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I want Forum How to Build Your Own Indoor Marijuana Grow Room(box)


New member
For bulbs, normally people uses CFLs & MHLs. I use FLUs.
For Fan, normally people uses extractor fans with filter. I use both cumputer fan and normal DC fan available in hardware store. Just hookup to a DC power supply with a 230V input and BAM, you can put as must fan as you want. Just keep a amps of your fan and your DC power supply.


Active member
here you go man, here's a couple links to the forums you need to begin searching in.

Growroom Designs & Equipment

Micro (cabinet) Grows

the first is a link to the forum on general room design and there you will find MANY threads on room design.

the second is to the forum on cabinet growing and is maybe more specific to your needs.

...either way, you have some studying to do before you make any decisions and the more studying you do before you begin construction the better your project will turn out.

...also, if you are inexperienced with growing then i would suggest you begin studying the basics on growing now too, there are many here willing to help you but none of us are THERE, in your world, so it's up to you to LEARN as much as you can so when problems arise you aren't discouraged.


btw, don't sweat your bad english, it's obvious english isn't your native language so the vast majority here won't hold your poor english against you and the small percentage that do are nothing but ignorant fucks and should just be ignored.

...oh yeah, welcome to the hobby man and good luck, ...and remember, you only fail if you give up.


Active member
thank you
Welcome your suggestions.
google translate

you're welcome and sorry about the language thing.

btw, what is your native language? ...we have several sub-forums here that are language specific, ...maybe we have a sub-forum for your native language.



Active member
Here's a link to the MICRO growing forum. This forum has threads on building boxes to grow in. Read the threads at the very top first.

I admire the fact that you're using a translator to get the information you need. This is one of the best sites on the internet for what you are looking for. Good to have you here. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Here's a link to the MICRO growing forum. This forum has threads on building boxes to grow in. Read the threads at the very top first.

I admire the fact that you're using a translator to get the information you need. This is one of the best sites on the internet for what you are looking for. Good to have you here. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

high bro, you must not have noticed i'd already suggested and posted that link in my first posting in this thread, ...we don't want to confuse him with multiple links to the same place.

...you're right that this site is the biggest ganja site with the largest, best, knowledge base available, ...and there really are MANY folks here willing to help the newcomer.

...like you i also admire someone so willing to do this thing we do that they'd struggle to learn it in a foreign language.

...also like you i try to help out if i can.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Cardboard box grow
can be done BUT very very very bad fire danger i advise against
dansbuds put you on the right trail
my veg box i built a 2x4 wood frame and plywood to cover sides and for doors.

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