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i want to do a 'mini stadium' with one 400W/600w and 6" white square pots.


hey man...i love the idea... very nice..you could make this automated very easily with those blue drip stakes...shove those down all the way into the top part of the pot and use those 1/2 an hour clay soil drip regulators ..and bam..and or if you need to close the bottom part of top of the pot up..i would use a strip of ducktape on each pot soo it will hold the soil in more..i think im goona build this this week..i love it.. KISS...lol


DigitalHippy :wave: I hope all is well in your neck of the woods, it has been to long since you've updated on this subject. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon!


another option:

4 rectangular-type garbage cans.

the type that are designed to fit underneath an over hanging counter top, like @ restuarant.

fill garbage can w/ media, or affix misters inside.

drill holes in bottom for drainage. all 4 sitting in pond liner/kiddie pool so no drainage on floor.

drill holes into sides of garbage cans for plant sites. for non-multiple small container option+less woodwork.

hope this helps!