will be puffing :joint: with out the wacky tacbaky :kos:
see ya at the Grey Area :alien:

too bad DG and Gypsy cant get there act together :fsu:
maybe next year! :jump:

Mr. Haze can we meet up for a session of your Nev.Haze Kief :respect:

im outta :abduct:


is there something heavy happening across the whole of europe? lots of breeders getting busted in adam/nl, nothing but crap to smoke in the uk, busts going down ever day? are we entering a new dark age or am i just paranoid?


oakwood said:
my wife and I will be in amsterdam in april lets just hope its sunny and
not a :badday:

either way we will be puffing :joint: with out the wacky tacbaky :kos:
see ya at the Grey Area :alien:

too bad DG and Gypsy cant get there act together :fsu:
maybe next year! :jump:

Mr. Haze can we meet up for a session of your Nev.Haze Kief :respect:

im outta :abduct:

First....in response....perhaps a read here will start to bring you (and anyone else wondering) up to speed: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=81637

As many will recall, we took steps in 2006 to safeguard others, by not holding the cup that year, after many threats...we simply felt that year it was best to not subject anyone to any risks (threats like...will take photos of attendees, have G arrested for being connected importing (receiving) the entries, blah blah blah...) even if the threats were just someone blowing hot air...intimidation, etc...we simply would not jeopardize anyone attending...so it was cancelled.

We have been in a continual barrage of nightmare scenarios for years...and did not wish to make a formal announcement of 'yes' or 'no' about the cup this year, until we had a resolve (see link above).

Now that this priority situation has been properly addressed and a nice helping of UK justice served, we can now start the preparations for this years' IC 420 cup.

It will not be as elaborate as done last year with expensive live bands and enormous venue...there's many things to iron out regarding entries, venue space, but come about it will...albeit on a slightly smaller scale given the lateness in being able to spend time putting it all together.

So oakwood..........please don't think we didn't have our act together....we simply had to spend much of our waking hours dealing with a rat, while at the same time keeping this site here ticking along drama-free, which I can assure you was no easy task keeping a multitude of trolls and sockpuppet nics at bay. :bat: whilst at the same time trying to keep the day job happening!

I hope you all can understand....and hopefully we will have solid info for everyone REAL SOON! So please stay tuned, and for all those who have been begging and pleading for info, thank you for your patience and understanding...it has been a VERY difficult time....but one which on 4/20 we hope that those who can attend do, and enjoy themselves, and rejoice in all the wonders of our favorite herb. :canabis:
